


using System;
using System.Diagnostics ;
using System.Collections ;
namespace    dhzWeb
 public class ORM_orderitem

private int _lstId=0;
  public int  lstId
   get { return _lstId;}
   set { _lstId=value;}
  private int _proid=0;0
  public int  proid
   get { return _proid;}
   set { _proid=value;}
  private int _prosl=0;
  public int  prosl
   get { return _prosl;}
   set { _prosl=value;}
  private decimal _propri=0.0M;
  public decimal  propri
   get { return _propri;}
   set { _propri=value;}
  private DateTime _lstdt=DateTime.Now;
  public DateTime  lstdt
   get { return _lstdt;}
   set { _lstdt=value;}
  private string _desp="";
  public string  desp
   get { return _desp;}
   set { _desp=value;}

 public class ORM_orders

private DateTime _orderDt=DateTime.Now;
  public DateTime  orderDt
   get { return _orderDt;}
   set { _orderDt=value;}
  private byte _orderSt=0;
  public byte  orderSt
   get { return _orderSt;}
   set { _orderSt=value;}
  private int _userId=0;
  public int  userId
   get { return _userId;}
   set { _userId=value;}

 public class ORM_protab

private string _proName="";
  public string  proName
   get { return _proName;}
   set { _proName=value;}
  private int _proSL=0;
  public int  proSL
   get { return _proSL;}
   set { _proSL=value;}
  private decimal _proPrice=0.0M;
  public decimal  proPrice
   get { return _proPrice;}
   set { _proPrice=value;}
  private bool _proSt=false;
  public bool  proSt
   get { return _proSt;}
   set { _proSt=value;}
  private DateTime _proDt=DateTime.Now;
  public DateTime  proDt
   get { return _proDt;}
   set { _proDt=value;}
  private string _proDesp="";
  public string  proDesp
   get { return _proDesp;}
   set { _proDesp=value;}

 public class ORM_user

private string _username="";
  public string  username
   get { return _username;}
   set { _username=value;}
  private string _userpwd="";
  public string  userpwd
   get { return _userpwd;}
   set { _userpwd=value;}
  private string _userEmail="";
  public string  userEmail
   get { return _userEmail;}
   set { _userEmail=value;}

 public sealed class    TableAttribute:System.Attribute
  public TableAttribute(string tabName)
  private string tabname;
  public  string  TabName
   get{ return this.tabname;}
   set { this.tabname=value;}



System.IO.TextReader tr=System.IO.File.OpenText(Server.MapPath("sql.txt"));
   IDataReader dr=dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.ExecSql(tr.ReadToEnd ());
   tr.Close ();
   int ks=dr.FieldCount ;
   TableRow tabrow=new TableRow();
   for(int i=0;i<ks;i++)
    TableCell tc=new TableCell();
    Literal li=new Literal();
   System.IO.StreamWriter sw=System.IO.File.CreateText(Server.MapPath("ORM.cs"));
   sw.WriteLine("using System;/r/n");
      sw.WriteLine("namespace ORM.cs/r/n");
   string preTabName="";
   string curTabName="";
   int colCnt=dr.FieldCount ;
   System.Collections.Hashtable hstab=new Hashtable();
   while(dr.Read ())
       curTabName=dr[0].ToString ();
                       /* ColumnAttribute(Int64 id,string tabName,string dbType ,string colName,int  length ,int xscale,
         int  colid,int isprec,int isScal,bool  isident ,bool allownull,string desp,
         bool  isPrimaryKey,bool isRefKey ,string refTab ,string refTabCol)*/
     string headstr="[Column({0},/"{1}/",/"{2}/",/"{3}/",{4},{5},"
     object[]  args=new object[]{
      dr[9].ToString ()=="0"?"false":"true",
      dr[10].ToString ()=="0"?"false":"true",
      dr[12].ToString ()=="0"?"false":"true",
      dr[13].ToString ()=="0"?"false":"true",
     byte[] img=new byte[]{0};
     string  nettp=dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.tpConvert()[args[2].ToString ()].ToString ();
     string defstr=dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.vpConvert()[args[2].ToString ()].ToString ();
     string  fdname="_"+args[3].ToString ();
     sw.WriteLine("/t/t"+string.Format("private {0} {1}={2};",nettp,fdname,defstr));
     sw.WriteLine("/t/t"+" public "+nettp+"  "+args[3].ToString ()+" {");
     sw.WriteLine("/t/t/t"+ " get { return "+fdname+";}");
     sw.WriteLine("/t/t/t"+ " set { "+fdname+"=value;}");
     sw.WriteLine("/t/t"+" }");

