
1、 主线程等待新线程先结束退出,主线程后退出。正常执行。


#include "apue.h"
#include <pthread.h>  pthread_t ntid;//线程ID  void printids(const char *s)
{  pid_t pid;  pthread_t tid;  pid = getpid();  tid = pthread_self();  printf("%s pid %u tid %u (0x%x)\n",s,(unsigned int)pid,  (unsigned int)tid,(unsigned int)tid);
}  void *thrfun(void *arg){  //sleep(1);//使得主线程先退出  printids("new thread");  return ((void *)0);
}  int main(){  int err;  err = pthread_create(&ntid,NULL,thrfun,NULL);  if(err != 0)  err_quit("can't create thread: %s\n",strerror(err));  printids("main thread");  sleep(1);//等待新线程先结束  exit(0);


2、 进程先退出,新线程也会立即退出,系统清除所有资源。


#include "apue.h"
#include <pthread.h>  pthread_t ntid;//线程ID  void printids(const char *s)
{  pid_t pid;  pthread_t tid;  pid = getpid();  tid = pthread_self();  printf("%s pid %u tid %u (0x%x)\n",s,(unsigned int)pid,  (unsigned int)tid,(unsigned int)tid);
}  void *thrfun(void *arg){  sleep(1);//使得主线程先退出  printids("new thread");  return ((void *)0);
}  int main(){  int err;  err = pthread_create(&ntid,NULL,thrfun,NULL);  if(err != 0)  err_quit("can't create thread: %s\n",strerror(err));  printids("main thread");  //sleep(1);  exit(0);//注意是进程(不是线程)退出




#include "apue.h"
#include <pthread.h>  pthread_t ntid;//线程ID  void printids(const char *s)
{  pid_t pid;  pthread_t tid;  pid = getpid();  tid = pthread_self();  printf("%s pid %u tid %u (0x%x)\n",s,(unsigned int)pid,  (unsigned int)tid,(unsigned int)tid);
}  void *thrfun(void *arg){  sleep(1);//使得主线程先退出  printids("new thread");  return ((void *)0);
}  int main(){  int err;  err = pthread_create(&ntid,NULL,thrfun,NULL);  if(err != 0)  err_quit("can't create thread: %s\n",strerror(err));  printids("main thread");  //sleep(1);  pthread_exit(NULL);  exit(0);


When you program with POSIX Threads API,there is one thing about pthread_exit() that you may ignore for mistake. Insubroutines that complete normally, there is nothing special you have to dounless you want to pass a return code back using pthread_exit(). The completionwon’t affect the other threads which were created by the main thread of thissubroutine. However, in main(), when the code has been executed to the end,there could leave a choice for you. If you want to kill all the threads thatmain() created before, you can dispense with calling any functions. But if you want to keep the process and all the other threadsexcept for the main thread alive after the exit of main(), then you can call pthread_exit()to realize it. And any files opened inside the main thread will remain openafter its termination.


我们可以在return 0;这条语句前面添加一条输出语句printf(“Mainthread has exited!\n”);来进行测试,输出结果不发生任何变化,说明这条语句没有被执行到。也就说明进程并未退出。



#include "apue.h"
#include<pthread.h>  pthread_t ntid;//线程ID  void printids(const char *s)
{  pid_t pid;  pthread_t tid;  pid = getpid();  tid = pthread_self();  printf("%s pid %u tid %u (0x%x)\n",s,(unsigned int)pid,  (unsigned int)tid,(unsigned int)tid);
}  void *thrfun2(void *arg){  sleep(1);//使得创建它的主线程先退出  printids("new thread of the new thread");  return ((void *)0);
}  void *thrfun(void *arg){  sleep(1);//使得主线程先退出  printids("new thread");  int err;  err = pthread_create(&ntid,NULL,thrfun2,NULL);  if(err != 0)  err_quit("can'tcreate thread: %s\n",strerror(err));  return ((void *)0);
}  int main(){  int err;  err = pthread_create(&ntid,NULL,thrfun,NULL);  if(err != 0)  err_quit("can'tcreate thread: %s\n",strerror(err));  printids("main thread");  //sleep(1);  pthread_exit(NULL);  printf("main thread has exited!\n");  exit(0);



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