《OpenShift 4.x HOL教程汇总》
说明:本文已经在OpenShift 4.8环境中验证


以下安装部署脚本包括OpenShift Service Mesh环境安装脚本,和istio网站推荐的演示程序bookinfo(https://istio.io/latest/docs/examples/bookinfo/)安装脚本。

#install the elastic operator
cat <<EOM | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: Subscription
metadata:name: elasticsearch-operatornamespace: openshift-operators
spec:channel: stableinstallPlanApproval: Automaticname: elasticsearch-operatorsource: redhat-operatorssourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
EOM#install the Kiali operator
cat <<EOM | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: Subscription
metadata:name: kiali-ossmnamespace: openshift-operators
spec:channel: stableinstallPlanApproval: Automaticname: kiali-ossmsource: redhat-operatorssourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
EOM#install the Jaeger operator
cat <<EOM | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: Subscription
metadata:name: jaeger-productnamespace: openshift-operators
spec:channel: stableinstallPlanApproval: Automaticname: jaeger-productsource: redhat-operatorssourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
EOM#install the ServiceMesh operator
cat <<EOM | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: Subscription
metadata:name: servicemeshoperatornamespace: openshift-operators
spec:channel: stableinstallPlanApproval: Automaticname: servicemeshoperatorsource: redhat-operatorssourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
EOM#wait for crds
for crd in servicemeshcontrolplanes.maistra.io servicemeshmemberrolls.maistra.io kialis.kiali.io jaegers.jaegertracing.io
doecho -n "Waiting for $crd ..."while ! oc get crd $crd > /dev/null 2>&1dosleep 2echo -n '.'doneecho "done."
done#wait for service mesh operator deployment
servicemesh_deployment=$(oc get deployment -n openshift-operators -o name 2>/dev/null | grep istio)
while [ "${servicemesh_deployment}" == "" ]
dosleep 2servicemesh_deployment=$(oc get deployment -n openshift-operators -o name 2>/dev/null | grep ist
done#wait for Kiali operator deployment
kiali_deployment=$(oc get deployment -n openshift-operators -o name 2>/dev/null | grep kiali)
while [ "${kiali_deployment}" == "" ]
dosleep 2kiali_deployment=$(oc get deployment -n openshift-operators -o name 2>/dev/null | grep kiali)
done#wait for Jaeger operator deployment
jaeger_deployment=$(oc get deployment -n openshift-operators -o name 2>/dev/null | grep jaeger)
while [ "${jaeger_deployment}" == "" ]
dosleep 2jaeger_deployment=$(oc get deployment -n openshift-operators -o name 2>/dev/null | grep jaeger)
done#wait for elastic operator deployment
elastic_deployment=$(oc get deployment -n openshift-operators -o name 2>/dev/null | grep elastic)
while [ "${elastic_deployment}" == "" ]
dosleep 2elastic_deployment=$(oc get deployment -n openshift-operators -o name 2>/dev/null | grep elastic
doneecho "Waiting for operator deployments to start..."
for op in ${servicemesh_deployment} ${kiali_deployment} ${jaeger_deployment} ${elastic_deployment}
doecho -n "Waiting for ${op} to be ready..."readyReplicas="0"while [ "$?" != "0" -o "$readyReplicas" == "0" ]dosleep 1echo -n '.'readyReplicas="$(oc get ${op} -n openshift-operators -o jsonpath='{.status.readyReplicas}' 2> /dev/null)"doneecho "done."
doneexport CONTROL_PLANE_NS=use15-istio-system
export BOOKINFO_NS=bookinfo
oc new-project ${CONTROL_PLANE_NS}
oc new-project ${BOOKINFO_NS}echo "Creating the scmp/smmr..."
#create our smcp
cat <<EOM | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: maistra.io/v2
kind: ServiceMeshControlPlane
metadata:namespace: ${CONTROL_PLANE_NS}name: basic
spec:tracing:sampling: 10000type: Jaegerpolicy:type: Istiodaddons:grafana:enabled: truejaeger:install:storage:type: Memorykiali:enabled: trueprometheus:enabled: trueversion: v2.0telemetry:type: Istiod
EOM#create our smmr
cat <<EOM | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: maistra.io/v1
kind: ServiceMeshMemberRoll
metadata:namespace: ${CONTROL_PLANE_NS}name: default
EOM#wait for smcp to fully install
echo -n "Waiting for smcp to fully install (this will take a few moments) ..."
basic_install_smcp=$(oc get smcp -n ${CONTROL_PLANE_NS} basic 2>/dev/null | grep ComponentsReady)
while [ "${basic_install_smcp}" == "" ]
doecho -n '.'sleep 5basic_install_smcp=$(oc get smcp -n ${CONTROL_PLANE_NS} basic 2>/dev/null | grep ComponentsReady)
echo "done."# install bookinfo
echo "Success, deploying bookinfo..."
oc patch -n ${CONTROL_PLANE_NS} --type='json' smmr default -p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/members", "value":["'"${BOOKINFO_NS}"'"]}]'
oc apply -n ${BOOKINFO_NS} -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Maistra/istio/maistra-2.0/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo.yaml
oc apply -n ${BOOKINFO_NS} -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Maistra/istio/maistra-2.0/samples/bookinfo/networking/bookinfo-gateway.yaml
oc apply -n ${BOOKINFO_NS} -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Maistra/istio/maistra-2.0/samples/bookinfo/networking/destination-rule-all.yaml
export BOOKINFO_GATEWAY_URL=$(oc get route -n ${CONTROL_PLANE_NS} | grep ${BOOKINFO_NS} | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}')echo "Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh and bookinfo has been deployed!"
echo "Test the bookinfo application out at: http://${BOOKINFO_GATEWAY_URL}/productpage"



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