













import random
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.cm as cm
from collections import deque
import tkinter//显示地图(图形化显示)
def show_maze(Maze):plt.imshow(Maze, cmap=cm.Wistia_r, interpolation='none')# plt.ion()plt.show()//用bfs查找路径
def find_path_bfs(image, M):path = np.zeros((num_rows, num_cols, 2))vis = np.zeros((num_rows, num_cols))vis[0][0] = 1Queue = deque()Queue.append((0, 0))while(Queue):temp = Queue.popleft()nr = temp[0]nc = temp[1]if (nc == num_cols - 1) and (nr == num_rows - 1):show_path(image, path)breakif (nc > 0) and (not vis[nr][nc - 1]) and (M[nr][nc][0]):vis[nr][nc] = 1Queue.append((nr, nc - 1))path[nr][nc - 1][0] = nrpath[nr][nc - 1][1] = ncif (nr > 0) and (not vis[nr - 1][nc]) and (M[nr][nc][1]):vis[nr][nc] = 1Queue.append((nr - 1, nc))path[nr - 1][nc][0] = nrpath[nr - 1][nc][1] = ncif (nc < num_cols - 1) and (not vis[nr][nc + 1]) and (M[nr][nc][2]):vis[nr][nc] = 1Queue.append((nr, nc + 1))path[nr][nc + 1][0] = nrpath[nr][nc + 1][1] = ncif (nr < num_rows - 1) and (not vis[nr + 1][nc]) and (M[nr][nc][3]):vis[nr][nc] = 1Queue.append((nr + 1, nc))path[nr + 1][nc][0] = nrpath[nr + 1][nc][1] = nc//prim算法生成地图
def Create_maze_prim():M = np.zeros((num_rows, num_cols, 5))image = np.zeros((num_rows * 10, num_cols * 10))r = 0c = 0history = [(r, c)]while history:M[r, c, 4] = 1check = []if c > 0 and M[r, c - 1, 4] == 0:check.append('L')if r > 0 and M[r - 1, c, 4] == 0:check.append('U')if c < num_cols - 1 and M[r, c + 1, 4] == 0:check.append('R')if r < num_rows - 1 and M[r + 1, c, 4] == 0:check.append('D')if len(check):history.append([r, c])move_direction = random.choice(check)if move_direction == 'L':M[r, c, 0] = 1c = c - 1M[r, c, 2] = 1if move_direction == 'U':M[r, c, 1] = 1r = r - 1M[r, c, 3] = 1if move_direction == 'R':M[r, c, 2] = 1c = c + 1M[r, c, 0] = 1if move_direction == 'D':M[r, c, 3] = 1r = r + 1M[r, c, 1] = 1else:r, c = history.pop()M[0, 0, 0] = 1M[num_rows - 1, num_cols - 1, 2] = 1for row in range(0, num_rows):for col in range(0, num_cols):cell_data = M[row, col]for i in range(10 * row + 2, 10 * row + 8):image[i, range(10 * col + 2, 10 * col + 8)] = 255if cell_data[0] == 1:image[range(10 * row + 2, 10 * row + 8), 10 * col] = 255image[range(10 * row + 2, 10 * row + 8), 10 * col + 1] = 255if cell_data[1] == 1:image[10 * row, range(10 * col + 2, 10 * col + 8)] = 255image[10 * row + 1, range(10 * col + 2, 10 * col + 8)] = 255if cell_data[2] == 1:image[range(10 * row + 2, 10 * row + 8), 10 * col + 9] = 255image[range(10 * row + 2, 10 * row + 8), 10 * col + 8] = 255if cell_data[3] == 1:image[10 * row + 9, range(10 * col + 2, 10 * col + 8)] = 255image[10 * row + 8, range(10 * col + 2, 10 * col + 8)] = 255return M, image//dfs方法生成地图
