Windows CE Features > International

Microsoft? Windows? CE includes the Input Method Manager (IMM) Catalog item. IMM manages the communication between an Input Method Editor (IME) and an application. IMM exposes a set of programming elements that enables applications to create and manage their own IME windows, and to provide a custom interface while using the conversion capabilities of the IME. 

In This Section
Input Method Manager (IMM) OS Design Development 
IMM OS设计开发
Provides information about Input Method Manager (IMM) that is helpful when designing and developing a Windows CE OS. This includes dependency information, the modules and components that implement IMM, and IMM implementation considerations. 
提供当设计和开发CE OS时,IMM相关的帮助信息。包括依赖信息、实现IMM所需的组件和IMM实现的条件。
Input Method Manager (IMM) Application Development 
Provides an overview of the input method system and describes how to use the IMM application programming interface (API).
提供输入法系统的概述,描述如何使用IMM API。 
Input Method Manager (IMM) Samples 
Describes sample code that is available in the %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Sdk\Samples directory. 
Input Method Manager (IMM) Reference 
Provides reference material for IMM programming elements. 
Related Sections
International Application Development 
Describes how to program and design a global application. 

Input Method Manager (IMM) OS Design Development
IMM OS设计开发
Windows CE Features > International > Input Method Manager (IMM)

Windows CE enables you to include Input Method Manager (IMM) in your OS design. 
OS Design Information
The following table shows operating system design information for Input Method Manager (IMM).
下表显示IMM 相关的OS设计信息
Concept(概念)                           Description(描述)
Dependencies(依赖关系)                  None 
Hardware considerations(硬件条件)       None

Modules and Components
The following table shows the components and modules that implement Input Method Manager (IMM).
Item                    Module      Component 
Input Method Manager    coredll     coreimm, coreimmstub 
IMM Thunking            gwes        immthunk

Input Method Manager (IMM) Implementation Considerations
The following table shows the Sysgen variables for Input Method Manager (IMM).
Sysgen variable     Description 
SYSGEN_IMM          When this variable is set, Input Method Manager (IMM) is
                    included in the run-time image. 

Input Method Manager (IMM) Application Development
Windows CE Features > International > Input Method Manager (IMM)

Input Method Manager (IMM) manages the communication between an Input Method Editor (IME) and an application. IMM exposes a set of programming elements that enable applications to create and manage their own IME windows, and to provide a custom interface while using the conversion capabilities of the IME. 
In This Section
Working with the Input Method Editor
 Method Manager (IMM) Reference
Related Sections
Locale Specific Support

Working with the Input Method Editor
Windows CE Features > International > Input Method Manager (IMM) > Input Method Manager (IMM) Application Development

The Input Method Editor (IME) in Microsoft? Windows? CE simplifies the process of providing input for users. In particular, IMEs are required for many Asian languages in order to input characters from the keyboard. These languages are often made up of thousands of distinct characters, which make it impossible to show all of the characters on a single keyboard. To facilitate composition, the IME converts the keystrokes into the characters of the target language as a user types. Depending on the IME, these characters may be further converted. The IME in Windows CE that is localized for Japanese, for example, converts Roman keystrokes entered by a user to Katakana or Hiragana. Then, an additional conversion changes characters to Kanji. 
The IME can also present a list of alternatives, called the candidate list, in situations in which the composition is ambiguous. A Windows CE–based application uses the Input Method Manager (IMM) to communicate with the IME.

See Also
Overview of the Input Method System | Overview of the IME User Interface
输入法系统概述 | IME用户接口概述

Overview of the Input Method System

Windows CE Features > International > Input Method Manager (IMM) > Input Method Manager (IMM) Application Development > Working with the Input Method Editor
The main parts of the Input Method system are the following: 
The IME kernel contains the knowledge of the specific language that a user is inputting. 
The IME user interface (UI) consists of a Status window, a default Composition window, a Candidate window, and a Guideline window. 
IME UI包含状态窗体、输入窗体、候选窗体和准则窗体。
布局窗体(Guideline window):The width of the guideline window is calculated by adding together the width of the close button, the width of the composition string area, the left and right margins of the window, and the width of the borders if the borders are specified by the CImeCUIDefCompWindow::GetWndStyle or the CImeCUIDefCompWindow::GetWndStyleEx method.---摘自MSND:
The Input Method Manager (IMM) coordinates the interaction among the window system, the application, and the IME. 
An input context maintains the current state of user interaction with the IME. In particular, it maintains the composition string, which consists of the characters that a user is in the process of inputting. 
An IME Control window routes unhandled IME messages to the IME. 
The basic operation is as follows.
A user presses keys on a keyboard. These keystrokes are routed to the IME by the IMM. The IME uses the keys either as commands or to generate characters in the composition string. As the IME carries out its operations, it sends notification messages to the window that currently has the focus. If this window does not process the messages, the messages are sent to the IME Control window, which then routes them back to the IME for default processing. Windows that do not process IME messages are called IME-unaware windows. The IME provides the entire user interface, and the window is completely unaware that an IME is operational. Windows that intercept and process IME messages are called IME-aware windows. By intercepting IME messages, these windows may provide their own UI. By using IMM functions, these windows communicate with the IME.

Overview of the IME User Interface
Windows CE Features > International > Input Method Manager (IMM) > Input Method Manager (IMM) Application Development > Working with the Input Method Editor

The IME-provided UI consists of the Status, Composition, Candidate, and Guideline windows. By default, the IME creates and manages these windows for all windows that require text input. For most applications, this default processing is sufficient. An application that relies entirely on the IME for its UI is considered IME-unaware because it is unaware that an IME is functioning in the system.
In contrast, an IME-aware application participates in the operation of the IME. Such an application can control the operation, position, and appearance of the IME, or can even provide its own view of the composition string and candidate list.


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