数字高程模型内插 opencv C++ CSU

  • 承接实验三
  • 实验配置 C++ vs2017 opencv
  • 实验4 数字高程模型内插
    • 一、实验目的
    • 二、实验内容与要求
      • 1.DEM类设计
      • 2.设计最小二乘配置的点云格网DEM内插程序。
    • 三、设计与实现
      • 3.1类的设计
      • 3.2控件按钮及其属性
      • 3.3主要代码
        • 3.3.1文件:< CDem.h >
        • 3.3.2文件:< CMatchingImg.cpp >
        • 3.3.3文件: < C_points.h >
        • 3.3.4文件: < C_points.cpp >
        • 3.3.5文件: < CBasic.cpp >(仅展示部分)
        • 3.3.6文件: < ZRX0107170110Dlg.cpp >(仅展示部分)
      • 3.4运行结果
        • 3.4.1采用uav1m.txt
        • 3.4.2采用uav3m.txt
  • 代码虽多不要贪杯~


实验配置 C++ vs2017 opencv

实验4 数字高程模型内插


  • 掌握最小二乘配置算法



要求: 设计一个DEM类,包括记录DEM的原点坐标、DEM格网间距、DEM格网大小、DEM高程等基本属性(DEM的格式如下表所示)。
nx ny
nx is the integer number of grid lines along the X axis (columns)
ny is the integer number of grid lines along the Y axis (rows)
xlo xhi
xlo is the minimum X value of the grid
xhi is the maximum X value of the grid
ylo yhi
ylo is the minimum Y value of the grid
yhi is the maximum Y value of the grid
zlo zhi
zlo is the minimum Z value of the grid
zhi is the maximum Z value of the grid
grid row 1
grid row 2
grid row 3
these are the rows of Z values of the grid, organized in row order. Each row has a constant Y coordinate. Grid row 1 corresponds to ylo and the last grid row corresponds to yhi. Within each row, the Z values are arranged from xlo to xhi.

10 10
0.0 9.0
0.0 7.0
25.00 97.19
91.03 77.21 60.55 46.67 52.73 64.05 41.19 54.99 44.30 25.00
96.04 81.10 62.38 48.74 57.50 63.27 48.67 60.81 51.78 33.63
92.10 85.05 65.09 53.01 64.44 65.64 52.53 66.54 59.29 41.33
94.04 85.63 65.56 55.32 73.18 70.88 55.35 76.27 67.20 45.78
97.19 82.00 64.21 61.97 82.99 80.34 58.55 86.28 75.02 48.75
91.36 78.73 64.05 65.60 82.58 81.37 61.16 89.09 81.36 54.87
86.31 77.58 67.71 68.50 73.37 74.84 65.35 95.55 85.92 55.76
80.88 75.56 74.35 72.47 66.93 75.49 86.39 92.10 84.41 55.00
74.77 66.02 70.29 75.16 60.56 65.56 85.07 89.81 74.53 51.69
70.00 54.19 62.27 74.51 55.95 55.42 71.21 74.63 63.14 44.99








3.3.1文件:< CDem.h >

#pragma once
#include "C_points.h"
Welcome to my Github and my CSDN blog , more information will be available about the project!
CSDN Blog:https://me.csdn.net/weixin_42348202
历史:**日期**         **理由**            **签名**2019年10月26日        创建             ***
class CDem
{C_points *p;//数据对象,一维数组int allpoints;//所有点//定义行列数int nx;//行号int ny;//列号double width;//分辨率1 或3double dists;//距离//定义六个变量用来储存最大最小值double xlo;double xhi;double ylo;double yhi;double zlo;double zhi;
public:CDem();~CDem();int Div(const CString strLine, char split, CStringArray &strArray);//字符串分割函数void findpoints(int x, int y, int size, C_points *d);//寻点void convertxy2id(double x, double y, int &tempr, int &tempc, int &id);//转换IDint convertcr2id(int tempr, int tempc);//转换IDvoid convertid2rc(int id, int&rr, int &cc);//转换IDdouble dist(double x, double y, double x2, double y2);//计算距离double truedist2(double x, double y, double x2, double y2);//计算距离double workout(int rr, int cc, Mat X_six);//最小二乘矩阵bool readDem();//读取dem数据void search();//搜索函数void out();//输出1void out2();//输出2void out3();//输出3void getcolor1(Mat &f);//渐变颜色函数,矩阵void returncolor(double &a, double &b, double &c, double zz, double min, double max, Mat color);//得到颜色void BeatifulDem();//进行最后的Dem美化,去除噪声void main();//主函数

