Given a singly linked list where elements are sorted in ascending order, convert it to a height balanced

#pragma once
struct BinaryTreeNode
{int                    m_nValue;BinaryTreeNode*        m_pLeft;BinaryTreeNode*        m_pRight;
};BinaryTreeNode* CreateBinaryTreeNode(int value);
void ConnectTreeNodes(BinaryTreeNode* pParent, BinaryTreeNode* pLeft, BinaryTreeNode* pRight);
void PrintTreeNode(BinaryTreeNode* pNode);
void PrintTree(BinaryTreeNode* pRoot);
void DestroyTree(BinaryTreeNode* pRoot);
#include "BinaryTree.h"BinaryTreeNode* CreateBinaryTreeNode(int value)
{BinaryTreeNode* pNode = new BinaryTreeNode();pNode->m_nValue = value;pNode->m_pLeft = NULL;pNode->m_pRight = NULL;return pNode;
}void ConnectTreeNodes(BinaryTreeNode* pParent, BinaryTreeNode* pLeft, BinaryTreeNode* pRight)
{if (pParent != NULL){pParent->m_pLeft = pLeft;pParent->m_pRight = pRight;}
}void PrintTreeNode(BinaryTreeNode* pNode)
{if (pNode != NULL){printf("value of this node is: %d\n", pNode->m_nValue);if (pNode->m_pLeft != NULL)printf("value of its left child is: %d.\n", pNode->m_pLeft->m_nValue);elseprintf("left child is null.\n");if (pNode->m_pRight != NULL)printf("value of its right child is: %d.\n", pNode->m_pRight->m_nValue);elseprintf("right child is null.\n");}else{printf("this node is null.\n");}printf("\n");
}void PrintTree(BinaryTreeNode* pRoot)
{PrintTreeNode(pRoot); if (pRoot != NULL){if (pRoot->m_pLeft != NULL)PrintTree(pRoot->m_pLeft);if (pRoot->m_pRight != NULL)PrintTree(pRoot->m_pRight);}
}void DestroyTree(BinaryTreeNode* pRoot)
{if (pRoot != NULL){BinaryTreeNode* pLeft = pRoot->m_pLeft;BinaryTreeNode* pRight = pRoot->m_pRight;delete pRoot;pRoot = NULL;DestroyTree(pLeft);DestroyTree(pRight);}
#ifndef LISTNODE_H_
#define LISTNODE_H_
using namespace std;
struct node
{int data;node *next;
node *CreateNode(int a[], int n);
void DisplayNode(node *head);
int ListLength(node*head);
void DeleteNode(node *head);
node *nth_node(node *head,int len);#endif#include"ListNode.h"
node *CreateNode(int a[], int n)
{if (n <= 0) return NULL;node *head = new node();head->data = a[0];node *p = head;for (int i = 1; i < n; i++){node *q = new node();q->data = a[i];p->next = q;p = q;}p->next = NULL;return  head;
void DisplayNode(node *head)
{node *p = head;while (p){cout << p->data << " ";p = p->next;}cout << endl;
int ListLength(node *head)
{node *p = head;int length = 0;while (p){length++;p = p->next;}return  length;}
void DeleteNode(node *head)
{node *p = head;while (head){head = p->next;delete p;p = head;}
node *nth_node(node *head, int len)
{if (len <= 0 || len > ListLength(head))return NULL;node *p = head;for (int i = 1; i < len; i++){p = p->next;}return p;
#include "BinaryTree.h"
using namespace std;//===由有序链表构建BST
BinaryTreeNode *ConSortListToBST(node *head, int len)
{if (len == 0)return NULL;if (len==1)return CreateBinaryTreeNode(head->data);node *temp = nth_node(head,len / 2 + 1);BinaryTreeNode *proot = CreateBinaryTreeNode(temp->data);proot->m_pLeft = ConSortListToBST(head, len / 2);proot->m_pRight = ConSortListToBST(nth_node(head, len / 2 + 2), (len-1)/2);return proot;
BinaryTreeNode *ConSortListToBST(node *head)
{int length = ListLength(head);return ConSortListToBST(head, length);
}int main()
{const int n = 6;int a[n] = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11};node *head = CreateNode(a, n);BinaryTreeNode *proot = ConSortListToBST(head);//===PrintTree(proot);//===DestroyTree(proot);DeleteNode(head);

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