
linux环境下,使用MIC架构的Xeon Phi(至强融核)协处理器进行进行host+mic编程时,源程序运行的毫无问题,但将其通过ar命令生成静态连接库供其他应用程序使用时,就会出现offload error: cannot find offload entry错误。



#include <offload.h>
#include <omp.h>
#include <stdio.h>__attribute__((target(mic)))
void test_kernel(){int thread_num=omp_get_max_threads();//获取处理器最大可并行的线程数#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(thread_num) for(int i=0;i<10;++i)printf("%d:in test kernel\n",i);
}int main(int argc,char* argv[]){int dev=0;#pragma offload target(mic:dev){test_kernel();}

使用intel C++编译器icpc进行编译,编译指令如下:

icpc -openmp -o offload.out offloadtest.cpp

0:in test kernel
7:in test kernel
4:in test kernel
8:in test kernel
2:in test kernel
6:in test kernel
9:in test kernel
3:in test kernel
1:in test kernel
5:in test kernel





#include <offload.h>
#include <omp.h>
#include <stdio.h>__attribute__((target(mic)))
void test_kernel(){int thread_num=omp_get_max_threads();//获取处理器最大可并行的线程数#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(thread_num) for(int i=0;i<10;++i)printf("%d:in test kernel\n",i);
}void userKernel(){int dev=0;#pragma offload target(mic:dev){test_kernel();}


offloadtest.a:offloadtest.oar crv $@ offloadtest.o
offloadtest.o:offloadtest.cppicpc -openmp -o offload.out offloadtest.cpp

执行makefile就会生成静态链接库offloadtest.a。当offloadtest.a链接到其他应用程序时,调用MIC设备端函数test_kernel()时就会出现运行时错误:offload error: cannot find offload entry,程序崩溃。



offloadtest.a:offloadtest.oxiar -qoffload-build crv $@ offloadtest.o
offloadtest.o:offloadtest.cppicpc -openmp -o offload.out offloadtest.cpp



From your question, it is unclear if your OpenMP code that worked was a host only or a host+offload code.

From what you have described, I suspect your app’s build procedure creates or uses static archives and one must contain your routine with the offload section; however, if the archive containing that routine was not built using xiar -qoffload-build then the required MIC specific archive is not created. While your app links, the MIC-image is missing the MIC-instance of the routine, so at execution time the host-side app reaches the offload, loads the MIC-image, but the run-time cannot find the routine because it does not exist.

You can visit this compiler reference on how to create offload libraires using xiar and xild.


xiar是Intel 基于ar封装的一个用于生成静态链接库的工具。


q[f]         - quick append file(s) to the archive

即,-q后面接相关文件,ar -q的作用就是将指定的文件快速附加到静态链接库中。



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