3.3.2文件:< CMatchingImg.cpp >

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "CDem.h"
typedef struct tagDIRECTION
{int x_offset;int y_offset;
}DIRECTION;DIRECTION direction_8[] = { {-1, 0}, {-1, 1}, {0, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 0}, {1, -1}, {0, -1}, {-1, -1} };
//DIRECTION direction_4[] = { {0, -1},{0, 1} ,{-1, 0}, {1, 0}};
{this->xlo = 9999999;this->ylo = 9999999;this->zlo = 9999999;this->xhi = 0;this->yhi = 0;this->zhi = 0;width = 3;dists = 10;
{if (p != NULL){delete[] p;}
函数:getcolor1(Mat &f)
参数:Mat &f 颜色矩阵 浮点数0-1
历史:**日期**         **理由**            **签名**2019年10月27日        创建             ***
void CDem::getcolor1(Mat &f)
{f.create(64, 3, CV_64FC1);double temp_1 = 0.5625;for (int i = 0; i < 8 ;i++){f.at<double>(i, 0) = 0;f.at<double>(i, 1) = 0;f.at<double>(i, 2) = temp_1;temp_1 += 0.0625;}temp_1 = 0.0625;for (int i = 8; i < 24; i++){f.at<double>(i, 0) = 0;f.at<double>(i, 1) = temp_1;f.at<double>(i, 2) = 1;temp_1 += 0.0625;}temp_1 = 0.0625;for (int i = 24;  i < 40;i++){f.at<double>(i, 0) = temp_1;f.at<double>(i, 1) = 1;f.at<double>(i, 2) = 1-temp_1;temp_1 += 0.0625;}temp_1 = 0.9375;for (int i = 40; i < 55; i++){f.at<double>(i, 0) = 1;f.at<double>(i, 1) = temp_1;f.at<double>(i, 2) = 0;temp_1 -= 0.0625;}temp_1 = 1;for (int i = 55; i < 64;i++){f.at<double>(i, 0) = temp_1;f.at<double>(i, 1) = 0;f.at<double>(i, 2) = 0;temp_1 -= 0.0625;}
函数:returncolor(double &a, double &b, double &c, double zz, double min, double max,Mat color)
参数:double &a  返回rgb中adouble &b  返回rgb中bdouble &c  返回rgb中cdouble zz  依据该值上色double min 最小值double max 最大值Mat color 颜色矩阵
历史:**日期**         **理由**            **签名**2019年10月27日        创建             ***
void CDem::returncolor(double &a, double &b, double &c, double zz, double min, double max,Mat color)
{int t = (zz - min) * 64 / (max - min);t = t < 0 ? 0 : t;t = t > 64 ? 64 : t;a = color.at<double>(t, 0);b = color.at<double>(t, 1);c = color.at<double>(t, 2);
int CDem::Div(const CString strLine, char split, CStringArray &strArray)
{strArray.RemoveAll();//自带清空属性CString temp = strLine;int tag = 0;while (1){tag = temp.Find(split);if (tag >= 0){strArray.Add(temp.Left(tag));temp = temp.Right(temp.GetLength() - tag - 1);}else { break; }}strArray.Add(temp);return strArray.GetSize();
函数:convertcr2id(int tempr, int tempc)
作用:输入行号列号返回 id
参数:int temprint tempc
返回值:int 一维数组得id号
历史:**日期**         **理由**            **签名**2019年10月27日        创建             ***
int CDem::convertcr2id(int tempr, int tempc)
{int id = (tempr - 1)*ny + tempc - 1;return id;
函数:convertid2rc(int id, int&rr, int &cc)
作用:输入id 解求行列号
参数:int id  id号int &rr  行列号int &cc  行列号
历史:**日期**         **理由**            **签名**2019年10月27日        创建             ***
void CDem::convertid2rc(int id, int &rr, int &cc)
{double temp = double(id + 1) - 0.05;rr = (int(temp) / ny) + 1;cc = id + 1 - (rr - 1) *ny;
函数:convertxy2id(double x, double y, int &tempr, int &tempc, int &id)
作用:输入xy   返回 解求行列号及id 塞入数组时使用
参数:double x x值double y y值int &tempr  行号int &tempc  列号int &id  id
历史:**日期**         **理由**            **签名**2019年10月27日        创建             ***
void CDem::convertxy2id(double x, double y, int &tempr, int &tempc, int &id)
{tempr = int((x - xlo-0.001) / width) + 1;tempc = int((y - ylo-0.001) / width) + 1;id=convertcr2id(tempr, tempc);
函数:dist(double x, double y, double x2, double y2)
参数:double x 真xyz值double y 真xyz值double x2 格网点的行列号double y2 格网点的行列号
历史:**日期**         **理由**            **签名**2019年10月27日        创建             ***
