我对Java很陌生,对绘制梯形有疑问 . 目前我不知道从哪里开始 . 你有什么想法,我可以在哪里开始,以及要照顾什么?我不想从中得到完整的代码,只是一些灵感,因为此刻我真的不知道


* Trapezium.java -



* Represents a isosceles trapezium, that can be 'drawn' to the standard

* output stream. A trapezium is drawn with a foreground and background colour.

* The fore- and background colours are represented by two (different) characters.

* Each trapezium consists of a number of individual lines. Each line contains an

* odd number of foreground characters to be able to retain symmetry.


public class Trapezium {

// Attributes/ Fields


* The character representation of the default background.


private static final char DEFAULT_BACKGROUND = 32;


* The character representation of the default foreground.


private static final char DEFAULT_FOREGROUND = 42;


* The character representation of the indentation.


private static final char INDENTATION = 32;


* The number of lines used to draw the triangle itself.


private int height;


* The maximal number of characters per line used to draw the

* trapezium itself.


private int width;


* The size of the margin in characters.


private int margin;


* The foreground character.


private char foreground;


* The background character.


private char background;


* The number of characters at the top line of

* the trapezium.


private int topWidth;


* The number of characters at the bottom line of the trapezium.


private int bottomWidth;

// Constructor


* Creates a trapezium accepting a top and bottom width,

* a fore- and a background character as well as a value

* for the margin.


* @param topWidth - the width at the top of the trapezium as a non-negative number.

* @param bottomWidth - the width at the bottom of the trapezium as a non-negative number.

* @param foreground - the character used to draw the trapezium's foreground

* @param background - the character used to draw the trapezium's background

* @param margin - the non-negative number of characters to be used as margin at the left

* and right of the trapezium



public Trapezium(int topWidth, int bottomWidth,

char foreground, char background,

int margin) {

this.topWidth = topWidth;

this.bottomWidth = bottomWidth;

this.foreground = foreground;

this.background = background;

this.margin = margin;



* Creates a trapezium with the given width at the top and bottom

* and the size of the margin.

* Default values are used for the foreground and background.


* @param topWidth - the width at the top of the trapezium as a non-negative odd number.

* @param bottomWidth - the width at the bottom of the trapezium as a non-negative odd number.

* @param margin - the non-negative number of characters to be used as margin at the left

* and right of the trapezium



public Trapezium(int topWidth,

int bottomWidth,

int margin) {

this.topWidth = topWidth;

this.bottomWidth = bottomWidth;

this.margin = margin;



* Creates a trapezium without a margin with the given width at the top and bottom.

* Default values are used for the foreground and background.


* @param topWidth - the width at the top of the trapezium as a non-negative odd number.

* @param bottomWidth - the width at the bottom of the trapezium as a non-negative odd number.


public Trapezium(int topWidth,

int bottomWidth) {

this.topWidth = topWidth;

this.bottomWidth = bottomWidth;


// Methods


* Draws the triangle with no indentation.

* This method calls the more general 'draw' method.


public void draw() {

// while



* Draws the triangle with the given indentation.


* @param indentation - the indentation at which the triangle is drawn



public void draw(int indentation) {





* Rotates the triangle 180 degrees.



public void rotate() {




* Prints a 'run' of a given character.


* @param character - the character to be repeated.

* @param length - the number of characters to print.



private void printCharacterRun(char character, int length) {




* Adds a newline to the output.



private void printNewLine() {



测试员在另一个 class

trapezium = new Trapezium(5, 11, '*', '-', 2); // create a new Trapezium





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