1. pydicom-易学教程

  2. DICOM “.dcm”数据基本操作方法(python)

  3. pydicom的官方documents参考   https://pydicom.github.io/pydicom/stable/getting_started.html

  4. Python对DICOM图像进行阈值分割


def dcmread(fp, defer_size=None, stop_before_pixels=False,force=False, specific_tags=None):
"""Read and parse a DICOM dataset stored in the DICOM File Format.Read a DICOM dataset stored in accordance with the DICOM File Format(DICOM Standard Part 10 Section 7). If the dataset is not stored inaccordance with the File Format (i.e. the preamble and prefix are missing,there are missing required Type 1 File Meta Information Group elementsor the entire File Meta Information is missing) then you will have toset `force` to True.Parameters----------fp : str or file-likeEither a file-like object, or a string containing the file name. If afile-like object, the caller is responsible for closing it.defer_size : int or str or NoneIf None (default), all elements read into memory. If specified, then ifa data element's stored value is larger than `defer_size`, the value isnot read into memory until it is accessed in code. Specify an integer(bytes), or a string value with units, e.g. "512 KB", "2 MB".stop_before_pixels : boolIf False (default), the full file will be read and parsed. Set True tostop before reading (7FE0,0010) 'Pixel Data' (and all subsequentelements).force : boolIf False (default), raises an InvalidDicomError if the file is missingthe File Meta Information header. Set to True to force reading even ifno File Meta Information header is found.specific_tags : list or NoneIf not None, only the tags in the list are returned. The listelements can be tags or tag names. Note that the tag SpecificCharacter Set is always returned if present - this ensures correctdecoding of returned text values. Returns-------FileDatasetAn instance of FileDataset that represents a parsed DICOM file.Raises------InvalidDicomErrorIf `force` is True and the file is not a valid DICOM file.See Also--------pydicom.dataset.FileDatasetData class that is returned.pydicom.filereader.read_partialOnly read part of a DICOM file, stopping on given conditions.
Read and return a dataset stored in accordance with the DICOM File Format:>>> ds = pydicom.dcmread("rtplan.dcm")
>>> ds.PatientNameRead and return a dataset not in accordance with the DICOM File Format:>>> ds = pydicom.dcmread("rtplan.dcm", force=True)
>>> ds.PatientNameUse within a context manager:>>> with pydicom.dcmread("rtplan.dcm") as ds:
>>>     ds.PatientName


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