double CDem::dist(double x, double y, double x2, double y2)
{x2= (x2 - 1)*width + xlo;y2= (y2 - 1)*width + ylo;double distance = sqrt((x - x2)*(x - x2) + (y - y2)*(y - y2));return distance;
函数:dist(double x, double y, double x2, double y2)
参数:double x 真xyz值double y 真xyz值double x2 真xyz值double y2 真xyz值
历史:**日期**         **理由**            **签名**2019年10月27日        创建             ***
double CDem::truedist2(double x, double y, double x2, double y2)
{double distance = (x - x2)*(x - x2) + (y - y2)*(y - y2);return distance;
作用:读取Dem数据 存入p中
返回值:bool 读1 非0
历史:**日期**         **理由**            **签名**2019年10月27日        创建             ***
bool CDem::readDem()//读取dem数据
{CFileDialog dlgFile(TRUE, _T("txt"), NULL,OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT | OFN_EXPLORER,//_T("(文本文件)|*.txt"));_T(""));if (dlgFile.DoModal() == IDCANCEL) return 0;CString strName = dlgFile.GetPathName();//获取打开文件文件名(路径)setlocale(LC_ALL, "");CStdioFile sf;if (!sf.Open(strName, CFile::modeRead)) return 0;//打开strName文件路径中的内容CString strLine;CString strContent;//接受内容字符串CStringArray array;//供下文分割使用strContent.Empty();//strContent中内容清空//开始读数据 BOOL bEOF = sf.ReadString(strLine);//第一行if (bEOF == 0) { AfxMessageBox(_T("空数据")); return 0; }allpoints = _ttoi(strLine);vector<Point3d> int_points_xyz;vector<Point3i> int_points_rgb;for (int i = 0; i < allpoints; i++){bEOF = sf.ReadString(strLine);if (bEOF == 0) { AfxMessageBox(_T("数据不规范")); return 0; }int n = Div(strLine, ' ', array);if (n < 3) { AfxMessageBox(_T("数据缺失")); return 0; }C_points temp;temp.addxyz(int_points_xyz, _tstof(array[0]), _tstof(array[1]), _tstof(array[2]));temp.addrgb(int_points_rgb, _ttoi(array[3]), _ttoi(array[4]), _ttoi(array[5]));xlo = (xlo < _tstof(array[0])) ? xlo : _tstof(array[0]);xhi = (xhi > _tstof(array[0])) ? xhi : _tstof(array[0]);ylo = (ylo < _tstof(array[1])) ? ylo : _tstof(array[1]);yhi = (yhi > _tstof(array[1])) ? yhi : _tstof(array[1]);zlo = (zlo < _tstof(array[2])) ? zlo : _tstof(array[2]);zhi = (zhi > _tstof(array[2])) ? zhi : _tstof(array[2]);}//进行行和列的初始化if (allpoints > 100000) { width = 1; }const int r = (xhi - xlo ) / width+1;//行数 是x决定const int c = (yhi - ylo ) / width+1;//列数nx = r;ny = c;p = new C_points[r*c];//定义的一维数组 for (int i = 0; i < allpoints; i++){int tempr, tempc,  idd = 0;convertxy2id(int_points_xyz.at(i).x, int_points_xyz.at(i).y, tempr, tempc, idd);p[idd].add_int(tempr, tempc, int_points_xyz.at(i).x, int_points_xyz.at(i).y, int_points_xyz.at(i).z, int_points_rgb.at(i).x, int_points_rgb.at(i).y, int_points_rgb.at(i).z);}for (int i = 0; i < r*c; i++){int temp_r, temp_c;convertid2rc(i, temp_r, temp_c);p[i].row = temp_r;p[i].col = temp_c;}return 1;
函数:findpoints(int x, int y, int size, C_points *d)
参数:int x 输入行号int y 输入列号int size 窗口大小C_points *d 即对象
历史:**日期**         **理由**            **签名**2019年10月27日        创建             ***
void  CDem::findpoints(int x, int y, int size, C_points *d)
