Limiting a Search by taxonomy(按分类法限制搜索)

Created: June 23, 2008; Updated: January 7, 2021.
In order to limit a BLAST search by taxonomy, one needs to provide the NCBI taxonomy ID(s) (taxid) for given organism(s). A taxid is simply a number that specifies a node in the taxonomic tree. For example, 9606 is the taxid for human, 9989 is the taxid for rodentia, and 2 is the taxid for all bacteria. Taxids are preferable to organism names as the latter can be ambiguous. For instance, bacteria is both a genus of insects as well as a superkingdom. BLAST only accepts taxids that are at or below the species level.


The BLAST+ command line tool suite provides the script to translate higher level taxids (e.g.: Enterobacterales) into a list of taxids that are at the appropriate level. This script can also be used to look up (and disambiguate) taxids based upon a taxonomic name. If unsure whether your taxid is at the species level or lower, it is safe to run and feed the output to BLAST.

BLAST+命令行工具套件提供 脚本将更高级别的分类(如肠杆菌)转换为适当级别的分类列表。该脚本还可以用于根据分类名称查找(和消除歧义)分类。如果不确定您的taxid是否处于物种级别或更低级别,则运行get_species_taxids.sh并将输出馈送至BLAST。

Additionally, one may use the -negative_taxids and -negative_taxidlist options to exclude sequences by taxid.

此外,可以使用**-negative_taxids**和 -negative_taxidlist选项按taxid排除序列。

Note: this script depends on EDirect and it only works on Linux and Mac. For EDirect installation instructions, please see .

注意:此脚本依赖于EDirect,仅适用于Linux和Mac。有关EDirect安装说明,请参阅 .

Limiting a BLAST search with a high-level taxonomic node(使用高级分类节点限制BLAST搜索)

Limiting a BLAST search with a species-level taxonomic node(使用物种级分类节点限制BLAST搜索)

blastn –db nt –query QUERY –taxids 9606 –outfmt 7 –out

Limiting a Search with a List of Identifiers(使用标识符列表限制搜索)

Created: June 23, 2008; Updated: January 7, 2021.
BLAST can also limit a database search by a list of identifiers (e.g.: accessions), which should be specified one per line in a file. These identifiers, referencing the sequences to include or exclude in the BLAST search, should not contain any whitespace and should be retrievable from the BLAST database.


Starting with BLASTDB version 5, an accession list must be pre-processed before it can be used in a search. This process checks that the accessions appear to be real and produces a file optimized for use with BLAST. It is also possible to confirm that all the accessions are actually in the target database. The examples below demonstrate this functionality:


Additionally, one may use the -negative_seqidlist option to exclude sequences by accession from the BLAST search.


When the search is limited by a list of IDs the statistics of the BLAST database are re-calculated to reflect the actual number of sequences and residues/bases included in the search.



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