mac 显示器分辨率

You can change the display resolution of your Mac to make text larger or gain more space. There are some predefined scaled resolutions available, but you can get more granular control over your display’s resolution.

您可以更改Mac的显示分辨率以增大文本或获取更多空间。 有一些预定义的缩放分辨率,但是您可以更精细地控制显示器的分辨率。

Normally a Mac will run its display at the resolution Apple believes is best. There are also four or five different options—depending on your Mac and display and highlighted below—that provide different outcomes. They’re fine, but they’re options to make text bigger or your desktop larger without using the number-based resolutions we all understand. But if you do some digging, you can get some real control over your display by making actual resolutions available to you.

通常,Mac将以Apple认为最佳的分辨率运行其显示器。 根据您的Mac和显示器以及下面突出显示的内容,还有四个或五个不同的选项可提供不同的结果。 它们很好,但是它们是不使用我们都理解的基于数字的分辨率而使文本变大或使桌面变大的选项。 但是,如果您进行一些挖掘,则可以通过提供实际的分辨率来对显示器进行一些实际控制。

为什么显示分辨率很重要? (Why is Display Resolution Important?)

A display’s resolution is the number of pixels available both horizontally and vertically. A 4K display has a resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels, or 3840 pixels horizontally, and 2160 pixels vertically.

显示器的分辨率是水平和垂直可用像素的数量。 4K显示器的分辨率为3840 x 2160像素,水平分辨率为3840像素,垂直分辨率为2160像素。

How much information you can see on-screen at any given time is governed by its resolution. Higher resolutions mean that more things can be shown on-screen. Those things could be windows, icons, photos, or text in a document. Because of the larger resolution, however, that also means all on-screen elements are smaller, which is something else to consider.

您在任何给定时间可以在屏幕上看到多少信息取决于其分辨率。 更高的分辨率意味着可以在屏幕上显示更多内容。 这些东西可能是窗口,图标,照片或文档中的文本。 但是,由于分辨率较高,这也意味着所有屏幕上的元素都较小,这是需要考虑的其他因素。

Larger displays usually also have higher resolutions than smaller ones, especially if they are of good quality.


是什么使视网膜形成视网膜? (What Makes Retina, Retina?)

The direct link between how many pixels a display has and how much space is available on-screen is broken by Apple’s use of Retina displays. Apple defines a Retina display as one whose pixel density is so high that your eyes can’t see individual pixels when you’re sitting at a reasonable viewing distance.

苹果使用Retina显示器打破了显示器有多少像素与屏幕上有多少可用空间之间的直接联系。 Apple将Retina显示器定义为像素密度很高的显示器,当您坐在适当的观看距离时,眼睛看不到单个像素。

For you, that means a tack sharp image. And it’s also where scaling comes into effect.

对您来说,这意味着清晰的图像。 这也是缩放生效的地方。

An excellent example of how Retina displays change the way we think of resolutions is the 5K 27-inch iMac with a resolution of 5120 x 2880. You would expect everything to be tiny at that resolution, but because macOS scales everything up, it’s not. Everything looks great because of the high resolution, but because it’s scaled, you can still read it.

视网膜显示屏如何改变分辨率的一个很好的例子是分辨率为5120 x 2880的5K 27英寸iMac。您希望在该分辨率下一切都很小,但是由于macOS可以放大所有内容,因此并非如此。 由于具有高分辨率,因此所有内容看起来都很不错,但是由于它已缩放,因此您仍然可以阅读它。

Scaling works by taking something that would typically use a single pixel and making it use multiples of two instead. That allows a larger display resolution to be used without shrinking on-screen items to the point of being difficult to see. It also gives you the flexibility of using a display’s native resolution at all times.

缩放的工作原理是采用通常会使用单个像素的东西,而不是使用两个像素的倍数。 这样就可以使用更大的显示分辨率,而不会将屏幕上的项目缩小到难以看到的程度。 它还使您可以随时灵活使用显示器的原始分辨率。

Some scaling options are made available by default, and they get the job done. But they’re vague, and there’s a way to select a more precise resolution.

默认情况下,某些缩放选项处于可用状态,它们可以完成工作。 但是它们含糊不清,可以选择一种更精确的分辨率。

为什么选择分辨率可能很重要 (Why Selecting a Resolution Might be Important)

If you need to know precisely which resolution you are using, the scaled options won’t cut it. Some apps and games might need specific resolutions to be used, for example.

如果您需要精确地知道所使用的分辨率,则缩放选项不会降低分辨率。 例如,某些应用和游戏可能需要使用特定的分辨率。

When selecting a precise resolution, there are more options available than the default ones your Mac shows you. That can be super useful if you have particular needs that aren’t catered for typically.

选择精确分辨率时,可用选项比Mac显示的默认选项更多。 如果您有通常无法满足的特殊需求,那可能会非常有用。

如何选择精确的分辨率 (How to Select a Precise Resolution)

There might be times where you want full control over the resolution of your Mac’s display. You can override macOS’s scaling and go back to the old resolution-to-size ratio instead.

有时您可能需要完全控制Mac显示器的分辨率。 您可以覆盖macOS的缩放比例,而改回旧的分辨率与尺寸比。

Click the Apple logo at the top of the screen and then click “System Preferences.”


Click “Displays.”


The Displays preference panel shows the four scaled resolution options, but no actual resolutions. Hold the Option key and click “Scaled” to see them.

“显示”首选项面板显示四个缩放的分辨率选项,但不显示实际分辨率。 按住Option键,然后单击“缩放”以查看它们。

Click a resolution to apply it.


Your Mac’s display will refresh, and you can close System Preferences.



mac 显示器分辨率

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