     hstab.Add(curTabName,dr[1].ToString ());
     sw.WriteLine("[Table(/""+dr[1].ToString ()+"/")]");
     sw.WriteLine("/t public class ORM_"+dr[1].ToString ().ToLower ()+"{/r/n");
   sw.WriteLine("/t} /r/n");

   sw.Flush ();
   sw.Close ();


select tab.id,--表编号
dbType=type.name , --数据类型
col.xscale ,--小数位数
col.colid ,--列序数
isident=COLUMNPROPERTY ( tab.id , col.name , 'IsIdentity' ) ,--是否自增
allownull=COLUMNPROPERTY ( tab.id , col.name , 'AllowsNull' ) ,--允许为空
desp=isnull((select g.value  from sysproperties g where g.id=tab.id and g.smallid=col.colid),''),--说明信息
isPrimaryKey= case sign((select count(*) From(
                          select pkname= pk.name 
      from  sysobjects pk,sysindexkeys idx
             where pk.xtype='PK' and tab.xtype='u'
             and pk.parent_obj=tab.id
             and idx.id=tab.id
             and col.colid=idx.colid
                           AS T)
                        ) when 1  then 1 else 0 end ,--是否主键
isRefKey=case sign(
               ( select count(*)  from (
    select  sonId=fkeyId ,parTab=obj2.name ,ref.fkey
    from sysobjects obj ,sysforeignkeys ref,sysobjects obj2,syscolumns col,syscolumns col1
    where obj.id=ref.fkeyid
        and col.colid=fkey  and col.id=ref.fkeyid
    and obj2.id=ref.rkeyid
    and  col1.colid=rkey and col1.id=ref.rkeyid
    ) as  T2  Where T2.sonId=tab.Id and T2.fkey=col.colid)
   ) when 1 then 1 else 0 end,--取值是否要引用其它表
refTab= isnull( ( select parTab  from (
    select  sonId=fkeyId ,parTab=obj2.name ,ref.fkey
    from sysobjects obj ,sysforeignkeys ref,sysobjects obj2,syscolumns col,syscolumns col1
    where obj.id=ref.fkeyid
        and col.colid=fkey  and col.id=ref.fkeyid
    and obj2.id=ref.rkeyid
    and  col1.colid=rkey and col1.id=ref.rkeyid
    ) as  T2  Where T2.sonId=tab.Id and T2.fkey=col.colid),''),---引用表名
refTabCol=isnull((select parTabCol from (
     select sonId=fkeyId ,parTabCol=col1.name,ref.fkey
    from sysobjects obj ,sysforeignkeys ref,sysobjects obj2,syscolumns col,syscolumns col1
    where obj.id=ref.fkeyid
        and col.colid=fkey  and col.id=ref.fkeyid
    and obj2.id=ref.rkeyid
    and  col1.colid=rkey and col1.id=ref.rkeyid
    ) as  T2  Where T2.sonId=tab.Id and T2.fkey=col.colid),'')--引有列名

from syscolumns col ,sysobjects tab ,systypes type
where tab.xtype='U' and col.id=tab.id 
and type.xusertype=col.xusertype
and tab.name<>'dtproperties'
order by tab.name,col.colid


public sealed class  dhzSqlCnn
  public static  SqlConnection SqlCnn()
   return new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["DBConnString"]);
  public static IDataReader  ExecSql(string sql)

SqlConnection cnn=dhzSqlCnn.SqlCnn ();
   cnn.Open ();
   SqlCommand cmd=cnn.CreateCommand ();
   SqlDataReader dr=cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection );
   return dr;

  private  static  Hashtable  dic;
  /// <summary>
  /// SQL数据类型与.net数据类型的转化
  /// </summary>
  /// <returns></returns>
  public static   Hashtable  tpConvert()
    dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.dic=new Hashtable ();




    dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.dic.Add("timestamp ","byte[]");

dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.dic.Add("uniqueidentifier ","Guid");
    dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.dic.Add("varbinary ","byte[]");
    dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.dic.Add("variant ","Object");
   return dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.dic ;
  private  static  Hashtable  vic;
  /// <summary>
  /// </summary>
  /// <returns></returns>
  public static   Hashtable  vpConvert()
    dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.vic=new Hashtable ();
    dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.vic.Add("bigint","new byte[]{0}");
    dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.vic.Add("binary","new byte[]{0}");


    dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.vic.Add("image","new byte[]{0}");


    dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.vic.Add("timestamp ","new byte[]{0}");
    dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.vic.Add("uniqueidentifier ","Guid.NewGuid()");
    dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.vic.Add("varbinary ","new byte[]");
    dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.vic.Add("variant ","new object()");
   return dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.vic ;
  private  static  Hashtable  tic;
  /// <summary>
  /// SQL数据类型对应的ADO.net的数据类型
  /// </summary>
  /// <returns></returns>
  public static   Hashtable  adConvert()
    dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.tic=new Hashtable ();
    dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.tic.Add("bigint", SqlDbType.BigInt);

    dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.tic.Add("nvarchar",SqlDbType.NVarChar );

dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.tic.Add("int",SqlDbType.Int );
    dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.tic.Add("float",SqlDbType.Float );
    dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.tic.Add("image",SqlDbType.Image );

dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.tic.Add("real",SqlDbType.Real );

    dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.tic.Add("timestamp ",SqlDbType.Timestamp);

dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.tic.Add("uniqueidentifier ",SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
    dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.tic.Add("varbinary ",SqlDbType.VarBinary);
    dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.tic.Add("variant ",SqlDbType.Variant);
   return dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.dic ;
  private static    Hashtable sufTab;
  public static   Hashtable  sufEnc()
    dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.sufTab=new Hashtable();

   return dhzWeb.dhzSqlCnn.sufTab;

/*id tabName dbType colName length xscale colid isprec isScal isident allownull desp isPrimaryKey isRefKey refTab refTabCol */
 public sealed class    ColumnAttribute:System.Attribute
  /// <summary>
  /// 列属性
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="id">表ID</param>
  /// <param name="tabName">表名</param>
  /// <param name="dbType">sql数据类型</param>
  /// <param name="colName">列名</param>
  /// <param name="length">宽度</param>
  /// <param name="xscale">小数位数</param>
  /// <param name="colid">列ID</param>
  /// <param name="isprec">精度</param>
  /// <param name="isScal">小数位数</param>
  /// <param name="isident">是否自增</param>
  /// <param name="allownull">允许空</param>
  /// <param name="desp">描述</param>
  /// <param name="isPrimaryKey">主键否</param>
  /// <param name="isRefKey">外键</param>
  /// <param name="refTab">外键表</param>
  /// <param name="refTabCol">外键列</param>
  /// <param name="defval">默认值</param>
  public   ColumnAttribute(Int64 id,string tabName,string dbType ,string colName,int  length ,int xscale,
   int  colid,int isprec,int isScal,bool  isident ,bool allownull,string desp,
   bool  isPrimaryKey,bool isRefKey ,string refTab ,string refTabCol)
   this.isRefKey=isRefKey ;
   this.refTab=refTab ;

  private Int64 id;
  public  Int64  ID
   get{ return id;}
  private string tabName;
  public String TabName
   get{ return this.tabName ;}
   set{ this.tabName=value;}
  private string dbType ;
  public String SqlType
   get{ return this.dbType ;}
   set{ this.dbType=value;}
  private string colName;  
  public string  ColName
   get{ return this.colName;}
   set{ this.colName=value;}
  private int  length ; 
  public int  Length
   get{ return this.length;}
   set{ this.length=value;}
  private int xscale; 
  public int XScale
   get{ return this.xscale ;}
   set{ this.xscale=value;}
  private int  colid;  
  public int  ColId
   get{ return this.colid ;}
   set{ this.colid=value;}
  private int isprec; 
  public int  IsPrec
   get{ return this.isprec ;}
   set{ this.isprec=value;}
  private int isScal;
  public int IsScal
   get{ return this.isScal;}
   set{ this.isScal=value;}
  private bool  isident ;  
  public bool  IsIdent
   get{ return this.isident;}
   set{ this.isident=value;}
  private bool allownull;  
  public bool  AllowNull
   get{ return this.allownull ;}
   set{ this.allownull=value;}
  private string desp;  
  public string Desp
   get{ return this.desp ;}
   set{ this.desp=value;}
  private bool  isPrimaryKey;  
  public bool  IsPrimaryKey
   get{ return this.isPrimaryKey;}
   set{ this.isPrimaryKey=value;}
  private bool isRefKey ;  
  public  bool  IsRefkey
   get{ return this.isRefKey;}
   set{ this.isRefKey=value;}
  private string refTab ;  
  public string RefTab
   get{ return this.refTab ;}
   set{ this.refTab=value;}
  private string refTabCol ;  
  public string  RefTabCol
   get{ return this.refTabCol;}
   set{ this.refTabCol=value;}





public static object  Create(Type rowType,object[] pkArgs)
   object item=Activator.CreateInstance(rowType,false);
   //IDataReader dr=Get
   ORM.TableAttribute[] tabn=rowType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ORM.TableAttribute),false) as ORM.TableAttribute[];
    throw new Exception("没有实现Table属性");
   string sqltab=tabn[0].TabName ;
   IDataReader dr=null;//=getDataReader by  tabName and primarykey lst;
   foreach(MemberInfo mi in rowType.GetMembers())
    foreach(ColumnAttribute attr in mi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ORM.ColumnAttribute),false))
   return item ;





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