In my first few years as a design manager, I loved giving positive feedback to direct reports and absolutely dreaded, hated, and procrastinated giving negative feedback. I would agonize over what to say so I wouldn’t hurt anyone’s feelings, or worse, ruin the camaraderie I’d worked so hard to build with a direct report. I’d literally lose sleep over it. And in the moment when I delivered the feedback, I’d soften the blow so much that the recipient was often confused about what I was trying to say.

在担任设计经理的最初几年中,我喜欢对直接报告给予积极的反馈,并且绝对恐惧,讨厌和拖延,给负面的反馈。 我会为该说些话而烦恼,这样我就不会伤害任何人的感觉,或更糟糕的是,会破坏我一直努力通过直接报告建立的友情。 我真的会为此睡不着觉。 当我提供反馈的那一刻,我就大大减轻了打击,以至于收件人经常对我想说的话感到困惑。

On the other hand, I was personally frustrated that I never received any feedback from my manager or coworkers about what I could improve. I wanted them to tell me—in a professional and caring manner of course—what I could do better. I knew I was making tons of mistakes; surely my manager could point out some areas for improvement.

另一方面,令我个人感到沮丧的是,我从未从我的经理或同事那里收到关于我可以改善的任何反馈。 我希望他们以专业和关怀的方式告诉我,我可以做得更好。 我知道我犯了很多错误; 我的经理肯定可以指出一些需要改进的地方。

Do you see the irony here? I longed for constructive feedback, yet was reluctant to give any.

你在这里看到讽刺意味吗? 我渴望获得建设性的反馈,但不愿提供任何反馈。

It wasn’t until I sent out an anonymous survey to my direct reports that I finally received some truth: I was being too nice. I was so concerned with hurting people’s feelings that I wasn’t helping them grow. They asked me to be more direct.

直到我对自己的直接报告进行匿名调查后,我终于得到了一些道理:我太好了。 我非常关心伤害人们的情感,以至于我没有帮助他们成长。 他们要求我更直接。

I still don’t like giving constructive feedback, but after taking several management courses, reading books about feedback, and practicing (and failing) again and again, I have the skills needed to do it. I’d like to think I’ve made some big steps forward. In this post I want to share with you my learnings: why it’s important to give constructive feedback, my template for giving feedback, and how to give feedback specifically to designers.

我仍然不喜欢提供建设性的反馈,但是在参加了几门管理课程,阅读了有关反馈的书并一次又一次地练习(和失败)之后,我具备了做到这一点所需的技能。 我想我已经迈出了一大步。 在这篇文章中,我想与大家分享我的经验:为什么提供建设性的反馈很重要,我的反馈模板以及如何专门为设计师提供反馈。

There’s not enough room here to share everything I’ve learned about feedback, including how to prepare for it and how to move into problem-solving; for that I’d recommend reading an actual book such as Thanks for the Feedback (my personal favorite).

这里没有足够的空间来分享我从反馈中学到的所有知识,包括如何准备反馈以及如何着手解决问题。 为此,我建议您阅读一本实际的书,例如《 感谢您的反馈》 (我个人的最爱)。

反馈是什么意思? (What do I mean by feedback?)

As I wrote in my article on Coaching versus Feedback, feedback is literally anything that results when we take an action. When people talk about feedback, we’re often referring to negative feedback (also called critical or constructive). I’m using the term constructive more here because I believe it reinforces that we are not criticizing the recipient; we are giving a thoughtful observation of what happened as a result of an action they took.

正如我在“ 辅导与反馈”一文中所写,反馈实际上是我们采取行动时所产生的任何结果。 当人们谈论反馈时,我们通常指的是负面反馈 (也称为关键 反馈建设性 反馈 )。 我在这里使用更多的“建设性”一词,因为我认为这加强了我们不是在批评接收者。 我们对他们采取的行动所发生的事情进行了周到的观察。

I also won’t go into detail on positive feedback here but I want to point out that it’s just as important as constructive feedback. Specific, timely positive feedback is incredibly valuable. The reason for this is that we hone in on critical remarks about ourselves and remember them vividly, even if they’re delivered with the best form and intentions. So if we receive the same ratio of constructive messages to positive messages, we’ll end up feeling criticized. For this reason many studies recommend at least five positive comments for each negative message in order to feel balanced to the recipient.

