


function setTimeout(callback, after, arg1, arg2, arg3) {// 基础校验if (typeof callback !== 'function') {throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK();}// 参数校验var i, args;switch (arguments.length) {// fast casescase 1:case 2:break;case 3:args = [arg1];break;case 4:args = [arg1, arg2];break;default:args = [arg1, arg2, arg3];for (i = 5; i < arguments.length; i++) {// extend array dynamically, makes .apply run much faster in v6.0.0args[i - 2] = arguments[i];}break;}// 新建Timeout对象const timeout = new Timeout(callback, after, args, false, false);active(timeout);// 最后返回Timeout对象return timeout;


// Timer constructor function.
// The entire prototype is defined in lib/timers.js
function Timeout(callback, after, args, isRepeat, isUnrefed) {after *= 1; // coalesce to number or NaNif (!(after >= 1 && after <= TIMEOUT_MAX)) {if (after > TIMEOUT_MAX) {process.emitWarning(`${after} does not fit into` +' a 32-bit signed integer.' +'\nTimeout duration was set to 1.','TimeoutOverflowWarning');}after = 1; // schedule on next tick, follows browser behavior}this._called = false;this._idleTimeout = after;this._idlePrev = this;this._idleNext = this;this._idleStart = null;// this must be set to null first to avoid function tracking// on the hidden class, revisit in V8 versions after 6.2this._onTimeout = null;this._onTimeout = callback;this._timerArgs = args;this._repeat = isRepeat ? after : null;this._destroyed = false;this[unrefedSymbol] = isUnrefed;initAsyncResource(this, 'Timeout');

我们这里分析只关注两个参数:1.callback, 2.after

  this._idleTimeout = after;this._onTimeout = callback;


// Schedule or re-schedule a timer.
// The item must have been enroll()'d first.
const active = exports.active = function(item) {insert(item, false);

进入insert方法,item = Timeout对象, unrefed = false, start = undefined.

// The underlying logic for scheduling or re-scheduling a timer.
// Appends a timer onto the end of an existing timers list, or creates a new
// TimerWrap backed list if one does not already exist for the specified timeout
// duration.
function insert(item, unrefed, start) { // timeout, false // 对after做校验const msecs = item._idleTimeout;if (msecs < 0 || msecs === undefined) return;if (typeof start === 'number') {item._idleStart = start;} else {item._idleStart = TimerWrap.now();}const lists = unrefed === true ? unrefedLists : refedLists;// Use an existing list if there is one, otherwise we need to make a new one.var list = lists[msecs];if (list === undefined) {debug('no %d list was found in insert, creating a new one', msecs);lists[msecs] = list = new TimersList(msecs, unrefed);}if (!item[async_id_symbol] || item._destroyed) {item._destroyed = false;initAsyncResource(item, 'Timeout');}L.append(list, item); // list = timerlist, item = timeout, 增加一个节点在队列中,节点类型不同。assert(!L.isEmpty(list)); // list is not empty


  static void Now(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) {Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(args);args.GetReturnValue().Set(env->GetNow());}


  item._idleTimeout = after; // 延迟多少秒执行item._onTimeout = callback; // 延迟执行回调函数item._idleStart = TimerWrap.now(); // 当下时间

然后进行到lists[after] = refedLists[after] = list = new TimersList(after, false);


function TimersList(msecs, unrefed) {this._idleNext = this; // Create the list with the linkedlist properties tothis._idlePrev = this; // prevent any unnecessary hidden class changes.this._unrefed = unrefed;this.msecs = msecs;const timer = this._timer = new TimerWrap();timer._list = this;if (unrefed === true)timer.unref();timer.start(msecs);


  this.msecs = after;this._timer = new TimerWrap(); // 这里的TimerWrap为一个Native对象timer._list = this;


  static void Start(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) {TimerWrap* wrap;ASSIGN_OR_RETURN_UNWRAP(&wrap, args.Holder());CHECK(HandleWrap::IsAlive(wrap));int64_t timeout = args[0]->IntegerValue(); // 这里的timeout为js代码传入的afterint err = uv_timer_start(&wrap->handle_, OnTimeout, timeout, 0);args.GetReturnValue().Set(err);}


int uv_timer_start(uv_timer_t* handle,uv_timer_cb cb,uint64_t timeout,uint64_t repeat) {uint64_t clamped_timeout;if (cb == NULL)return UV_EINVAL;if (uv__is_active(handle))uv_timer_stop(handle);// 这里是关键。clamped_timeout的值等于当前时间加上未来要执行的时间clamped_timeout = handle->loop->time + timeout;if (clamped_timeout < timeout)clamped_timeout = (uint64_t) -1;handle->timer_cb = cb;handle->timeout = clamped_timeout; // timeout为未来要执行的时间handle->repeat = repeat;/* start_id is the second index to be compared in uv__timer_cmp() */handle->start_id = handle->loop->timer_counter++;heap_insert(timer_heap(handle->loop),(struct heap_node*) &handle->heap_node,timer_less_than);uv__handle_start(handle);return 0;


  handle->timer_cb = cb;handle->timeout = clamped_timeout;


