fatal: unable to access ‘https://chromium.googlesource.com/webm/libwebp/’: Failed to connect to chromium.googlesource.com port 443: Operation timed out


设置系统全局环境变量 http/https代理:切换到etc目录下

cd /etc


sudo vim bashrc

输入密码进入后, G $ 定位到文件末尾 按下键盘字母 i 开始输入,在最下面位置粘贴下面两句

export http_proxy=
export https_proxy=

然后退出保存 按Esc :wq (wq不行 可强制 wq!)


source bashrc

最后一步 验证成功:

curl www.google.com

如果收到google的html数据代表已通,自然git也能访问google code网站 ,执行pod install 就能成功下载libwebp

fatal: unable to access 'https://chromium.googlesource.com/webm/libwebp/': Failed to connect to chro相关推荐

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