我也不会在这里详细介绍正面反馈,但我想指出的是,它与建设性反馈一样重要。 及时的具体 积极反馈 非常有价值。 这样做的原因是,即使我们以最佳的形式和意图表达了自己的批评意见,也要生动地记住它们。 因此,如果我们收到相同比例的建设性信息与正面信息,我们最终会感到被批评。 因此,许多研究针对每个负面信息建议至少五个正面评论 ,以使接收者感到平衡。

为什么很难提供反馈 (Why giving feedback is hard)

Can you relate to this? You sit down to give someone critical feedback and suddenly you begin to experience all kinds of physical symptoms. Your heart beats faster. Your hands shake. You feel cold (or your face gets hot). You might want to jump out of your seat and run away. Even though it’s only words, the psychological perception of impending conflict feels like a threat to our brain and our fight-or-flight response is triggered.

你能与此有关吗? 您坐下来给某人重要的反馈,然后突然您开始经历各种身体症状。 您的心脏跳动更快。 握手 您感到冷(或脸变热)。 您可能想跳出座位逃跑。 尽管只是言语,但即将发生冲突的心理感觉就像是对我们大脑的威胁,并且触发了我们的战斗或逃避React。

We might feel like we’re being threatened, but it’s just our lizard brain. Photo by Pawan Sharma on Unsplash
我们可能会觉得自己正在受到威胁,但这只是蜥蜴的大脑。 Pawan Sharma在Unsplash上拍摄的照片

We also might avoid feedback, as I often did, because we value having a positive relationship with the people we manage. Some of us might even consider our direct reports friends. I’m fascinated by the research of Naomi Eisenberger showing that social rejection feels literally “painful” because it activates the same regions in the brain as those activated by physical pain. Many of us will do almost anything to avoid losing a social relationship, including avoiding letting them know when they need to improve.

我们也可能像我经常那样避免反馈,因为我们重视与所管理人员保持积极的关系。 我们中有些人甚至可能认为我们的直接下属是朋友。 纳奥米·艾森伯格(Naomi Eisenberger)的研究使我着迷,该研究表明社交排斥在字面上是“痛苦的”,因为它激活大脑中与身体疼痛激活的区域相同的区域。 我们许多人将竭尽所能避免失去社会关系,包括避免让他们知道何时需要改善。

If I tell her that she that she needs to redo these designs before I can show them to our VP of Product, she’ll be offended and not like me.


If I tell him he needs to listen more to his teammates during brainstorming sessions, he’ll get defensive and stop treating me like an ally.


Despite such worries, if you want to be an effective manager, giving constructive feedback is not optional. When designers don’t realize how their behaviors, words, and work are affecting others, they can’t improve, and you’ll be stuck with an under-performing team.

尽管存在此类担心,但如果您想成为一名有效的经理,则提供建设性反馈并非是可选的。 当设计师没有意识到他们的行为,言语和工作如何影响他人时,他们就无法改善,并且您会被表现欠佳的团队所困扰。

如何提供建设性反馈 (How to give constructive feedback)

What helped me finally feel more comfortable giving constructive feedback was the realization that everyone needs constructive feedback in order to grow and most people want it! (Noting again that feedback is completely different from blame or criticism; nobody wants that.) Being direct with someone about a behavior they can change that will help them in their career is actually more caring than watching them create problems without saying anything. As Kim Scott, the author of Radical Candor, points out in this article from,

最终让我感到更舒心的是,提供建设性反馈是意识到每个人都需要建设性反馈才能成长, 而大多数人都想要它! (再次指出反馈与指责或批评完全不同;没有人希望那样。)直接与某人谈论他们可以改变的行为,这将有助于他们的职业生涯,实际上比看着他们说出任何问题更关心他们。 正如Radical Candor的作者Kim Scott在Forbes.com的这篇文章中指出的那样,

“You need to rise above your empathy and realize that it’s your own feelings you are protecting, not theirs.”


I’ve found that following a tried-and-true template made it easier for me to be direct and clear with my reports about what they needed to improve. There are many good feedback templates; I especially like the Situation-Behavior-Impact™ (or SBI) feedback tool which was developed by the Center for Creative Leadership because it’s easy for me to remember.

