
Peter Werkman/Flickr彼得·韦尔克曼(Peter Werkman)/弗里克(Flickr)

The Mac’s been around so long that there are some features many have forgotten about, or never knew existed in the first place. Network locations are a great example, but they can be super useful. Here’s why.

Mac已经存在了很长时间,以至于有些功能被许多人遗忘了,或者一开始就不知道存在。 网络位置是一个很好的例子,但它们可能非常有用。 这就是为什么。

Network locations have been part of macOS for years, but it’s a real shame how often they go unused. If you’re someone who regularly uses your Mac in multiple locations and connects to different networks both wired and wireless, then using multiple network locations can be a lifesaver.

多年来,网络位置一直是macOS的一部分,但这真是令人遗憾的是它们经常不使用。 如果您经常在多个位置使用Mac并连接到有线和无线的不同网络,那么使用多个网络位置可能会节省很多时间。

什么是网络位置? (What are Network Locations?)

The best way to think of network locations is as a collection of saved preferences. If you like to have your Ethernet connection set up one way at home but want to have different settings at the office, then a pair of network locations is perfect because it saves you from diving into System Preferences every time you work from a different place. You might also want to have different service orders set up depending on where you are, for example.

考虑网络位置的最佳方法是保存已保存的首选项。 如果您希望在家中以一种方式设置以太网连接,但又希望在办公室中进行不同的设置,那么一对网络位置是完美的选择,因为它使您每次在异地工作时都不必进入“系统偏好设置”。 例如,您可能还希望根据您所在的位置设置不同的服务订单。

如何设置网络位置 (How to Set Up a Network Location)

To get started, open the Apple menu and click “System Preferences.”


Next, click “Network.”


At the top of the window, click the “Location” drop-down menu and then click “Edit Locations.”


Click the “+” button to add a new location and then enter the name you want. You can also remove locations by clicking the “-“ button once they are no longer required.

单击“ +”按钮添加新位置,然后输入所需的名称。 一旦不再需要位置,您也可以通过单击“-”按钮来删除它们。

Click the “Done” button. Your new location will now be selectable in the Location drop-down we saw earlier. Select it and then make any changes you require. Any changes you make will be saved for that specific location once you click the “Apply” button.

点击“完成”按钮。 现在,您可以在我们之前看到的“位置”下拉列表中选择您的新位置。 选择它,然后进行所需的任何更改。 单击“应用”按钮后,所做的任何更改都会保存到该特定位置。

如何切换位置 (How to Switch Locations)

When you need to select a new location, the quickest way to do so is to click the Apple logo, select “Location,” and then chose the location that you want to become active.





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