
You probably know about the mute switch on the side of your iPhone, and you may even know about the Do Not Disturb feature. These features may seem to do more or less the same thing–keep notifications from bugging you–but they have a few distinct differences.

您可能知道iPhone侧面的静音开关,甚至可能知道“请勿打扰”功能。 这些功能似乎或多或少都在做同样的事情-保持通知您的错误-但是它们有一些明显的不同。

The mute switch simply mutes the device’s audio. Turn it on, and you won’t hear incoming alerts, calls, and other notifications. The problem with the mute switch is that it is on until you turn it off, which means if you get an important call or text from someone, you may not hear it when it happens.

静音开关只是将设备的音频静音。 打开它,您将不会听到传入的警报,呼叫和其他通知。 静音开关的问题在于它会一直打开直到您将其关闭,这意味着如果您接到某人的重要呼叫或发来的短信,则在它发生时您可能听不到它。

Do Not Disturb (DND) on the other hand, let’s you do a bit of configuration regarding what notifications you do and don’t get, and when things are silenced.


There are two ways to turn on Do Not Disturb: manually and on a schedule. To turn it on manually, drag up from the bottom of your screen to access the Control Center. Tap the moon icon. You’ll see a moon symbol in the upper-right corner of your device’s screen.

有两种方法可以打开“请勿打扰”:手动和按计划。 要手动将其打开,请从屏幕底部向上拖动以访问控制中心。 点击月亮图标。 您会在设备屏幕的右上角看到一个月亮符号。

To enable it on a schedule, head to Settings > Do Not Disturb. In the screenshot below, the “Manual” switch is set to On, which means we’ve set it manually. If you instead flip “Scheduled” to on, you’ll have the option to turn Do Not Disturb on at certain times (say, when you’re sleeping) and off at others (like during the day).

要按计划启用它,请转到“设置”>“请勿打扰”。 在下面的屏幕截图中,“手动”开关设置为“开”,这意味着我们已对其进行了手动设置。 如果您改为将“预定时间”设为开启,则可以选择在某些时间(例如,睡觉时)打开“请勿打扰”,在其他时间(例如白天)关闭。

You’ll also see quite a few options that make it stand out from the simple mute switch. For example, you can set it to always allow calls from certain contacts, or allow repeated calls from the same person (say, in the case of an emergency) You can also tell it to silence notifications only when your phone is locked..

您还将看到很多使它从简单的静音开关中脱颖而出的选项。 例如,您可以将其设置为始终允许来自某些联系人的呼叫,或允许来自同一个人的重复呼叫(例如,在紧急情况下)。还可以告诉它仅在手机锁定时使通知静音。

In short, the mute switch is best used for the short term, such as when you’re going to the library or watching a movie at theater, while Do Not Disturb is best for times when you expect to use it, such as before you go to bed or at work.


If you find Do Not Disturb fits all your needs and you don’t need the mute switch, you can change the function of the mute switch if you’re using an iPad. It can either operate as intended, or you can change it to lock your tablet’s rotation.

如果您发现“请勿打扰”满足您的所有需求并且不需要静音开关,则在使用iPad时可以更改静音开关的功能 。 它既可以按预期运行,也可以对其进行更改以锁定平板电脑的旋转。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/256984/whats-the-difference-between-do-not-disturb-and-mute-on-the-iphone/



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