3.1 platinum.c

/* platinum.c -- your weight in platinum */
int main(void)
{float weight; /* 你的体重 */float value;  /* 相等重量的白金价值 */printf("Are you worth your weight in platinum?n");printf("Let's check it out.n");printf("Plese enter your weight in pounds: ");/* 捕获用户的输入 */scanf_s("%f", &weight);/* 假设白金价值的加个是每盎司$1700 *//* 14.5833 用于把英镑常衡盎司转换为金衡盎司 */value = 1700.0 * weight * 14.5833;printf("Your weight in platinum is worth $%.2f.n", value);printf("You are easily worth that! If platinum prices drops,n");printf("eat more to maintain your value.n");return 0;


/* toobing.c -- 超出系统的最大int值 */
int main(void)
{int i = 2147483647;unsigned int j = 4294967295;printf("%d %d %dn", i, i + 1, i + 2);printf("%u %u %un", j, j + 1, j + 2);return 0;

3.4 print.c

/* print2.c -- 更多printf()的特性 */
int main(void)
{unsigned int un = 3000000000; /* int为32位和short()为16位的系统 */short end = 200;long big = 65537;long long verybig = 12345678908642;printf("un = %u and not %dn", un, un);printf("end = %hd and %dn", end, end);printf("big = %ld and not %hdn", big, big);printf("verybig = %lld and not %ldn", verybig, verybig);return 0;

3.5 charcode.c

/* charcode.c - 显示字符的代码编号 */
int main(void)
{char ch;printf("Please enter a character.n");scanf_s("%c", &ch); /* 用户输入字符 */printf("The code for %c is %d.n", ch, ch);return 0;

3.7 showf_pt.c

/* showf_pt.c -- 以两种方式显示float类型的值 */
int main(void)
{float aboat = 32000.0;double abet = 2.14e9;long double dip = 5.32e-5;printf("%f can be written %en", aboat, aboat);// 下一行要求编译器支持C99或其中的相关特性printf("And it's %a in hexadecimal, pwoers of 2 notationn", aboat);printf("%f can be written %en", abet, abet);printf("%Lf can be written %Len", dip, dip);return 0;

3.8 typesize.c

/* typesize.c -- 打印类型大小 */
int main(void)
{/* c99为类型大小提供%zd转换说明 */printf("Type int has a size of %zd bytes.n", sizeof(int));printf("Type char has a size of %zd bytes.n", sizeof(char));printf("Type long has a size of %zd bytes.n", sizeof(long));printf("Type long long has a size of %zd bytes.n", sizeof(long long));printf("Type double has a size of %zd bytes.n", sizeof(double));printf("Type long double has a size of %zd bytes.n", sizeof(long double));return 0;

3.9 badcount.c

/* badcount.c -- 参数错误的情况 */
int main(void)
{int n = 4;int m = 5;float f = 7.0f;float g = 8.0f;printf("%dn", n, m); /* 参数太多 */printf("%d %d %dn", n); /* 参数太少 */printf("%d %dn", f, g); /* 值的类型不匹配 */return 0;

3.10 escape.c

/* escape.c -- 使用转义序列 */
int main(void)
{float salary;printf("aEnter your desired monthly salary:"); /* 1 */printf("$________bbbbbbbb");           /* 2 */scanf_s("%f", &salary);printf("nt$%.2f a month is $%.2f a year.", salary, salary * 12.0); /* 3 */printf("rGee!n");                                                  /* 4 */return 0;

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