













他是直接 insert into table values(...); 这样做就要求插入的表的字段名称和顺序都必须和DF中的数据完全一致才能成功。当我们想将DF的数据插入到mysql表指定字段的时候这个方法是做不到的。


主要修改了insertStatement算法,JDBC方法添加DF:DataFrame参数 ,savemode的默认值

为了避免影响源码,我们重新继承Logging类重写JdbcUtils类 代码如下:

package JDBC_MySql

import java.sql.{Connection, PreparedStatement}

import java.util.Properties

//import com.besttone.utils.{JDBCRDD, JdbcDialects}

import org.apache.spark.Logging

import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.DriverRegistry

import org.apache.spark.sql.types._

import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row, SaveMode}

import scala.util.Try


* Util functions for JDBC tables.


object JdbcUtils extends Logging {

val mode = SaveMode.Append

def jdbc(url: String,df: DataFrame, table: String, connectionProperties: Properties): Unit = {

val props = new Properties()


val conn = JdbcUtils.createConnection(url, props)

try {

var tableExists = JdbcUtils.tableExists(conn, table)

if (mode == SaveMode.Ignore && tableExists) {



if (mode == SaveMode.ErrorIfExists && tableExists) {

sys.error(s"Table $table already exists.")


if (mode == SaveMode.Overwrite && tableExists) {

JdbcUtils.dropTable(conn, table)

tableExists = false


// Create the table if the table didn't exist.

if (!tableExists) {

val schema = JdbcUtils.schemaString(df, url)

val sql = s"CREATE TABLE $table ($schema)"



} finally {



JdbcUtils.saveTable(df, url, table, props)



* Establishes a JDBC connection.


def createConnection(url: String, connectionProperties: Properties): Connection = {

JDBCRDD.getConnector(connectionProperties.getProperty("driver"), url, connectionProperties)()



* Returns true if the table already exists in the JDBC database.


def tableExists(conn: Connection, table: String): Boolean = {

// Somewhat hacky, but there isn't a good way to identify whether a table exists for all

// SQL database systems, considering "table" could also include the database name.

Try(conn.prepareStatement(s"SELECT 1 FROM $table LIMIT 1").executeQuery().next()).isSuccess



* Drops a table from the JDBC database.


def dropTable(conn: Connection, table: String): Unit = {

conn.prepareStatement(s"DROP TABLE $table").executeUpdate()



* Returns a PreparedStatement that inserts a row into table via conn.


def insertStatement(conn: Connection, table: String, rddSchema: StructType): PreparedStatement = {

val fields = rddSchema.fields

val fieldsSql = new StringBuilder(s"(")

var i=0;










val sql = new StringBuilder(s"INSERT INTO $table ")


sql.append(" VALUES (")

var fieldsLeft = rddSchema.fields.length

while (fieldsLeft > 0) {


if (fieldsLeft > 1) sql.append(", ") else sql.append(")")

fieldsLeft = fieldsLeft - 1






* Saves a partition of a DataFrame to the JDBC database. This is done in

* a single database transaction in order to avoid repeatedly inserting

* data as much as possible.


* It is still theoretically possible for rows in a DataFrame to be

* inserted into the database more than once if a stage somehow fails after

* the commit occurs but before the stage can return successfully.


* This is not a closure inside saveTable() because apparently cosmetic

* implementation changes elsewhere might easily render such a closure

* non-Serializable. Instead, we explicitly close over all variables that

* are used.


def savePartition(

getConnection: () => Connection,

table: String,

iterator: Iterator[Row],

rddSchema: StructType,

nullTypes: Array[Int]): Iterator[Byte] = {

val conn = getConnection()

var committed = false

try {

conn.setAutoCommit(false) // Everything in the same db transaction.

val stmt = insertStatement(conn, table, rddSchema)

try {

while (iterator.hasNext) {

val row = iterator.next()

val numFields = rddSchema.fields.length

var i = 0

while (i < numFields) {

if (row.isNullAt(i)) {

stmt.setNull(i + 1, nullTypes(i))

