The Unity Profiler helps you to optimize your game. It reports for you how much time is spent in the various areas of your game. For example, it can report the percentage of time spent rendering, animating or in your game logic.


You can play your game in the Editor with Profiling on, and it will record performance data. The Profiler window then displays the data in a timeline, so you can see the frames or areas that spike (take more time) than others. By clicking anywhere in the timeline, the bottom section of the Profiler window will display detailed information for the selected frame.

在编辑器中,你可以将你的游戏在分析器运行着的状态下运行,它会记录性能数据。 分析器窗口,在时间轴上显示数据,所以你可以看到帧或区域峰值(比其他需要更多的时间)。在时间轴中的任何地方按一下,分析器窗口的底部区域会显示选定的帧的详细信息。

Note that profiling has to instrument your code. This instrumentation has a small impact on the performance of your game. Typically this overhead is small enough to not affect the game framerate. When using profiling it is typical to consider only the ratio (or percentage) of time spent in certain areas. Also, to improve performance focus on those parts of the game that consume the most time. Compare profiling results before and after code changes and determine the improvements you measure. Sometimes changes you make to improve performance might have a negative effect on frame rate; unexpected consequences of code optimization should be expected.


  • Profiler window 分析器窗口

    • CPU Usage Area CPU使用率区域
    • Rendering Area 渲染区域
    • Memory Area 内存区域
    • Audio Area 音频区域
    • ProfilerPhysics 物理学区域
    • GPU Area GPU区域

See Also 参见

  • Optimizing Graphics Performance page. 

Remote profiling can be enabled on iOS devices by following these steps:


  1. Connect your iOS device to your WiFi network (local/adhoc WiFi network is used by profiler to send profiling data from device to the Unity Editor). 
    您的iOS设备连接到WiFi网络(分析器使用本地/adhoc WiFi网络发送分析数据,从设备到Unity的编辑器)。
  2. Check "Autoconnect Profiler" checkbox in Unity's build settings dialog. 
    在Unity的构建设置(build settings)对话框中的,勾上复选框"自动连接分析器(Autoconnect Profiler)"。
  3. Attach your device to your Mac via cable and hit "Build & Run" in Unity Editor. 
    通过数据线将您的设备连接到你的Mac,在Unity编辑器中点击"Build &Run"。
  4. When app launches on device open profiler window in Unity Editor (Window->Profiler) 

If you are using a firewall, you need to make sure that ports 54998 to 55511 are open in the firewall's outbound rules - these are the ports used by Unity for remote profiling.

如果使用了防火墙,你必须确保端口54998 到 55511在防火墙的出站规则被打开。这些端口都是Unity远程分析要使用的端口。

Note: Sometimes Unity Editor might not autoconnect to the device. In such cases profiler connection might be initiated from Profiler Window Active Profiler drop down menu by select appropriate device.

注:有时,在Unity的编辑器可能不会自动连接到该设备。在这种情况下,在分析器窗口的Active Profiler下拉菜单选择相应的设备,分析器连接可以主动发起。


Remote profiling can be enabled on Android devices through two different paths : WiFi or ADB.


For WiFi profiling, follow these steps:


  1. Make sure to disable Mobile Data on your Android device. 
  2. Connect your Android device to your WiFi network. 
  3. Check the "Autoconnect Profiler" checkbox in Unity's build settings dialog. 
    在Unity编译设置对话框,检查Autoconnect Profiler复选框是否勾选。
  4. Attach your device to your Mac/PC via cable and hit "Build & Run" in Unity Editor. 
    通过数据线连接你的设备到电脑,在Unity点击Build & Run。
  5. When the app launches on the device, open the profiler window in Unity Editor (Window->Profiler) 
  6. If the Unity Editor fails to autoconnect to the device, select the appropriate device from the Profiler Window Active Profiler drop down menu. 
    如果Unity无法自动连接到该设备,从分析器窗口Active Profiler下拉菜单,选择相应的设备。

Note: The Android device and host computer (running the Unity Editor) must both be on the same subnet for the device detection to work.


For ADB profiling, follow these steps:


  • Attach your device to your Mac/PC via cable and make sure ADB recognizes the device (i.e. it shows in adb devices list). 
  • Open a Terminal window / CMD prompt and enter 
    打开一个终端窗口/ CMD提示符并输入
adb forward tcp:54999 localabstract:Unity-<insert bundle identifier here> 
  • Check the "Development Build" checkbox in Unity's build settings dialog, and hit "Build & Run". 
    在Unity编译设置对话框,检查Development Build复选框是否勾选,并点击Build & Run。
  • When the app launches on the device, open the profiler window in Unity Editor (Window->Profiler) 
  • Select the AndroidProfiler(ADB@ from the Profiler Window Active Profiler drop down menu. 
    从分析器窗口Active Profiler下拉菜单选择AndroidProfiler(ADB@

Note: The entry in the drop down menu is only visible when the selected target is Android.


If you are using a firewall, you need to make sure that ports 54998 to 55511 are open in the firewall's outbound rules - these are the ports used by Unity for remote profiling.

如果使用了防火墙,你必须确保端口54998 到 55511在防火墙的出站规则被打开。这些端口都是Unity远程分析要使用的端口。

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