I have just taken the AWS Certified Developer - Associate Exam on July 1st of 2019. The result? I failed.

我刚刚在2019年7月1日参加了AWS认证开发人员-联考。结果如何? 我失败了。

The AWS Certified Developer - Associate (DVA-C01) has a scaled score between 100 and 1,000. The minimum scaled score needed to pass the exam is 720.

AWS认证开发人员-助理(DVA-C01)的评分在100到1,000之间。 通过考试的最低分数要求为720。

I got 642


The total number of questions was 65. I did some rough calculations. With 5 more correct answers, I would've passed the exam.

问题总数为65。我做了一些粗略的计算。 如果还有5个正确答案,我就会通过考试。

Recap and reflection


  • When I was taking the exam and gone over the questions, I already felt I was not going to pass. I review my questions. Nothing. 当我参加考试并复习了问题时,我已经感到自己不及格。 我查看我的问题。 没有。
  • What did I do next? I used the erasable paper provided by the testing center to write down the topic of each question.接下来我要做什么? 我用考试中心提供的可擦写纸写下了每个问题的主题。
  • What did I find? There were a lot of scenario-based questions, I was expected that. Question using a combination of AWS services, I also expected that. But throttling, troubleshooting, and root cause analysis? Not so much. There were no simple questions. Nothing about SQS (Simple Queue Service), SNS (Simple Notification Service). Also, no computational questions for WCU (Write Capacity Unit) and RCU (Read Capacity Unit) on DynamoDB, which I'm also prepared for.我找到了什么? 我希望有很多基于方案的问题。 结合使用AWS服务的问题,我也希望如此。 但是节流,故障排除和根本原因分析? 没那么多。 没有简单的问题。 与SQS(简单队列服务),SNS(简单通知服务)无关。 另外,我也准备针对DynamoDB上的WCU(写容量单位)和RCU(读容量单位)进行计算。
  • What did I feel? I must've gotten unlucky with the question pool and maybe I need more time to do more real hands-on experience in using AWS services and encounter problems.我有什么感觉 我一定对问题池不走运,也许我需要更多时间在使用AWS服务方面遇到更多实际动手经验。

现在怎么办? (What now? )

Did I regret taking the exam? No. I learned a LOT during the process.

我后悔参加考试吗? 不。我在此过程中学到了很多

I'm still optimistic as usual and here's my Jedi Mind Trick:


Failure makes me work hard and be more humble (makes me think I'm a human being after all).

失败使我努力工作,变得谦虚( 毕竟让我认为我是一个人 )

Accomplishments (as much I love them) can make you complacent if you are not mindful.

如果您不注意的话,成就感( 就像我所爱的一样 )会使您自满。

时间线 (Timeline)

2018年 (2018 )

九月 (September)

I got my feet wet with AWS services


  • AWS Workshop - Build a Modern Web Application Architecture by AM (Allen-Michael) Grobelny

    AWS Workshop- AM(Allen-Michael)Grobelny 构建现代Web应用程序架构

十一月 (November)

I learned simple project ideas to create in AWS.


  • Build a Serverless Portfolio in 7 days by Fernando Medina Corey

    Fernando Medina Corey在7天之内建立无服务器投资组合

十二月 (December)

I got hands-on experience with IAM, S3, Lambda, API Gateway


  • AWS Serverless Workshop by Kevin Wang

    Kevin Wang的 AWS无服务器研讨会

Simple project created from the workshop here.


2019年 (2019)

I presented about AWS services to my schoolmates.


一月 (January)

My own talks:


  • Tech Terms Decoded (Part 1)


  • AWS S3 Quick Deep Dive Series

    AWS S3快速深潜系列

  • AWS Elasticsearch Quick Deep Dive Series

    AWS Elasticsearch Quick Dive系列

游行 (March)

Watched tons of AWS conference talks. Check my blog here on my journey in my master's program.

观看了大量的AWS会议演讲。 检查我的博客在这里我在我的硕士课程的旅程。

AWS Training


AWS Educate - Cloud Computing Introduction and Software Developer Pathway

AWS Educate-云计算简介和软件开发人员之路

  • Cloud Computing Introduction video playlist


  • Software Developer Pathway video playlist


六月 (June)

I resumed my studies for AWS Developer Exam as I felt some confidence that I can do well in the exam.

我恢复了对AWS Developer Exam的学习,因为我对自己在考试中的表现充满信心。

Tip on how to learn again here.


  • Paper presentation at CISSE 2019 Las Vegas - Serverless Computing Architecture Security and Quality Analysis for Back-end Development

    在CISSE 2019拉斯维加斯上的论文演讲-后端开发的无服务器计算架构安全性和质量分析

  • AWS Whitepapers


  • Udemy course from acloudguru - AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2019

    acloudguru的Udemy课程-AWS Certified Developer-Associate 2019

  • Qwiklabs Qwiklabs

Qwiklab courses


  • Introduction to Amazon Simple Storage (S3)

    Amazon Simple Storage(S3)简介

  • Introduction to AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)

    AWS Identity and Access Management(IAM)简介

  • Introduction to EC2EC2简介
  • Introduction to Amazon Elasticsearch Service

    Amazon Elasticsearch Service简介

  • Introduction to Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) - SQL Server

    Amazon Relational Database Service(RDS)简介-SQL Server

  • Introduction to DynamoDB


  • Introduction to AWS CloudFormation Designer

    AWS CloudFormation Designer简介

  • Introduction to AWS Lambda

    AWS Lambda简介

  • Introduction Amazon to API Gateway


  • Serverless Web Apps Using Amazon DynamoDB - Part 1

    使用Amazon DynamoDB的无服务器Web应用程序-第1部分

  • Serverless Web Apps Using Amazon DynamoDB - Part 2

    使用Amazon DynamoDB的无服务器Web应用程序-第2部分

  • Serverless Web Apps Using Amazon DynamoDB - Part 3

    使用Amazon DynamoDB的无服务器Web应用程序-第3部分

  • Quest: Serverless Web Apps Using DynamoDB

    Quest: 使用DynamoDB的无服务器Web应用程序



As of writing this blog, I'm moving on to other stuff for now.


My current job as graduate teaching assistant in City University of Seattle, requires me to focus on TypeScript and create content.


We are also preparing to teach Amazon apprentices and it requires us to study up Linux system administration, networking, web development, MEAN stack, and Django to able to support them.


As an Auth0 Ambassador, I need to get up to speed with identity and security. Awesome material from Auth0 here.

作为Auth0大使,我需要快速掌握身份和安全性。 从Auth0真棒材料在这里 。

As an open-source contributor, I need to refactor my code and create a new pull request in the hackathon-starter repository.


Reach out here:






Till next time! Don't let failure define you =)

直到下一次! 不要让失败定义你=)

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/cjn-i-failed-my-aws-developer-exam/

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