} else {

rddSchema.fields(i).dataType match {

case IntegerType => stmt.setInt(i + 1, row.getInt(i))

case LongType => stmt.setLong(i + 1, row.getLong(i))

case DoubleType => stmt.setDouble(i + 1, row.getDouble(i))

case FloatType => stmt.setFloat(i + 1, row.getFloat(i))

case ShortType => stmt.setInt(i + 1, row.getShort(i))

case ByteType => stmt.setInt(i + 1, row.getByte(i))

case BooleanType => stmt.setBoolean(i + 1, row.getBoolean(i))

case StringType => stmt.setString(i + 1, row.getString(i))

case BinaryType => stmt.setBytes(i + 1, row.getAs[Array[Byte]](i))

case TimestampType => stmt.setTimestamp(i + 1, row.getAs[java.sql.Timestamp](i))

case DateType => stmt.setDate(i + 1, row.getAs[java.sql.Date](i))

case t: DecimalType => stmt.setBigDecimal(i + 1, row.getDecimal(i))

case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(

s"Can't translate non-null value for field $i")



i = i + 1




} finally {




committed = true

} finally {

if (!committed) {

// The stage must fail. We got here through an exception path, so

// let the exception through unless rollback() or close() want to

// tell the user about another problem.



} else {

// The stage must succeed. We cannot propagate any exception close() might throw.

try {


} catch {

case e: Exception => logWarning("Transaction succeeded, but closing failed", e)







* Compute the schema string for this RDD.


def schemaString(df: DataFrame, url: String): String = {

val sb = new StringBuilder()

val dialect = JdbcDialects.get(url)

df.schema.fields foreach { field => {

val name = field.name

val typ: String =


field.dataType match {

case IntegerType => "INTEGER"

case LongType => "BIGINT"

case DoubleType => "DOUBLE PRECISION"

case FloatType => "REAL"

case ShortType => "INTEGER"

case ByteType => "BYTE"

case BooleanType => "BIT(1)"

case StringType => "TEXT"

case BinaryType => "BLOB"

case TimestampType => "TIMESTAMP"

case DateType => "DATE"

case t: DecimalType => s"DECIMAL(${t.precision},${t.scale})"

case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Don't know how to save $field to JDBC")


val nullable = if (field.nullable) "" else "NOT NULL"

sb.append(s", $name $typ $nullable")


if (sb.length < 2) "" else sb.substring(2)



* Saves the RDD to the database in a single transaction.


def saveTable(

df: DataFrame,

url: String,

table: String,

properties: Properties = new Properties()) {

val dialect = JdbcDialects.get(url)

val nullTypes: Array[Int] = df.schema.fields.map { field =>


field.dataType match {

case IntegerType => java.sql.Types.INTEGER

case LongType => java.sql.Types.BIGINT

case DoubleType => java.sql.Types.DOUBLE

case FloatType => java.sql.Types.REAL

case ShortType => java.sql.Types.INTEGER

case ByteType => java.sql.Types.INTEGER

case BooleanType => java.sql.Types.BIT

case StringType => java.sql.Types.CLOB

case BinaryType => java.sql.Types.BLOB

case TimestampType => java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP

case DateType => java.sql.Types.DATE

case t: DecimalType => java.sql.Types.DECIMAL

case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(

s"Can't translate null value for field $field")



val rddSchema = df.schema

val driver: String = DriverRegistry.getDriverClassName(url)

val getConnection: () => Connection = JDBCRDD.getConnector(driver, url, properties)

df.foreachPartition { iterator =>

savePartition(getConnection, table, iterator, rddSchema, nullTypes)






package JDBC_MySql

import java.sql.{Connection, PreparedStatement}

import java.util.Properties

//import com.besttone.utils.{JDBCRDD, JdbcDialects}

import org.apache.spark.Logging

import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.DriverRegistry

import org.apache.spark.sql.types._

import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row, SaveMode}

import scala.util.Try


* Util functions for JDBC tables.


object JdbcUtils extends Logging {

val mode = SaveMode.Append

def jdbc(url: String,df: DataFrame, table: String, connectionProperties: Properties): Unit = {

val props = new Properties()


val conn = JdbcUtils.createConnection(url, props)

try {

var tableExists = JdbcUtils.tableExists(conn, table)

if (mode == SaveMode.Ignore && tableExists) {



if (mode == SaveMode.ErrorIfExists && tableExists) {

sys.error(s"Table $table already exists.")