我发现遵循经过实践检验的模板可以使我更容易直接和清晰地了解报告中需要改进的地方。 有很多好的反馈模板。 我特别喜欢由创新领导力中心开发的“ 情境-行为-影响” ™ (或SBI)反馈工具,因为它很容易记住。

Here’s how I’d use SBI to give feedback to a designer who is refusing to meet a deadline, for example:


  1. Describe the situation to set some context.


Referring to a specific situation will ground your feedback in context, as opposed to speaking in general terms which are easy to brush off. For example, using the phrase “you always” or “you never” is a bad idea because it automatically puts the recipient on defense and gives them reasons to argue against you (“I don’t always do that, remember that situation two months ago where I did the opposite!?”). So let’s stick with the facts: where and when did it happen?

提及特定情况将使您的反馈基于上下文,而不是像一般术语那样容易被忽略。 例如,使用短语“您始终”或“您永远不”是一个坏主意,因为它会自动使接受者处于防御状态并为他们提供反对您的理由(“我并不总是那样做,请记住这种情况两个月以前我做相反的事情!?”)。 因此,让我们坚持事实:它发生在何时何地?

In our example, we could describe the situation by saying


“In the meeting this morning when Jose mentioned that you hadn’t sent him your wireframes yet…”


Notice that we’re giving the person feedback about a recent event. It’s better not to let much time pass before commenting on a behavior that is problematic. Just as we design products that give feedback (a red underline when you’ve misspelled a word or a warning when you’re about to delete an important file), giving personal feedback immediately after a behavior makes it possible for the recipient to address it.

请注意,我们正在向人员提供有关最近事件的反馈。 最好不要在评论有问题的行为之前花太多时间。 正如我们设计提供反馈的产品(当您拼写错误的单词时用红色下划线或要删除重要文件时发出警告)一样,在行为发生后立即提供个人反馈也可以使收件人对其进行处理。

this error message from Dropbox. Shouldn’t it be for people too?此错误消息中所述 。 难道不是也有人吗?

2. State the behavior you observed.


This sounds easier than it is, because you can only observe behaviors which are external. This means it must be something the person said or did that can be seen or heard. You don’t know what is going on inside your teammate’s head—their feelings, thoughts, or intentions. You can only tell them what you saw/heard. I like the analogy that behaviors are like an iceberg; we only see the part that is above the surface and based on that we guess at what’s happening underneath.

这听起来比实际容易,因为您只能观察外部行为。 这意味着必须可以看到或听到该人所说或所做的事情。 您不知道队友脑海中正在发生什么,他们的感觉,想法或意图。 您只能告诉他们您看到/听到的内容。 我喜欢这样的比喻:行为就像冰山。 我们只看到表面上方的部分,并据此猜测下面的情况。

“You told Jose that it was an insane deadline”


is observable.


“You raised your voice and slammed your hand on the table”


is also observable.


“You were angry” is not observable. The feedback recipient can protest that they didn’t feel angry—and maybe they weren’t! You can only tell them what you observed (slamming their hand on the table and raising their voice) and what it led you to believe about their state of mind.

“你生气了”是不可观察的。 反馈接受者可以抗议他们没有生气,也许他们没有生气! 您只能告诉他们您观察到的内容(将他们的手放在桌子上并提高他们的声音),以及什么使您相信他们的心境。

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
安妮·斯普拉特 ( Annie Spratt)在Unsplash上拍摄的照片

3. Tell the person what the impact was.


Here is when you finally get to talk about feelings—your own. Or you can mention something that happened as a result of the feedback recipient’s behavior. Potential impacts from this person’s behavior might include things such as:

这是您终于可以谈论自己的感受的时候了。 或者您可以提及由于反馈接收者的行为而发生的事情。 此人的行为可能产生的影响包括:

“I noticed that Jose didn’t talk for the rest of the meeting.”


“The engineers don’t know when to expect the designs and this might delay our release date.”


“I felt uncomfortable during the meeting and I feel very worried about our ability to ship on time.”


I find that my feelings are the hardest impact to talk about because it requires me to be vulnerable. But it’s often the most powerful way for a person to understand the negative impact of their behavior.

我发现我的感受是最难谈论的影响,因为它要求我变得脆弱。 但这通常是一个人了解其行为的负面影响的最有效方法。

4. Pause and ask how they see the situation.


At this point, you’ve done the hard part: delivering the feedback that their action had a negative impact. The recipient might be completely shocked because they didn’t intend to have that effect. In the best-case scenario, they already saw the problem and want to fix it. Sometimes they might still not understand why it’s a problem that you felt uncomfortable or that Jose didn’t talk during the meeting, in which case you’ll have to set firm expectations for future behavior. Either way, you’ve let them know that something isn’t working and needs to be fixed.

