

Error #2044: 未处理的 NetStatusEvent:。 level=error, code=NetStream.Record.NoAcces


查资料发现,居然FMS在默认情况下不允许record文件到服务器,必须要进行设置,在服务器端的应用程序文件夹(默认位置在<FMS_Installation_Dir>/applications/live),在这个文件夹下面有一个main.far,main.far是个压缩文件(可以用winrar解压),解压后里面有两个文件main.asc 和 Application.xml, 打开Application.xml,代码如下:

<Application><SharedObjManager><ClientAccess override="no">false</ClientAccess></SharedObjManager><StreamManager><StreamRecord override="no">false</StreamRecord></StreamManager></Application>



<Application><SharedObjManager><ClientAccess override="yes">true</ClientAccess></SharedObjManager><StreamManager><StreamRecord override="yes">true</StreamRecord></StreamManager></Application>



application.onConnect = function( p_client, p_autoSenseBW )
{// Check if pageUrl is from a domain we know.    // Check pageurl// A request from Flash Media Encoder is not checked for authenticationif( (p_client.agent.indexOf("FME")==-1) && (p_client.agent.indexOf("FMLE")==-1)){// Authenticating HTML file's domain for the request :// Don't call validate() when the request is from localhost // or HTML Domains Authentication is off.if ((p_client.ip != "") && application.HTMLDomainsAuth &&  !this.validate( p_client.pageUrl, this.allowedHTMLDomains ) ){trace("Authentication failed for pageurl: " + p_client.pageUrl + ", rejecting connection from "+p_client.ip);return false;}// Authenticating the SWF file's domain for the request :// Don't call validate() when the request is from localhost // or SWF Domains Authentication is off.if ((p_client.ip != "") && application.SWFDomainsAuth &&  !this.validate( p_client.referrer, this.allowedSWFDomains ) ){trace("Authentication failed for referrer: " + p_client.referrer + ", rejecting connection from "+p_client.ip);return false;}// Loggingtrace("Accepted a connection from IP:"+ p_client.ip + ", referrer: "+ p_client.referrer+ ", pageurl: "+ p_client.pageUrl);}else{// Loggingtrace("Adobe Flash Media Encoder connected from "+p_client.ip);}// As default, all clients are disabled to access raw audio and video and data bytes in a stream // through the use of BitmapData.draw() and SoundMixer.computeSpectrum()., Please refer// Stream Data Access doccumentations to know flash player version requirement to support this restriction// Access permissions can be allowed for all by uncommenting the following statements//p_client.audioSampleAccess = "/";//p_client.videoSampleAccess = "/";    this.acceptConnection(p_client);// A connection from Flash 8 & 9 FLV Playback component based client // requires the following code.if (p_autoSenseBW)p_client.checkBandwidth();elsep_client.call("onBWDone");}


    //p_client.audioSampleAccess = "/";//p_client.videoSampleAccess = "/";    


p_client.writeAccess = "/";



[AS3.0] Error #2044: 未处理的 NetStatusEvent:。 level=error, code=NetStream.Record.NoAcces 解决办法...相关推荐

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