1. One-step Binomial Trees

Definition of Binomial Model
Binomial model: after one period, the value of the underlying asset will either go up to SuS_uSu​ or go down SdS_dSd​.

No-arbitrage Argument

  • Law of one price: Assets that produce identical(完全相同的) future cash flows regardless of future everts should have the same price.
  • Construct a no uncertainty portfolio: using option and stock to construct a portfolio which has certain value after one period. If there is no arbitrage opportunity, the option price can be derived from the cost of this portfolio.
  • Short 1 call option and long Δ\DeltaΔ stocks.

The stock is currently trading at $50. The stock price will either go up to $75 or go down to $25 after one year. The risk-free rate is 2%. Please calculate the value of a 1-year European call option with an exercise price of $60 using one-step binomial tree.

  • The value of the portfolio after 1 year.
    Δ∗Su−Cu=Δ∗Sd−Cd→Δ=0.3\Delta*S_u-C_u=\Delta*S_d-C_d \to \Delta=0.3Δ∗Su​−Cu​=Δ∗Sd​−Cd​→Δ=0.3
  • Regardless of whether the stock price moves up or down, the value of the portfolio is $7.5 without uncertainty.
  • Cost of portfolio: 0.3×50−call=7.5×e−0.020.3 \times 50-call=7.5\times e^{-0.02}0.3×50−call=7.5×e−0.02
  • call=7.6485call=7.6485call=7.6485
  • Calculata Δ\DeltaΔ of a stock option
    Δ×Su−Cu=Δ×Sd−Cd\Delta \times S_u-C_u=\Delta \times S_d-C_dΔ×Su​−Cu​=Δ×Sd​−Cd​

Risk Neutral Valuation

  • In a risk neutral world, all individuals are indifferent to risk. Investors requires no compensation for risk and expected return on all securities is the risk-free interest rate.
  • The option should be valued based on risk neutrality.
  • In a risk-neutral world, the expected return on all securities is the risk-free interest rate, and the discount rate is the risk-free interest rate.

  • The higher the standard deviation, the greater the dispersion between stock prices in up and down states.
    πu×S0×u+(1−πu)×S0×d=S0ert\pi_u\times S_0 \times u+(1-\pi_u)\times S_0 \times d=S_0e^{rt}πu​×S0​×u+(1−πu​)×S0​×d=S0​ert

Risk neutral valuation-Process
The valuation process of one-step binomial tree as follow:

  • Calculate uuu and ddd, then construct the whole binomial tree.
  • Calculate the payoff of the option at the maturity node.
  • Compute the risk-neutral up and down probability, then calculate the expected value of option in one period.
  • Use risk-free rate to discount the expected value to present.

2. Two-step Binomial Trees

Two-Step Binomial Model
The basic valuation process of a two-step European option is similar with one-step binomial model, but with more steps.

Two-Step Binomial Model - European
An analyst is using two-step binomial model to calculate the price of a 2-year European put option with strike price of $75. The continuously compounded risk-free rate is 5%. The stock pays no dividend and is trading at $70. The volatility of the stock price is 20%. What will be the European put option price?

  • Firstly, calculate uuu and ddd, then construct the whole binomial trees:
    u=eσT=e0.02∗1=1.2214u=e^{\sigma \sqrt{T}} = e^{0.02 * \sqrt{1}} =1.2214u=eσT​=e0.02∗1​=1.2214
    d=1u=e−σT=0.8187d=\frac{1}{u}=e^{-\sigma \sqrt{T}}=0.8187d=u1​=e−σT​=0.8187
  • Secondly, calculate the payoff of the option at the maturity node:
  • Thirdly, compute the risk-neutral up and down probability, and then calculate the expected value in one period.
  • At last, use risk-free rate to discount the expected value to present.
    Node2=(0×57.7529%+5×42.2471%)e−5%=2.0093Node2=(0\times 57.7529\%+5\times 42.2471\%)e^{-5\%}=2.0093Node2=(0×57.7529%+5×42.2471%)e−5%=2.0093
    Node3=(5×57.7529%+28.0811×42.2471%)e−5%=14.0317Node3=(5\times 57.7529\%+28.0811\times 42.2471\%)e^{-5\%}=14.0317Node3=(5×57.7529%+28.0811×42.2471%)e−5%=14.0317
    Node1=(2.0093×57.7529%+14.0317×42.2471%)e−5%=6.7427Node1=(2.0093\times 57.7529\%+14.0317\times 42.2471\%)e^{-5\%}=6.7427Node1=(2.0093×57.7529%+14.0317×42.2471%)e−5%=6.7427
  • The European Put Option price is 6.74276.74276.7427

Two-Step Binomial Model - American

  • We need to determine if the option will be exercised at each node including Node 1.

    Node1=(2.0093×57.7529%+17.691×42.2471%)e−5%=8.2133Node1=(2.0093\times 57.7529\%+17.691\times 42.2471\%)e^{-5\%}=8.2133Node1=(2.0093×57.7529%+17.691×42.2471%)e−5%=8.2133

  • Node1 should also be checked. In this case, if there is an early exercise in Node 1, payoff will be 5 which is less than 8.2133. Therefore, the option will not be exercised early in Node 1 and value of this American put option is 8.2133.

As time periods are added

Suppose that a binomial tree with nnn steps in its life T, if nnn approaches infinity, the length of each step approaches to
zero. A continuous binomial tree will be achieved and this is one of the ways that derive the Black-Scholes-Merton model.

Options on Other Assets

  • Options on stock indices with continuous dividend yield q

πu×S0×u+(1−πu)×S0×d=S0e(r−q)t\pi_u\times S_0 \times u+(1-\pi_u)\times S_0 \times d=S_0e^{(r-q)t}πu​×S0​×u+(1−πu​)×S0​×d=S0​e(r−q)t

  • Options on currencies with the domestic risk-free rate RDCR_{DC}RDC​ and foreign risk-free rate RFCR_{FC}RFC​


  • Option on futures

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