
  • rxjs里switchMap operators的用法
  • 通过rxjs的一个例子, 来学习SwitchMap的使用方法
  • rxjs switchMap的实现原理
  • rxjs的map和switchMap在SAP Spartacus中的应用 -将高阶Observable进行flatten操作

SwitchMap can cancel in-flight network requests.


The main difference between switchMap and other flattening operators is the cancelling effect. On each emission the previous inner observable (the result of the function you supplied) is cancelled and the new observable is subscribed. You can remember this by the phrase switch to a new observable.

每次emission,之前的inner Observable会被cancel,新的Observable会被subscribe.

可以使用"switch to a new Observable"的方法来帮助记忆switchMap的这一特性。


This works perfectly for scenarios like typeaheads where you are no longer concerned with the response of the previous request when a new input arrives.

This also is a safe option in situations where a long lived inner observable could cause memory leaks, for instance if you used mergeMap with an interval and forgot to properly dispose of inner subscriptions. -

Remember, switchMap maintains only one inner subscription at a time, this can be seen clearly in the first example.

Be careful though, you probably want to avoid switchMap in scenarios where every request needs to complete, think writes to a database. switchMap could cancel a request if the source emits quickly enough. In these scenarios mergeMap is the correct option.



  ngOnInit(): void {fromEvent(document, 'click').pipe(// restart counter on every clickswitchMap(() => interval(1000))).subscribe((oe) => console.log('Jerry: ' + oe));}








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