{int halfsize = size / 2;for (int i = -halfsize; i < size; i++){for (int j =-halfsize; j < size; j++){//窗口出界则跳过if (convertcr2id(x + i, y + j) > 0 && convertcr2id(x + i, y + j) < nx*ny&&(x+i)>0&& (x + i) <=nx&& (y + i) > 0 && (y + i) <= ny){//判断该点是否有元素if (d[convertcr2id(x + i, y + j)].sizee != 0){for (int ii = 0; ii < d[convertcr2id(x + i, y + j)].sizee; ii++){//自适应增大窗口double temp = dist(d[convertcr2id(x + i, y + j)].xyz.at(ii).x, d[convertcr2id(x + i, y + j)].xyz.at(ii).y,x,y);if (temp < size*5){d[convertcr2id(x, y)].X_six.at<double>(d[convertcr2id(x, y)].sizeee, 0) = d[convertcr2id(x + i, y + j)].xyz.at(ii).x;d[convertcr2id(x, y)].X_six.at<double>(d[convertcr2id(x, y)].sizeee, 1) = d[convertcr2id(x + i, y + j)].xyz.at(ii).y;d[convertcr2id(x, y)].X_six.at<double>(d[convertcr2id(x, y)].sizeee, 2) = d[convertcr2id(x + i, y + j)].xyz.at(ii).z;d[convertcr2id(x, y)].X_six.at<double>(d[convertcr2id(x, y)].sizeee, 3) = 1;d[convertcr2id(x, y)].rgb_r = d[convertcr2id(x + i, y + j)].rgb.at(ii).x;d[convertcr2id(x, y)].rgb_g = d[convertcr2id(x + i, y + j)].rgb.at(ii).y;d[convertcr2id(x, y)].rgb_b = d[convertcr2id(x + i, y + j)].rgb.at(ii).z;d[convertcr2id(x, y)].sizeee++;}if (d[convertcr2id(x, y)].sizeee == 6) { return; }}}}}}
函数:workout(int rr, int cc, Mat X_six)
参数:int rr 行号int cc 列号Mat X_six 矩阵
历史:**日期**         **理由**            **签名**2019年10月27日        创建             ***
double CDem::workout(int rr, int cc, Mat X_six)
{Mat X_six_clone;//将矩阵复制X_six_clone = X_six.clone();   if (p[convertcr2id(rr, cc)].sizeee ==6){//局部中心化double x_center = 0;double y_center = 0;for (int i = 0; i < X_six_clone.rows; i++){x_center += X_six_clone.at<double>(i, 0);y_center += X_six_clone.at<double>(i, 1);}x_center = x_center / X_six_clone.rows;y_center = y_center / X_six_clone.rows;for (int i = 0; i < X_six_clone.rows; i++){X_six_clone.at<double>(i, 0) = X_six_clone.at<double>(i, 0) - x_center;X_six_clone.at<double>(i, 1) = X_six_clone.at<double>(i, 1) - y_center;}Mat M=Mat::zeros(X_six_clone.rows,6, X_six_clone.type());Mat Z=Mat::zeros(X_six_clone.rows,1, X_six_clone.type());Mat P=Mat::zeros(X_six_clone.rows,6, X_six_clone.type());for (int i = 0; i < M.rows; i++){M.at<double>(i, 0) = X_six_clone.at<double>(i, 0)*X_six_clone.at<double>(i, 0);M.at<double>(i, 1) = X_six_clone.at<double>(i, 0)*X_six_clone.at<double>(i, 1);M.at<double>(i, 2) = X_six_clone.at<double>(i, 1)*X_six_clone.at<double>(i, 1);M.at<double>(i, 3) = X_six_clone.at<double>(i, 0);M.at<double>(i, 4) = X_six_clone.at<double>(i, 1);M.at<double>(i, 5) = 1;Z.at<double>(i, 0) = X_six_clone.at<double>(i, 2);P.at<double>(i, i) = 1/truedist2(X_six_clone.at<double>(i, 0), X_six_clone.at<double>(i, 1), x_center, y_center);}Mat X = (M.t()*M).inv()*M.t()*Z;//最小二乘解求double f = X.at<double>(5, 0);//对于明显错误的进行加权算法if (f < zlo || f > zhi){double sum = 0;double f = 0;for (int j = 0; j < p[convertcr2id(rr, cc)].sizeee; j++){sum += X_six.at<double>(j, 3);}for (int j = 0; j < p[convertcr2id(rr, cc)].sizeee; j++){f += X_six.at<double>(j, 3)*X_six.at<double>(j, 2);}return f / sum;}//滤波return f;}
历史:**日期**         **理由**            **签名**2019年10月27日        创建             ***
void CDem::search()
{for (int i = 0; i < nx*ny; i++){int rr = 0;int cc = 0;convertid2rc(i, rr, cc);//由id得行和列int ddsize = 4;//其实窗口4*4while (1){findpoints(rr, cc,ddsize, p);ddsize += 4;//找不到6个点,窗口依次增加4if (p[i].sizeee == 6) { break; }//找到即撤}p[i].zz = workout(rr, cc, p[i].X_six);//解求}
历史:**日期**         **理由**            **签名**2019年10月27日        创建             ***
void CDem::out()
{//输出至txt中CStdioFile SF;CString strLine;CString strOut;setlocale(LC_ALL, "");if (!SF.Open(_T("Dem.grd"), CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite)) return;strLine.Format(_T("%s\n%d %d\n%f %f\n%f %f\n%f %f\n"),"DSAA",nx, ny,xlo, xhi,ylo, yhi,zlo, zhi);strOut += strLine;for (int j = 1; j <= ny; j++){for (int i = 1; i <= nx; i++){strLine.Format(_T("%.4f "), p[convertcr2id(i, j)].zz);strOut += strLine;}}SF.WriteString(strOut);SF.Close();AfxMessageBox(_T("成功!已输入至“Dem.grd 、DemDataforCloudCompare_2color.txt、DemPecessForDebug.txt”中(在MFC工作路径)"));
