支线小小项目(pyautogui实现自动连接GP VPN)

用了pyautogui做了一个懒人小脚本,主要是在家上班,每天要连公司vpn, 然后还要等好久,公司用的GP(global protect) VPN, 长这个样子

主要问题每次点击connect后需要等他先出来windows NT的login认证,然后在等一会才出来RSA的login, 而RSA的秘钥要从这个里面获取,然后再填进去。



# 这是一个分支项目
# pyautogui实现自动连接GP(global protect)import pyautogui as pg
import time
import os# Main steps:
# 1. find GP icon->left click-> if already connected -> check if no-split -> if yes -> exit, if not -> func(choose no-split).
# 2. if not connected/connect failed status --> go to func(connect)
# 3. wait for prompt of NT login window
# 4. func(sign in pwd) - click pic center - typewrite(pwd) - moveRel - click sign on
# 5. get RSA credential from func(rsa) - rsa copy(mvoeRel(0,75)) - ctrl+V
# 6. func(sign in rsa window) - check if cert_confirm - click ok
# 7. wait for GP connected status --> check if gp no-splitNT_PASSWD = 'Ballball15'
RSA_PASSWD = '10538185'def click_center(png, x_offset=0, y_offset=0, showed=True):"""Used to click the center of a picture and also provide following function:1. Use x_offset,y_offset to click somewhere around center position,2. Use "showed" flag to mark if need to wait for the ICON/PROMPT showup before click it.3. Return the center position(x,y)."""try:# first check if need to wait ICON/PROMPT showup# if ICON/PROMPT is there then get its positionif showed:x1, y1 = pg.locateCenterOnScreen(png)else:# if ICON/PROMPT is not there then waiting it showupnumber = 0while (not showed):showed = pg.locateCenterOnScreen(png)number += 1print(f'Waiting {png} for {number} times')x1, y1 = showed[0], showed[1]# click the center position or somewhere around itpg.click(x1+x_offset, y1+y_offset, button='left')# return back center positionprint(f'{png} position({x1},{y1})')return (x1, y1)except Exception as e:print(f'Cannot find {png} in your Screen.')def signin(temp=None):# mvoe mouse to input login passwd infox1, y1 = click_center('.\GP_login_signon.png', 0, -50, showed=False)# check if it is NT login or RSA loginif temp:pg.typewrite(temp)else:pg.hotkey('ctrl', 'v')# click "sign on" buttonpg.click(x1, y1, button='left', duration=0.5)time.sleep(2)# click the certification confirm dialogclick_center('.\cert_confirm.png', 0, 0, showed=False)def get_rsa(token):click_center('.\RSA_icon.png', 0, 0, showed=True)time.sleep(1)click_center('.\RSA_main.png', 0, 0, showed=True)pg.typewrite(token)pg.press('enter')# move to copy buttonclick_center('.\RSA_copy.png', 0, 0, showed=True)def choose_GP(x, y):# check if no-split is connectedif (pg.locateOnScreen('.\GP_nosplit.png')):print('No Split is connected! Enjoy it!')# if not then choose no-splitelse:print('changing gateway')# click the "Change Gateway"pg.click(x+100, y-95, button='left', duration=1)# go to the search boxpg.click(x+100, y-320, button='left', duration=1)pg.typewrite('no')# click the "no split"pg.click(x+100, y-292, button='left', duration=1)print('Done, enjoy it.')def connect_GP(x, y):# find and click "connect"pg.click(x+85, y-50, button='left')# time.sleep(5)# GP login with NTsignin(NT_PASSWD)get_rsa(RSA_PASSWD)# GP login with RSAsignin()if __name__ == '__main__':# check if GP icon is gray(notconnected or connectfailed)gray_gp = click_center('.\gray_GP1.png', 0, 0, showed=True) or click_center('.\gray_GP2.png', 0, 0, showed=True)blue_gp = click_center('.\GP_blue.png', 0, 0, showed=True)# if not connected then do connection flowif (gray_gp):gp_x, gp_y = gray_gp[0], gray_gp[1]connect_GP(gp_x, gp_y)time.sleep(10)click_center('.\GP_blue.png', 0, 0, showed=False)choose_GP(gp_x, gp_y)# if connected then check if no-split is choosenelif (blue_gp):# get GP icon position using blue icongp_x, gp_y = blue_gp[0], blue_gp[1]choose_GP(gp_x, gp_y)else:os.system('taskkill /IM PanGPA.exe /F')# time.sleep(6)pg.moveTo(1300, 1056)pg.moveRel(500, 0, duration=0.5)print('Cleared unknown status, please retry')


最终效果: (gif太大了,放张截图吧)



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