GO开发 -- 报错 decoding dwarf section offset 0x0 too short

go语言升级到 go 1.11.4 版本后,IntelliJ IDEA 开发 go , debug模式运行时报错


could not launch process: decoding dwarf section info at offset 0x0: too short


1. 安装最新依赖:

go get -u github.com/derekparker/delve/cmd/dlv

2. 设置idea.properties, Help -> Edit Custom Properties

# could not launch process: decoding dwarf section info at offset 0x0: too short
# 注意更改path path为GOPATH,如:/Users/someone/go/bin/dlv



I'm using JetBrains Gogland 1.0 EAP on Mac OS, everything works good, but debugging (based on delve) will raise the error
could not launch process: could not fork/exec
How can I fix it?


The truth is Gogland is using its own dlv binary, not the one you installed (manually or from brew install), and its own dlv binary seems not certificated or could be outdated in Mac's keychain, then it will cause the error above each time we run it.To fix it:
Install your own dlv
Installing it manually or using the brew both are ok [official doc] and please make sure your cert have been set correctlySetup gogland, point dlv path to your own dlv binary
Step 1
Invoke Help | Edit Custom Properties… and add new line there:dlv.path=/path/to/custom/delve
Step 2
Restart and try to debug again, it should fix the issue.


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