  L.append(list, item); // list = timerlist, item = timeout, 增加一个节点在队列中,节点类型不同。




function listOnTimeout(handle, now) {const list = handle._list;const msecs = list.msecs;debug('timeout callback %d', msecs);debug('now: %d', now);var diff, timer;while (timer = L.peek(list)) {diff = now - timer._idleStart;// Check if this loop iteration is too early for the next timer.// This happens if there are more timers scheduled for later in the list.if (diff < msecs) {var timeRemaining = msecs - (TimerWrap.now() - timer._idleStart);if (timeRemaining <= 0) {timeRemaining = 1;}handle.start(timeRemaining);debug('%d list wait because diff is %d', msecs, diff);return true;}// The actual logic for when a timeout happens.L.remove(timer);assert(timer !== L.peek(list));if (!timer._onTimeout) {if (destroyHooksExist() && !timer._destroyed &&typeof timer[async_id_symbol] === 'number') {emitDestroy(timer[async_id_symbol]);timer._destroyed = true;}continue;}tryOnTimeout(timer);}// If `L.peek(list)` returned nothing, the list was either empty or we have// called all of the timer timeouts.// As such, we can remove the list and clean up the TimerWrap C++ handle.debug('%d list empty', msecs);assert(L.isEmpty(list));// Either refedLists[msecs] or unrefedLists[msecs] may have been removed and// recreated since the reference to `list` was created. Make sure they're// the same instance of the list before destroying.if (list._unrefed === true && list === unrefedLists[msecs]) {delete unrefedLists[msecs];} else if (list === refedLists[msecs]) {delete refedLists[msecs];}// Do not close the underlying handle if its ownership has changed// (e.g it was unrefed in its callback).if (!handle[owner_symbol])handle.close();return true;



    diff = now - timer._idleStart; // 计算方法执行时的差额// 如果时间还不到,则进行:if (diff < msecs) {var timeRemaining = msecs - (TimerWrap.now() - timer._idleStart);if (timeRemaining <= 0) {timeRemaining = 1;}// 计算出剩余时间,再次执行Native的start方法。handle.start(timeRemaining);debug('%d list wait because diff is %d', msecs, diff);return true;}


  static void Start(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) {TimerWrap* wrap;ASSIGN_OR_RETURN_UNWRAP(&wrap, args.Holder());CHECK(HandleWrap::IsAlive(wrap));int64_t timeout = args[0]->IntegerValue();int err = uv_timer_start(&wrap->handle_, OnTimeout, timeout, 0);args.GetReturnValue().Set(err);}



  handle->timer_cb = cb;handle->timeout = clamped_timeout;



void uv__run_timers(uv_loop_t* loop) {struct heap_node* heap_node;uv_timer_t* handle;for (;;) {heap_node = heap_min(timer_heap(loop));if (heap_node == NULL)break;handle = container_of(heap_node, uv_timer_t, heap_node);// 这里为处理的关键。if (handle->timeout > loop->time)break;uv_timer_stop(handle);uv_timer_again(handle);handle->timer_cb(handle);}




  static void OnTimeout(uv_timer_t* handle) {TimerWrap* wrap = static_cast<TimerWrap*>(handle->data);Environment* env = wrap->env();HandleScope handle_scope(env->isolate());Context::Scope context_scope(env->context());MaybeLocal<Value> ret;Local<Value> args[1];do {// 这里是关键所在args[0] = env->GetNow(); // 获取当前时间ret = wrap->MakeCallback(env->timers_callback_function(), 1, args); // 执行调用} while ((ret.IsEmpty() || ret.ToLocalChecked()->IsUndefined()) &&!env->tick_info()->has_thrown() &&env->can_call_into_js() &&wrap->object()->Get(env->context(),env->owner_symbol()).ToLocalChecked()->IsUndefined());}


const [immediateInfo, toggleImmediateRef] =setupTimers(processImmediate, processTimers);


function processTimers(now) {if (this[owner_symbol])return unrefdHandle(this[owner_symbol], now);return listOnTimeout(this, now);

到这里是不是见过listOnTimeout方法?没错,我们回到了listOnTimeout方法调用处。这个从listOnTimeout方法到listOnTimeout方法会不断循环,直到if (diff < msecs) 条件不成立。也就是说当条件成立时才会继续执行。


 // 将这次的timer任务从队列中取出L.remove(timer);assert(timer !== L.peek(list));// 这里不成立if (!timer._onTimeout) {if (destroyHooksExist() && !timer._destroyed &&typeof timer[async_id_symbol] === 'number') {emitDestroy(timer[async_id_symbol]);timer._destroyed = true;}continue;}// 关键在于这里tryOnTimeout(timer);
function tryOnTimeout(timer, start) {timer._called = true;const timerAsyncId = (typeof timer[async_id_symbol] === 'number') ?timer[async_id_symbol] : null;var threw = true;if (timerAsyncId !== null)emitBefore(timerAsyncId, timer[trigger_async_id_symbol]);try {ontimeout(timer, start);threw = false;} finally {if (timerAsyncId !== null) {if (!threw)emitAfter(timerAsyncId);if ((threw || !timer._repeat) && destroyHooksExist() &&!timer._destroyed) {emitDestroy(timerAsyncId);timer._destroyed = true;}}}


function ontimeout(timer, start) {const args = timer._timerArgs;if (typeof timer._onTimeout !== 'function')return Promise.resolve(timer._onTimeout, args[0]);if (start === undefined && timer._repeat)start = TimerWrap.now();if (!args)timer._onTimeout();elseReflect.apply(timer._onTimeout, timer, args);if (timer._repeat)rearm(timer, start);

上面的方法执行javascript timer._onTimeout();这里是真正的回调执行。



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