历史:**日期**         **理由**            **签名**2019年10月27日        创建             ***
void CDem::out2()
{CStdioFile SF;CString strLine;CString strOut;setlocale(LC_ALL, "");if (!SF.Open(_T("DemDataforCloudCompare_2color.txt"), CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite)) return;Mat colormap;getcolor1(colormap);for (int i = 0; i < (nx*ny); i++){int cc = 0; int rr = 0;convertid2rc(i, rr, cc);int i2 = convertcr2id(rr, cc);double x_center = (rr - 1)*width + xlo;double y_center = (cc - 1)*width + ylo;double a;double b;double c;returncolor(a, b, c, p[i].zz,zlo,zhi,colormap);strOut += strLine;strLine.Format(_T("%.8f %.8f %.8f %f %f %f %d %d %d\n"),x_center, y_center, p[i].zz,a,b,c, p[i].rgb_r, p[i].rgb_g, p[i].rgb_b);strOut += strLine;}SF.WriteString(strOut);SF.Close();
历史:**日期**         **理由**            **签名**2019年10月27日        创建             ***
void CDem::out3()
{CStdioFile SF;CString strLine;CString strOut;setlocale(LC_ALL, "");if (!SF.Open(_T("DemPecessForDebug.txt"), CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite)) return;for (int i = 0; i < (nx*ny); i++){int cc = 0; int rr = 0;convertid2rc(i, rr, cc);int i2 = convertcr2id(rr, cc);double x_center = (rr - 1)*width + xlo;double y_center = (cc - 1)*width + ylo;strOut += strLine;strLine.Format(_T("%.8f %.8f %.8f \n"),x_center, y_center, p[i].zz);strOut += strLine;for (int j = 0; j < p[i].sizeee; j++){int rr = 0;int cc = 0;int iddd = 0;convertxy2id(p[i].X_six.at<double>(j, 0), p[i].X_six.at<double>(j, 1), rr, cc, iddd);double sd = p[i].X_six.at<double>(j, 2);strLine.Format(_T("%.8f %.8f %.8f %d %d %d \n"),p[i].X_six.at<double>(j, 0), p[i].X_six.at<double>(j, 1), p[i].X_six.at<double>(j, 2), rr, cc, iddd);strOut += strLine;}strLine.Format(_T("\n"));}strOut += strLine;SF.WriteString(strOut);SF.Close();
历史:**日期**         **理由**            **签名**2019年10月27日        创建             ***
void CDem::BeatifulDem()
{for (int i = 1; i <= nx; i++){for (int j = 1; j <= ny; j++){int tag = 5;if (convertcr2id(i + tag, j) > 0 && convertcr2id(i - tag, j) > 0 && convertcr2id(i, j + tag) > 0 && convertcr2id(i, j - tag) > 0){if (convertcr2id(i + tag, j) < nx*ny && convertcr2id(i - tag, j) < nx*ny  && convertcr2id(i, j + tag) < nx*ny  && convertcr2id(i, j - tag) < nx*ny){double temp1 = fabs(p[convertcr2id(i, j)].zz - p[convertcr2id(i + tag, j)].zz);double temp2 = fabs(p[convertcr2id(i, j)].zz - p[convertcr2id(i - tag, j)].zz);double temp3 = fabs(p[convertcr2id(i, j)].zz - p[convertcr2id(i, j + tag)].zz);double temp4 = fabs(p[convertcr2id(i, j)].zz - p[convertcr2id(i, j - tag)].zz);double Dist = 5;double ff =  p[convertcr2id(i + tag, j)].zz+ p[convertcr2id(i - tag, j)].zz+ p[convertcr2id(i, j + tag)].zz+ p[convertcr2id(i, j - tag)].zz;if (temp1 > Dist&&temp2 > Dist&&temp3 > Dist&&temp4 > Dist){p[convertcr2id(i, j)].zz = ff/4;}}}}}for (int i = 1; i <= nx; i++){for (int j = 1; j <= ny; j++){int tag = 5;if (i <= tag || i > nx - tag || j <= tag || j > ny - tag){int t = (i - tag) > 0 ? (i - tag) : (i + tag);int t2 = (j - tag) > 0 ? (j - tag) : (j + tag);p[convertcr2id(i, j)].zz = p[convertcr2id(t, t2)].zz;}}}
历史:**日期**         **理由**            **签名**2019年10月27日        创建             ***
void CDem::main()
{bool tagger=readDem();//读取数据if (tagger == 0) { return; }search();//搜索BeatifulDem();//除噪out2();//输出out3();//输出out();//输出

