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Annuity refers in a broad sense to a series of cash flows that are paid equally and regularly. Pension payment, installment payment and installment loan are all the forms of annuity payment in our daily life. According to the time and mode of payment, annuities can be divided intothree categories: ordinary annuity, prepaid annuity and perpetual annuity. We should master the calculation of present and final value of each form ofannuity.



Ordinary annuity refers to the equal amountof annuity received at the end of each period.






The calculation lasts for three years, and the final and present value of the annuity of 200 yuan is paid at the end of each year. The interest rate is 10%.


To calculate the present and final value of different annuities, we must draw a good cash flow chart.

1.普通年金的终值(Final Value of Ordinary Annuity)


1. Final Value of Ordinary Annuity

Final value of ordinaryannuity: cash flow received in each period is discounted as compound interest until the end of the third period. as shown in the figure


For example, 200 yuan received at the end of the first period will be reinvested for two years at a 10% interest rate, and the value at the end of the third period will be 200 × (1+10%)2. The value of the reinvestment of 200yuan received at the end of the second period for one year is 200 × (1+10%) at the end of the third year. 200 yuan was received at the end of Phase 3. Thefinal value of the annuity is calculated as follows


金融计算器操作(Financial calculator operation):

3N;I/Y10; PV0;PMT200;CPT;FV=-662

2、普通年金的现值(Present Value ofGeneral Annuity)




At the end of the first period, 200 yuan was received,and the 10% interest rate was discounted to the beginning of the first period,that is, the value of the first period was 200 x (1 + 10%)- 1.

Atthe end of the second phase, 200 yuan was received, and the value in the secondphase was 200 x (1 + 10%)- 2.

Atthe end of Phase 3, 200 yuan was discounted to the beginning of Phase 1, thatis, the value of Phase 0 was 200 x (1 + 10%)- 3.

如下图,as shown in the figure


(The present value of an annuity is calculated as follows)


金融计算机操作(FinancialCalculator Operation)

3N; I/Y10; FV0;PMT200;CPT;PV=-497.37


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