
Want to develop a better eye and vocabulary for judging layouts, type choices and imagery?


According to performance experts, the best way to learn is to gain lots of exposure to how experts evaluate work. Here’s 5 books that provide this type of insight.

根据绩效专家的说法,最好的学习方法是充分了解专家如何评估工作。 这是提供这种见解的5本书。

1.黑客设计 (1. Design for Hackers)

by David Kadavy

大卫·卡达维(David Kadavy)

The design for hackers bookcover

Don’t be turned off by the “hacker” part of the title. While the title “hacker” can evoke images of technology gurus, Kadavy explains early in the book that he uses “hacker” to signify an attitude, rather than a skill set. To him, a hacker is someone who is curious and passionate about learning. There’s no need to know specific development languages to get a lot out of this book. In fact, the technical content in this book is limited to css references.

不要被标题的“黑客”部分关闭。 尽管“黑客”这个标题可以唤起技术专家的形象,但卡达维在书中早些时候解释说,他使用“黑客”来表示一种态度,而不是一种技能。 对他来说,黑客是一个对学习充满好奇和热情的人。 无需了解特定的开发语言即可从本书中学到很多东西。 实际上,本书中的技术内容仅限于CSS参考。

This book covers a breadth of topics, including typography, proportion, composition, visual hierarchy, and colour.


What distinguishes it from other graphic design books is that it’s first an instructional guide: It eschews experimental page layouts and galleries, which are typical for this genre of books, for detailed explanations. Kadavy’s conversational writing style, along with “football play-style” image annotations makes “Design for Hackers” an easy and informative read.

它与其他图形设计书的不同之处在于,它首先是一个指导性指南:为了进行详细说明,它避开了实验性的页面布局和画廊,这是这类书籍的典型代表。 Kadavy的对话写作风格以及“足球比赛风格”的图像注释使“为黑客设计”变得轻松而有益。

You can find Design for Hackers here.

您可以在此处找到“黑客设计” 。

2.素描手册 (2. Sketch Handbook)

by Christian Krammer


The Sketch Handbook book cover

The Sketch Handbook is not a user manual: It’s a detailed tutorial on Bohemian Sketch.

Sketch Handbook不是用户手册:这是有关Bohemian Sketch的详细教程。

Many books in this genre limit themselves to explaining the specific steps required to achieve a certain result. This book is worth reading, even if you’re not going to use Sketch, because Krammer goes one step further: He takes the time to explain his higher-level design rationale.

这种类型的许多书籍都只限于解释实现特定结果所需的特定步骤。 即使您不打算使用Sketch,这本书也值得一读,因为Krammer进一步走了一步:他花时间解释他的高级设计原理。

For instance, in the discussion on the layout grid feature, Krammer talks through how he chooses gutter and column proportions. Within his explanation of Sketch’s responsive features, he shares his thinking about how he’d adapt elements.

例如,在关于布局网格功能的讨论中,Krammer讨论了如何选择装订线和列比例。 在对Sketch的响应功能的解释中,他分享了他对如何适应元素的想法。

Krammer also introduces a number of tools that he uses as part of his process that are well worth a look. For instance, he talks about how he uses the Noun Project icon repository.

Krammer还介绍了许多值得一看的工具,这些工具是他在过程中使用的工具。 例如,他谈到了他如何使用Noun Project图标库。

Get the Sketch Handbook here.

在此处获取素描手册 。

3.平面设计中的网格系统 (3. Grid Systems in Graphic Design)

by Josef Müller-Brockmann


The grid systems book cover

This classic is turgid, but has critical nuggets that are worth the struggle.


Considering the book title, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that Grid Systems provides an in-depth exploration of grids, the backbone of tidy-feeling sites. While the advice is print-based, many of the ideas can be adapted to the web and apps.

考虑到书名,Grid Systems提供了对网格的深入探索,这并不奇怪,Grid是整洁的网站的骨干。 虽然建议是基于印刷的,但许多想法都可以适应网络和应用程序。

What you might not expect about this book is that it also provides an introduction to the typographic scale and line spacing. It will help you understand why word processors seem to all offer the same font sizes.

您可能对这本书并不期望的是,它还提供了印刷比例尺和行距的介绍。 它将帮助您理解为什么文字处理器似乎都提供相同的字体大小。

Grid Systems is out of print. There seems to be a number of second-hand copies available through the usual places on the internet.

网格系统已绝版。 互联网上通常的地方似乎都有许多二手书。

4.图标设计 (4. Icon Design)

by Christopher Heath

克里斯托弗·希思(Christopher Heath)

The Icon Design Book cover — approximately.

Once you’re done with the Grid Systems book, pick up Icon Design by Christopher Heath. “Icon Design” is a great extension to “Grid Systems.” The bulk of this book focuses on the special type of grids used for icons.

完成Grid Systems一书后,选择Christopher Heath的Icon Design。 “图标设计”是对“网格系统”的极大扩展。 本书的大部分内容都集中在用于图标的特殊类型的网格上。

What makes this book special is that it takes advantage of the iBook platform to provide interactive, embedded, step-by-step illustrations of how to construct and apply icon grids.


It doesn’t has very much content on icon styles and metaphors. There’s plenty of advice on these topics in other places, however.

它没有太多关于图标样式和隐喻的内容。 但是,在其他地方,有很多关于这些主题的建议。

Find Icon Design at Apple Books.

在Apple Book上找到图标设计 。

5.重构UI (5. Refactoring UI)

by Adam Wathan & Steve Schoger

通过亚当·沃森(Adam Wathan)和史蒂夫·斯科格(Steve Schoger)

A caricature of the Refactoring UI book cover

If you can tell something isn’t working in your UI designs, but cannot pinpoint the problem, try reading Refactoring UI. This book identifies common problems with UIs, and provides rules of thumb to address them.

如果您可以确定某些问题在您的UI设计中不起作用,但无法查明问题,请尝试阅读“重构UI”。 本书指出了UI的常见问题,并提供了解决这些问题的经验法则。

Refactoring UI is organized around typical graphic design themes: Hierarchy, layout, text, colour, depth and images. All of the examples are specific to UI design.

重构UI围绕典型的图形设计主题进行组织:层次结构,布局,文本,颜色,深度和图像。 所有示例均特定于UI设计。

It is worth noting that this book includes advice on considering the needs of people with disabilities when making UI design choices. This is pretty rare for books in this category, and is an important part of being user-centered.

值得注意的是,本书包含有关在选择UI设计时考虑残疾人需求的建议。 对于这类书籍来说,这种情况非常少见,并且是以用户为中心的重要组成部分。

Refactoring UI is available through Gumroad. When you buy the book, you also get access to three make-over videos: “Designing a dashboard”, “Designing Content” and “Designing a Complex Form”.

重构UI可通过Gumroad获得 。 购买该书时,您还可以访问三个化妆视频:“设计仪表板”,“设计内容”和“设计复杂表单”。

Is there a book you’d add to this list? Please add it to the comments below.

是否有您要添加到此列表中的书? 请添加到下面的评论中。

翻译自: https://uxplanet.org/5-books-to-read-about-ui-design-b6a9fe3a3e13




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