最近再maven test出了此类错误



2.有的说用配置pom参数 配置插件什么的



偶然的情况 我把项目放在一级目录下   mvn package成功了  最后发现是目录名称有不能识别的字符:&  删掉之后就可以执行了

test failed: The forked VM terminated without saying properly goodbye. VM crash or System.exit相关推荐

  1. 【maven】The forked VM terminated without saying properly

    1.概述 转载:https://blog.csdn.net/zhglance/article/details/53695653 一直在使用Maven开发项目,最近遇到了一个让人头疼的问题,在网上搜索竟 ...

  2. Specified VM install not found: type Standard VM, name jdk1.6_ 的疑问

    在ant项目中运行build.xml时,会提示错误Specified VM install not found: type Standard VM, name jdk1.6_...类似的错误信息,网上 ...

  3. build.xml编译报错Specified VM install not found: type Standard VM, name jdk1.7.0_45

    build.xml编译打包时报错: 解决方法: build.xml  --  右键 --  Run As -- External Tools Configuration 在这个页面的顶端就会看到有红叉 ...

  4. Specified VM install not found: type Standard VM, name jdk1.7

    网上抄袭来抄袭去,都说是将"workspace /.metadat a/.plugins/org.eclipse.debug.core/.launches/"下的文件都删除掉. 的 ...

  5. vm 安装jdk1.8_JDK 13:VM.events已添加到jcmd

    vm 安装jdk1.8 CSR( 兼容性和规范审查 ) JDK-8224601 ["提供VM.events诊断命令"]从JDK 13 Early Access Build #24 ...

  6. java VM argument_java之program arguments与VM arguments

    program arguments 中的值作为 args[] 的参数传入的,而 VM Arguments 是设置的虚拟机的属性. program arguments 是要传给你的应用程序的,它通过主函 ...

  7. GO connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond 已解决

    一.问题 用 go build 创建项目,拉取go第三方扩展包的时候报如下错误: dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt ...

  8. Specified VM install not found: type Standard VM, name jre7

    报错信息:Specified VM install not found: type Standard VM, name jre7 解决方案: 方案一: 网上抄袭来抄袭去,都说是将"works ...

  9. A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of……

    在vscode中安装GO语言相关插件的时候,报错: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly r ...

  10. go get connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond

    (14条消息) go get connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly r ...


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