至此,您已经完成了最困难的部分:提供反馈,表明他们的行为产生了负面影响。 接收者可能会完全震惊,因为他们不打算产生这种效果。 在最佳情况下,他们已经看到了问题并希望解决。 有时他们可能仍然不明白为什么这是您感到不舒服或Jose在会议期间没有讲话的问题,在这种情况下,您必须对未来的行为树立坚定的期望。 无论哪种方式,您都让他们知道有些问题不起作用,需要修复。

In addition to the above template, it’s important to me to help the feedback recipient know that I am not giving them this feedback in order to be cruel. If these statements feel authentic to your leadership style, try adding them to your toolkit:

除了上面的模板之外,对我来说,重要的是要帮助反馈接受者知道我没有给他们这种反馈以免残酷。 如果这些声明符合您的领导风格,请尝试将其添加到您的工具箱中:

“I’m telling you this because I care about you and I don’t want this habit/behavior/bad design to get in the way of your success at work.”


“I’m here to help you improve.”


向设计师提供反馈 (Giving feedback to designers)

In many ways, feedback for designers is the same as feedback for anyone, but there are areas where I believe we are unique. For example, most of us practice design critiques. Well-functioning design teams will regularly give each other feedback about their design work, whether in a formal review or a casual desk chat. Why not use these same techniques and carry them into more personal situations?

在很多方面,对设计师的反馈与对任何人的反馈都是相同的,但是我认为在某些领域我们是独一无二的。 例如,我们大多数人都在实践设计评论。 运作良好的设计团队将定期就彼此的设计工作提供反馈,无论是进行正式审核还是在闲聊中进行聊天。 为什么不使用这些相同的技术并将它们带入更多的个人情况?

Photo by Kobu Agency on Unsplash
Kobu Agency在Unsplash上的照片

In a design critique, we are taught to critique the design and its impact on the user instead of critiquing the designer. In the same way, when we deliver constructive feedback we focus on the behavior or output and not the person. Of course while design critiques can be done in a group, effective and compassionate constructive feedback should be done one-on-one.

在设计评论中,我们被教导评论设计及其对用户的影响,而不是批评设计师。 同样,当我们提供建设性反馈时,我们关注的是行为或输出,而不是人。 当然,虽然可以在一个小组中进行设计评论,但应该一对一地进行有效而富有同情心的建设性反馈。

At the risk of over-generalizing, I’ve also found while managing designers (and being one myself) that we can be a sensitive group of people. Even designers I thought were callous often have many insecurities, and having to redo work over and over can make yet more constructive feedback feel like the final straw. Bluntly pointing out that a designer isn’t meeting expectations can undermine any chance of them listening to the feedback. This is why delivering feedback using the SBI template in an empathetic manner is often successful. It helps you to state the cause and effect and then give room to listen to their point of view.

冒着过于概括的风险,我在管理设计师(和自己一个人)的同时还发现我们可以成为一群敏感的人。 即使是我以为是残酷的设计师,也常常会有很多不安全感,不得不一遍又一遍地重做工作,可能会使更具建设性的反馈感觉像是最后一根稻草。 直截了当地指出设计师没有达到期望会破坏他们聆听反馈的任何机会。 这就是为什么通常会成功地使用SBI模板传递反馈的原因。 它可以帮助您陈述因果关系,然后让他们有机会倾听他们的观点。

Because our jobs as designers require us to find problems and fix what’s not working, I believe designers also tend toward self-criticism, which is easy to disguise with outward confidence. Rather than not giving feedback at all, however, design managers can address this head-on. Encourage a growth mindset by reminding your direct report that we all make mistakes. Try telling them a story about a time you did something similar.

因为我们作为设计师的工作要求我们发现问题并解决无法解决的问题,所以我相信设计师也倾向于自我批评,这很容易被外在的自信掩盖。 但是,设计经理可以完全解决这个问题,而不是完全不提供反馈。 提醒您的直接举报我们都犯错,从而鼓励成长型思维。 尝试给他们讲一个有关您做类似事情的故事。

Remember to also give your designers positive feedback when they do something good—not during the constructive feedback conversation, because we’ve all experienced the overused and uneffective shit sandwich, but at another time, ideally soon after you observe the behavior and impact. This ensures that your positive feedback will be heard and felt.