if (mode == SaveMode.Overwrite && tableExists) {

JdbcUtils.dropTable(conn, table)

tableExists = false


// Create the table if the table didn't exist.

if (!tableExists) {

val schema = JdbcUtils.schemaString(df, url)

val sql = s"CREATE TABLE $table ($schema)"



} finally {



JdbcUtils.saveTable(df, url, table, props)



* Establishes a JDBC connection.


def createConnection(url: String, connectionProperties: Properties): Connection = {

JDBCRDD.getConnector(connectionProperties.getProperty("driver"), url, connectionProperties)()



* Returns true if the table already exists in the JDBC database.


def tableExists(conn: Connection, table: String): Boolean = {

// Somewhat hacky, but there isn't a good way to identify whether a table exists for all

// SQL database systems, considering "table" could also include the database name.

Try(conn.prepareStatement(s"SELECT 1 FROM $table LIMIT 1").executeQuery().next()).isSuccess



* Drops a table from the JDBC database.


def dropTable(conn: Connection, table: String): Unit = {

conn.prepareStatement(s"DROP TABLE $table").executeUpdate()



* Returns a PreparedStatement that inserts a row into table via conn.


def insertStatement(conn: Connection, table: String, rddSchema: StructType): PreparedStatement = {

val fields = rddSchema.fields

val fieldsSql = new StringBuilder(s"(")

var i=0;










val sql = new StringBuilder(s"INSERT INTO $table ")


sql.append(" VALUES (")

var fieldsLeft = rddSchema.fields.length

while (fieldsLeft > 0) {


if (fieldsLeft > 1) sql.append(", ") else sql.append(")")

fieldsLeft = fieldsLeft - 1






* Saves a partition of a DataFrame to the JDBC database. This is done in

* a single database transaction in order to avoid repeatedly inserting

* data as much as possible.


* It is still theoretically possible for rows in a DataFrame to be

* inserted into the database more than once if a stage somehow fails after

* the commit occurs but before the stage can return successfully.


* This is not a closure inside saveTable() because apparently cosmetic

* implementation changes elsewhere might easily render such a closure

* non-Serializable. Instead, we explicitly close over all variables that

* are used.


def savePartition(

getConnection: () => Connection,

table: String,

iterator: Iterator[Row],

rddSchema: StructType,

nullTypes: Array[Int]): Iterator[Byte] = {

val conn = getConnection()

var committed = false

try {

conn.setAutoCommit(false) // Everything in the same db transaction.

val stmt = insertStatement(conn, table, rddSchema)

try {

while (iterator.hasNext) {

val row = iterator.next()

val numFields = rddSchema.fields.length

var i = 0

while (i < numFields) {

if (row.isNullAt(i)) {

stmt.setNull(i + 1, nullTypes(i))

} else {

rddSchema.fields(i).dataType match {

case IntegerType => stmt.setInt(i + 1, row.getInt(i))

case LongType => stmt.setLong(i + 1, row.getLong(i))

case DoubleType => stmt.setDouble(i + 1, row.getDouble(i))

case FloatType => stmt.setFloat(i + 1, row.getFloat(i))

case ShortType => stmt.setInt(i + 1, row.getShort(i))

case ByteType => stmt.setInt(i + 1, row.getByte(i))

case BooleanType => stmt.setBoolean(i + 1, row.getBoolean(i))

case StringType => stmt.setString(i + 1, row.getString(i))

case BinaryType => stmt.setBytes(i + 1, row.getAs[Array[Byte]](i))

case TimestampType => stmt.setTimestamp(i + 1, row.getAs[java.sql.Timestamp](i))

case DateType => stmt.setDate(i + 1, row.getAs[java.sql.Date](i))

case t: DecimalType => stmt.setBigDecimal(i + 1, row.getDecimal(i))

case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(

s"Can't translate non-null value for field $i")



i = i + 1




} finally {




committed = true

} finally {

if (!committed) {

// The stage must fail. We got here through an exception path, so

// let the exception through unless rollback() or close() want to

// tell the user about another problem.



