
VUE数据透视表加 (vue-pivot-table-plus)

A customized vue component for pivot table.


This project is modified based on vue-pivot-table to adjust its design to our products and add custom features described below.


定制功能 (Customized features)

  • Used v-model to bind row / column fields


    • And get these states reactively并React性地获得这些状态
  • Reset row / column fields


  • Download the current pivotted table in CSV / TSV

    下载CSV / TSV中的当前数据透视表

  • Sortable rows


  • Design updates


    • Shrinked buttons and table缩小的按钮和桌子

安装 (Install)

npm install --save vue-pivot-table-plus (temp)

npm install --save vue-pivot-table-plus (temp)

用法 (Usage)

The component Pivot has an aggregation table (referred to as PivotTable) from data & specific rows/columns.

组件Pivot具有来自数据和特定行/列的聚合表(称为PivotTable )。

Pivot has also a drag & drop user interface to configure rows/columns of a PivotTable.


<!-- App.vue (template) -->
<template><div id="app">...<pivot:data="data"v-model="fields":reducer="reducer":showSettings="defaultShowSettings"></pivot>...</template>
/* App.vue (js)*/
// Import the needed component(s)
import Vue from 'vue'
import { Pivot } from 'vue-pivot-table-plus'export default Vue.extend({name: "app",components: { Pivot },data: () => {return {data: Object.freeze([{ x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }, { x: 1, y: 1, z: 1 }]),fields: {availableFields: [],rowFields: [{getter: item => item.x,label: 'X-axis'}, {getter: item => item.y,label: 'Y-axis',}],colFields: [{getter: item => item.z,label: 'Z-axis'}],},reducer: (sum, item) => sum + 1,defaultShowSettings: true,tableHeight: '400px'}}...
/* main.js */
import Vue from "vue"
import 'bootstrap'
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css'
import BootstrapVue from 'bootstrap-vue'
import App from './App.vue'Vue.use(BootstrapVue)new Vue({render: h => h(App)


道具 (Props)

Prop Type Default Description
data Array [] Dataset to use in the pivot ; each element should be an object
fields Object (v-model) [] Information about pivot table. It includes available fields, row fields, column fields. You can receive the change of these information by watching this fields. Please consult the above example for usage.
reducer function (sum, item) => sum + 1 Function applied to reduce data in the pivot table
tableHeight Number 500px The height of table
default-show-settings Boolean true Show settings at component creation
no-data-warning-text String 'No data to display.' Text to display when data is empty
is-data-loading Boolean false Display a loading content instead of the table when the value is true (see slots for customization)
available-fields-label-text String 'Available fields' Text for available fields drag area
rows-label-text String 'Rows' Text for the rows drag area
cols-label-text String 'Columns' Text for the columns drag area
hide-settings-text String 'Hide settings' Text for the "hide settings" button
show-settings-text String 'Show settings' Text for the "show settings" button
Struts 类型 默认 描述
data Array [] 用于数据透视的数据集; 每个元素应该是一个对象
fields Object (v-model) [] 有关数据透视表的信息。 它包括可用字段,行字段,列字段。 您可以通过查看此字段来接收这些信息的更改。 请参考上面的示例以了解用法。
reducer function (sum, item) => sum + 1 应用于减少data透视表中data功能
tableHeight Number 500px 桌子的高度
default-show-settings Boolean true 在创建组件时显示设置
no-data-warning-text String 'No data to display.' data为空时显示的文本
is-data-loading Boolean false 值为true时,显示加载内容而不是表格(请参阅插槽以进行自定义)
available-fields-label-text String 'Available fields' 可用字段的文本拖动区域
rows-label-text String 'Rows' 行拖动区域的文本
cols-label-text String 'Columns' 列拖动区域的文本
hide-settings-text String 'Hide settings' “隐藏设置”按钮的文字
show-settings-text String 'Show settings' “显示设置”按钮的文字

栏位格式 (Field format)

Each element in the arrays fields, colFields or rowFields should be an Object with this format:


Prop Type Description
label String Text to display in the draggable button (Pivot only)
getter Function Function to apply on an element of data to get the field value
sort Function Optional - Function to order fields in the pivot table header ; if no value is provided, javascript-natural-sort will be applied
showHeader Boolean Optional (default: true) - Whether the header should be displayed in the pivot table
showFooter Boolean Optional (default: false) - Whether the footer should be displayed in the pivot table
headerSlotName String Optional - Name of the slot to use to format the header in the pivot table ; if no slot name is provided, the value will be displayed as found in data
footerSlotName String Optional - Same as above for the footer
Struts 类型 描述
label String 在可拖动按钮中显示的文本(仅用于Pivot )
getter Function 应用于data元素以获取字段值的函数
sort Function 可选-用于对数据透视表标题中的字段进行排序的功能; 如果未提供任何值,则将应用javascript-natural-sort
showHeader Boolean 可选(默认: true )-是否应在数据透视表中显示标题
showFooter Boolean 可选(默认: false )-是否在数据透视表中显示页脚
headerSlotName String 可选-用于格式化数据透视表中标题的插槽名称; 如果未提供插槽名称,则该值将显示为数据中找到的值
footerSlotName String 可选-与上述页脚相同

大型数据集 (Large datasets)

If this component is used with large datasets, consider applying Object.freeze on your data object to avoid useless change tracking on each data element.



请参阅 。

建立 (Build)

# Install dependencies
npm install# Serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run serve# Build js libraries in dist folder
npm run build:lib

未来功能 (Future features)

  • Change the sort order of row / column items


  • Select enable / disable of each features (reset buttons, download button, and etc.)


  • Demo application


  • More sophiscated design updates


框架/插件 (Framework/Plugin)

  • CSS


    • Bootstrap ^4.2.1引导程序^ 4.2.1
  • JavaScript


    • Vue ^2.6.10Vue ^ 2.6.10
    • jQuery ^3.3.1jQuery ^ 3.3.1
    • 2.0.0-rc.132.0.0-rc.13
    • VueDraggable ^2.21.0VueDraggable ^ 2.21.0




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