请记住,当设计师做得很好时,也要给他们积极的反馈- 不是在建设性的反馈对话中,因为我们都经历了过度使用和无效的粪便三明治 ,但是最好是在观察行为和影响后的另一时间。 这样可以确保听到并感受到您的正面反馈。

反馈是您可以学习的工具 (Feedback is a tool you can learn)

Remember that anytime you try doing something new, it’s hard at first. Changing from Sketch to Figma or Photoshop to Sketch, for example, is difficult on the first day. But as we practice and get tips from other people, it will eventually feel more natural. We might even create our own custom workflows and keyboard shortcuts. Feedback is a skill like any other, and it’s the only way to help your design team reach their full potential.

请记住,无论何时尝试做新的事情,一开始都很难。 例如,在第一天就很难从Sketch更改为Figma或从Photoshop更改为Sketch。 但是当我们练习并从其他人那里获得提示时,它最终会变得更加自然。 我们甚至可以创建自己的自定义工作流程和键盘快捷键。 反馈是一项与众不同的技能,它是帮助您的设计团队发挥最大潜能的唯一途径。

If you’re looking for help coaching and leading your designers, contact me to set up an initial half-hour video chat consultation on how I can support your team.

如果您在寻求指导和领导设计师的帮助,请 与我联系 以建立一个半小时的视频聊天初步咨询,以了解我如何为您的团队提供支持。

Originally published at




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  1. 面试者为何从来得不到反馈?

    作者 | Aline Lerner 译者 | 王艳妮,责编 | 屠敏 头图 | CSDN 下载自东方 IC 出品 | CSDN(ID:CSDNnews) 以下为译文: 从没有工程师会因为公司给出建设性 ...

  2. Moonbeam社区论坛:一个致力于社区讨论、提案、和反馈的空间

    欢迎Moonbeam社区来到Moonbeam社区论坛,这是一个致力于举办与Moonbeam和Moonriver相关讨论的全新社区空间,讨论话题包括技术发展.治理.和未来生态系统计划.该论坛还将作为更新 ...

  3. 【译】如何提出好的Code Review反馈

    没错,Code Review系列还在继续,今天我们一起来聊一聊如何提出好的Code Review反馈. Code Review是保证代码的质量和可维护性,以及向团队成员分享知识的重要手段.但是,随着团 ...

  4. 员工和经理的 24 个正面反馈示例

    员工反馈很重要.正是对我们的行为和工作产品的反应告诉我们我们的立场以及如何变得更好.但是,积极反馈与建设性反馈同样重要,甚至更重要--这就是我们分享一些我们最喜欢的积极反馈示例的原因. 员工和经理的 ...

  5. 成为UX设计师:你需要知道的六个基本步骤

    以下内容由Mockplus 团队翻译整理,仅供学习交流,Mockplus是更快更简单的原型设计工具 . 想要成为一名UX设计师并非难事,但也需要努力和决心.你可通过以下六个步骤来学习用户体验设计. 你 ...

  6. 2022 年 360反馈的好处(所有企业规模)

    目录 1 360反馈有什么好处? 2 大型组织的 360反馈的好处 3 360反馈对小型企业的好处 4 远程团队 360反馈的好处 5 360反馈的主要优势 360反馈有什么好处? 如果您正在寻找36 ...

  7. 全球链界科技发展大会_如何成为科技界的团队合作者

    全球链界科技发展大会 by Ofer Vugman 由Ofer Vugman 如何成为科技界的团队合作者 (How to be a team player in the tech world) 这些技 ...

  8. 【考前冲刺整理】20220812

    20. 项目经理正在谋求与关键相关方一起验证某项目是否符合公司战略,但其中的几位相关方却一再拒绝开会请求.项目经理接下来应该如何进行该验证工作? The project manager is seek ...

  9. PMP考前冲刺题2022(正题)含解析

    多选题 (每题1分,共151道题) 1. [多选] 项目进度落后了,项目经理观察到,项目团队似乎把大部分时间花在了写文件上,而不是执行项目任务.项目经理应该做什么来帮助确保该团队专注于项目任务? Th ...

  10. 08.第九章.人力资源管理

    文章目录 9.1项目人力资源管理概念 9.2项目人力资源管理过程 9.3项目人力资源管理工具 9.4项目人力资源管理文件 9.1项目人力资源管理概念 1.领导"人".管理" ...


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