
#mkdir /home/shuimu/arm_project/rootfs


解压当前文件夹#tar–zxf FORLINX_6410_yaffs2_v1.0.tgz




#sudo apt-get install portmap

#sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server

#sudo gedit /etc/exports


/forlinx *(rw,sync,no_root_squash)


#sudo /etc/init.d/portmap restart

#sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart


#setenv bootargs "root=/dev/nfs nfsroot= ip= console=ttySAC0,115200"




NOTE: PC 端Ubuntu的IP 开发板IP 网关 子网掩码



恢复nand flash启动:setenv bootargs“root=/dev/mtdblock3 consle=/dev/ttySAC0,115200”



Android 使用NFS喝Linux还是有点不同的,需要我们注意。

这里有一篇如何使用nfs作为根文件系统的文章,写的不错, 转载到这里了,看了这篇文章以后,根据自己的使用心得,把自己的使用方法也写了下来,供大家参考

[First written by Steve Guo, please keep the mark if forwarding.]Usually the Android uses YAFFS as rootfs and uses the mtd device as storage media, the bad blocks in the mtd device seldom cause YAFFS file system to work abnormally. if the Android

uses NFS as the rootfs, there will not exist such problem. So here is the solution to use NFS as the rootfs of Android.

1.       Setup host machine as NFS server (I will use ubuntu 8.0.4 as an example.).

$ sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server portmap

$ sudo mkdir /nfsroot

$ sudo vim /etc/exports

Add one line in /etc/exports,


Then restart NFS server.

$ sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart Here setups an NFS server which exports /nfsroot directory only to is the default IP address of Android eth0).

2.       Build a Linux kernel image to use NFS as rootfs.

$make menuconfig

Modify the default setup. In "general setup" section, uncheck the "initial RAM filesystem and RAM disk(initramfs/initrd) support". In "file systems" section, check the "Network File Systems" and mark it as kernel built-in. In "boot options" section,

add the kernel parameter "root=/dev/nfs nfsroot= init=/init". is the IP address of host machine running NFS server.

3.       Modify init program.

To make log system work, in the device/system/init modify the device.c by change the statement '!strncmp(uevent->path,"/class/misc/",12) && !strncmp(name, "log_", 4) to '!strncmp(name, "log_", 4)'.

4.       Modify init.rc config file.

Comment out below statements

mount rootfs rootfs /ro remount

mount yaffs mtd@system /system

mount yaffs2 mtd@system /system ro remout

mount yaffs2 mtd@userdata /data nosuid nodev

mount yaffs2 mtd@cache /cache nosuid nodev

5.    Add the user id and group id used by android on the NFS server.

Android does not use /ect/passwd file to record the user name and user id, it uses a fixed method to map the user name to user id through the head file device/include/private/android_filesystem_config.h, e.g. the user "system" has the user

id of 1000.

So to correctly set the file ownership(owner and group), the NFS server should have these users with correct user IDs. Such as system(1000). For ubuntu, you can call like this.

$sudo userdd -u 1000 android_system

This step is not necessary. It only allows you to display a user name in the develop machine.

6.       Prepare the rootfs.

Assume the built output of device lies in device/out/target/product/***/, which is called $OUTPUTDIR later. Do the follwings:

$cp -rf $OUTPUTDIR/root/* /nfsroot

$cp -rf $OUTPUTDIR/system /nfsroot

$cp -rf $OUTPUTDIR/data /nfsroot


我在使用NFS过程中第二步骤与作者的不同,我是设置的Uboot的启动参数,没有像作者那样在linux内核 中固定参数,我在Uboot中设置的参数是这样的:

setenv bootargs "root=/dev/nfs nfsroot= ip=


init=/linuxrc console=ttySAC0,115200 "



:/forlinux/root  是NFS开放的目录,里面存放着Android的文件系统,跟作者第一步骤中 /nfsroot  192.16 8.1.101(rw,no_root_squash,sync) 雷同,他开放的是 /nfsroot目录,我开放的是 /forlinux/root目录。


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