def Create_maze_dfs():M = np.zeros((num_rows, num_cols, 5))image = np.zeros((num_rows * 10, num_cols * 10))r = 0c = 0history = [(r, c)]while history:r, c = random.choice(history)M[r, c, 4] = 1history.remove((r, c))check = []if c > 0:if M[r, c - 1, 4] == 1:check.append('L')elif M[r, c - 1, 4] == 0:history.append((r, c - 1))M[r, c - 1, 4] = 2if r > 0:if M[r - 1, c, 4] == 1:check.append('U')elif M[r - 1, c, 4] == 0:history.append((r - 1, c))M[r - 1, c, 4] = 2if c < num_cols - 1:if M[r, c + 1, 4] == 1:check.append('R')elif M[r, c + 1, 4] == 0:history.append((r, c + 1))M[r, c + 1, 4] = 2if r < num_rows - 1:if M[r + 1, c, 4] == 1:check.append('D')elif M[r + 1, c, 4] == 0:history.append((r + 1, c))M[r + 1, c, 4] = 2if len(check):move_direction = random.choice(check)if move_direction == 'L':M[r, c, 0] = 1c = c - 1M[r, c, 2] = 1if move_direction == 'U':M[r, c, 1] = 1r = r - 1M[r, c, 3] = 1if move_direction == 'R':M[r, c, 2] = 1c = c + 1M[r, c, 0] = 1if move_direction == 'D':M[r, c, 3] = 1r = r + 1M[r, c, 1] = 1M[0, 0, 0] = 1M[num_rows - 1, num_cols - 1, 2] = 1for row in range(0, num_rows):for col in range(0, num_cols):cell_data = M[row, col]for i in range(10 * row + 2, 10 * row + 8):image[i, range(10 * col + 2, 10 * col + 8)] = 255if cell_data[0] == 1:image[range(10 * row + 2, 10 * row + 8), 10 * col] = 255image[range(10 * row + 2, 10 * row + 8), 10 * col + 1] = 255if cell_data[1] == 1:image[10 * row, range(10 * col + 2, 10 * col + 8)] = 255image[10 * row + 1, range(10 * col + 2, 10 * col + 8)] = 255if cell_data[2] == 1:image[range(10 * row + 2, 10 * row + 8), 10 * col + 9] = 255image[range(10 * row + 2, 10 * row + 8), 10 * col + 8] = 255if cell_data[3] == 1:image[10 * row + 9, range(10 * col + 2, 10 * col + 8)] = 255image[10 * row + 8, range(10 * col + 2, 10 * col + 8)] = 255return M, image//显示路径(图形化)
def show_path(image, path):plt.imshow(image, cmap=cm.Wistia_r, interpolation='none')plt.ion()plt.pause(2)str = ""stack = []nr = num_rows - 1nc = num_cols - 1stack.append((nr, nc + 1))stack.append((nr, nc))while nr or nc:tr = nrtc = ncnr = (int)(path[tr][tc][0])nc = (int)(path[tr][tc][1])stack.append((nr, nc))# stack.append((num_rows, num_cols))pr = 0pc = 0dir = 2color_num = 150while(stack):temp = stack.pop()nr = temp[0]nc = temp[1]if nr or nc:if (nr == pr):if (nc > pc):# print("R")if (dir == 2):image[10 * pr + 4,range(10 * pc + 0, 10 * pc + 10)] = color_numimage[10 * pr + 5,range(10 * pc + 0, 10 * pc + 10)] = color_numelif (dir == 1):image[10 * pr + 4,range(10 * pc + 4, 10 * pc + 10)] = color_numimage[10 * pr + 5,range(10 * pc + 4, 10 * pc + 10)] = color_numimage[range(10 * pr + 4, 10 * pr + 10),10 * pc + 4] = color_numimage[range(10 * pr + 4, 10 * pr + 10),10 * pc + 5] = color_numelif (dir == 3):image[10 * pr + 4,range(10 * pc + 4, 10 * pc + 10)] = color_numimage[10 * pr + 5,range(10 * pc + 4, 10 * pc + 10)] = color_numimage[range(10 * pr + 0, 10 * pr + 6),10 * pc + 4] = color_numimage[range(10 * pr + 0, 10 * pr + 6),10 * pc + 5] = color_numdir = 2else:# print("L")if (dir == 0):image[10 * pr + 4,range(10 * pc + 0, 10 * pc + 10)] = color_numimage[10 * pr + 5,range(10 * pc + 0, 10 * pc + 10)] = color_numelif (dir == 1):image[10 * pr + 4,range(10 * pc + 0, 10 * pc + 6)] = color_numimage[10 * pr + 5,range(10 * pc + 0, 10 * pc + 6)] = color_numimage[range(10 * pr + 4, 10 * pr + 10),10 * pc + 4] = color_numimage[range(10 * pr + 4, 10 * pr + 10),10 * pc + 5] = color_numelif (dir == 3):image[10 * pr + 4,range(10 * pc + 0, 10 * pc + 6)] = color_numimage[10 * pr + 5,range(10 * pc + 0, 10 * pc + 6)] = color_numimage[range(10 * pr + 0, 10 * pr + 6),10 * pc + 4] = color_numimage[range(10 * pr + 0, 10 * pr + 6),10 * pc + 5] = color_numdir = 0elif (nc == pc):if (nr > pr):# print("D")if (dir == 3):image[range(10 * pr + 0, 10 * pr + 10),10 * pc + 4] = color_numimage[range(10 * pr + 0, 10 * pr + 10),10 * pc + 5] = color_numelif (dir == 0):image[10 * pr + 4,range(10 * pc + 4, 10 * pc + 10)] = color_numimage[10 * pr + 5,range(10 * pc + 4, 10 * pc + 10)] = color_numimage[range(10 * pr + 4, 10 * pr + 10),10 * pc + 4] = color_numimage[range(10 * pr + 4, 10 * pr + 10),10 * pc + 5] = color_numelif (dir == 2):image[10 * pr + 4,range(10 * pc + 0, 10 * pc + 6)] = color_numimage[10 * pr + 5,range(10 * pc + 0, 10 * pc + 6)] = color_numimage[range(10 * pr + 4, 10 * pr + 10),10 * pc + 4] = color_numimage[range(10 * pr + 4, 10 * pr + 10),10 * pc + 5] = color_numdir = 3else:# print("U")if (dir == 1):image[range(10 * pr + 0, 10 * pr + 10),10 * pc + 4] = color_numimage[range(10 * pr + 0, 10 * pr + 10),10 * pc + 5] = color_numelif (dir == 0):image[10 * pr + 4,range(10 * pc + 4, 10 * pc + 10)] = color_numimage[10 * pr + 5,range(10 * pc + 4, 10 * pc + 10)] = color_numimage[range(10 * pr + 0, 10 * pr + 6),10 * pc + 4] = color_numimage[range(10 * pr + 0, 10 * pr + 6),10 * pc + 5] = color_numelif (dir == 2):image[10 * pr + 4,range(10 * pc + 0, 10 * pc + 6)] = color_numimage[10 * pr + 5,range(10 * pc + 0, 10 * pc + 6)] = color_numimage[range(10 * pr + 0, 10 * pr + 6),10 * pc + 4] = color_numimage[range(10 * pr + 0, 10 * pr + 6),10 * pc + 5] = color_numdir = 1pr = nrpc = ncplt.clf()plt.imshow(image, cmap=cm.Wistia_r, interpolation='none')# plt.ion()if (stack):plt.ion()plt.pause(0.03 / (num_cols * num_rows / 100))else:plt.ioff()plt.show()# plt.pause(1000)//主函数
if __name__ == '__main__':num_rows = int(input("Please input rows: "))num_cols = int(input("Please input columns: "))path = np.zeros((num_rows, num_cols, 2))M = np.zeros((num_rows, num_cols, 5))image = np.zeros((num_rows * 10, num_cols * 10))# row_image = np.zeros((num_rows * 10, num_cols * 10))M, image = Create_maze_prim()# show_maze(image)find_path_bfs(image, M)# show_path(image, path)



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