} else {

// The stage must succeed. We cannot propagate any exception close() might throw.

try {


} catch {

case e: Exception => logWarning("Transaction succeeded, but closing failed", e)







* Compute the schema string for this RDD.


def schemaString(df: DataFrame, url: String): String = {

val sb = new StringBuilder()

val dialect = JdbcDialects.get(url)

df.schema.fields foreach { field => {

val name = field.name

val typ: String =


field.dataType match {

case IntegerType => "INTEGER"

case LongType => "BIGINT"

case DoubleType => "DOUBLE PRECISION"

case FloatType => "REAL"

case ShortType => "INTEGER"

case ByteType => "BYTE"

case BooleanType => "BIT(1)"

case StringType => "TEXT"

case BinaryType => "BLOB"

case TimestampType => "TIMESTAMP"

case DateType => "DATE"

case t: DecimalType => s"DECIMAL(${t.precision},${t.scale})"

case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Don't know how to save $field to JDBC")


val nullable = if (field.nullable) "" else "NOT NULL"

sb.append(s", $name $typ $nullable")


if (sb.length < 2) "" else sb.substring(2)



* Saves the RDD to the database in a single transaction.


def saveTable(

df: DataFrame,

url: String,

table: String,

properties: Properties = new Properties()) {

val dialect = JdbcDialects.get(url)

val nullTypes: Array[Int] = df.schema.fields.map { field =>


field.dataType match {

case IntegerType => java.sql.Types.INTEGER

case LongType => java.sql.Types.BIGINT

case DoubleType => java.sql.Types.DOUBLE

case FloatType => java.sql.Types.REAL

case ShortType => java.sql.Types.INTEGER

case ByteType => java.sql.Types.INTEGER

case BooleanType => java.sql.Types.BIT

case StringType => java.sql.Types.CLOB

case BinaryType => java.sql.Types.BLOB

case TimestampType => java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP

case DateType => java.sql.Types.DATE

case t: DecimalType => java.sql.Types.DECIMAL

case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(

s"Can't translate null value for field $field")



val rddSchema = df.schema

val driver: String = DriverRegistry.getDriverClassName(url)

val getConnection: () => Connection = JDBCRDD.getConnector(driver, url, properties)

df.foreachPartition { iterator =>

savePartition(getConnection, table, iterator, rddSchema, nullTypes)





package JDBC_MySql


* Created by zhoubh on 2016/7/22.


import java.sql.{Connection, DriverManager}

import java.util.Properties

import org.apache.spark.Logging

import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.DriverRegistry

private object JDBCRDD extends Logging {

def getConnector(driver: String, url: String, properties: Properties): () => Connection = {

() => {

try {

if (driver != null) DriverRegistry.register(driver)

} catch {

case e: ClassNotFoundException =>

logWarning(s"Couldn't find class $driver", e)


DriverManager.getConnection(url, properties)





package JDBC_MySql

import java.util.Properties

import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode

import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}


* Created by zhoubh on 2016/7/20.


object mysqlDB {

case class zbh_test(day_id:String, prvnce_id:String,pv_cnts:Int)

def main(args: Array[String]) {

val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("mysql").setMaster("local[4]")

val sc = new SparkContext(conf)


val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)


val jdbcDF = sqlContext.read.format("jdbc").options(


"dbtable"->"(select imei,region,city,company,name from tb_user_imei) as some_alias",


"user"-> "root",



"upperBound"-> "1000",






val url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/db_ldjs"

val prop=new Properties()







#然后进行groupby 操作,获取数据集合

// val abi_sum_area = abi_sum.groupBy("date_time", "area_name")



// val sorted = abi_sum_area.count().orderBy("count")



// sorted.show(10)



// sorted.rdd.saveAsTextFile("C:/Users/zhoubh/Downloads/sparktest/flight_top")




// //sorted.write.jdbc(url,"table_name",prop)





spark-submit --class com.besttone.UserOnlineAnalysis --master yarn-client --executor-memory 2g --num-executors 3 file:///home/hadoop/test/sparkApp.jar test/apponoff.bz2 test/out22

spark-submit --class com.besttone.utils.TestMysql --master yarn-client --executor-memory 2g --num-executors 3 file:///home/hadoop/file/sparkApp.jar

spark-submit --class com.besttone.app.Appo2oProcess --master yarn-client --executor-memory 2g --num-executors 3 file:///home/hadoop/file/sparkApp.jar /user/hadoop/20160804/appo2olog /user/hive/warehouse/tmp_appo2olog1


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