3.3.3文件: < C_points.h >

#pragma once
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历史:**日期**         **理由**            **签名**2019年10月26日        创建             ***
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <opencv2/flann/miniflann.hpp>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
class C_points
{public:C_points();~C_points();int row;//row指的是行号  xint col;//col指的是列号  ydouble zz;//高程int rgb_r;//颜色int rgb_g;int rgb_b;vector<Point3d> xyz;//高程vector<Point3i> rgb;//颜色int sizeee;//用来给X_six计数int sizee;//vector的大小Mat X_six;//存储最小二乘需要的数据void addxyz(vector<Point3d> &xyz, double x, double y, double z);//加xyzvoid addrgb(vector<Point3i> &rgb, int r, int g, int b);//加颜色void add_int(double r, double c, double x, double y, double z, int r2, int g, int b);//加初始值

3.3.4文件: < C_points.cpp >

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "C_points.h"C_points::C_points()
{tag = 0;sizee=0;sizeee = 0;X_six.create(6, 4, CV_64FC1);rgb_r = 0;rgb_g = 0;rgb_b = 0;
函数:addxyz(vector<Point3d> &xyz, double x, double y, double z)
参数:vector<Point3d> &xyz 存入vector数组double x x值double y y值double z z值
历史:**日期**         **理由**            **签名**2019年10月27日        创建             ***
void C_points::addxyz(vector<Point3d> &xyz, double x, double y, double z)
{Point3d temp;temp.x = x;temp.y = y;temp.z = z;sizee++;xyz.push_back(temp);
函数:addrgb(vector<Point3i> &rgb, int r, int g, int b)
参数:vector<Point3i> &rgb 存入vector数组int rint gint b
历史:**日期**         **理由**            **签名**2019年10月27日        创建             ***
void C_points::addrgb(vector<Point3i> &rgb, int r, int g, int b)
{Point3i temp;temp.x = r;temp.y = g;temp.z = b;rgb.push_back(temp);
函数:add_int(double r, double c, double x, double y, double z, int r2, int g, int b)
参数:double r 行号double c 列号double x x值double y y值int r2 rgb的r2int g  rgb的bint b  rgb的b
历史:**日期**         **理由**            **签名**2019年10月27日        创建             ***
void C_points::add_int(double r, double c, double x, double y, double z, int r2, int g, int b)
{row = r;col = c;addxyz(xyz, x, y, z);addrgb(rgb, r2, g, b);

3.3.5文件: < CBasic.cpp >(仅展示部分)

历史:**日期**         **理由**            **签名**2019年10月6日        创建             ***
void CBasic::Button_DEM()
{CDem t;t.main();

3.3.6文件: < ZRX0107170110Dlg.cpp >(仅展示部分)

void CZRX0107170110Dlg::OnBnClickedread7()
{// TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码CBasic tt;tt.Button_DEM();





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