一. 封装Swipe目的

Appium的滑动API:Swipe(int start x,int start y,int end x,int y,duration)


封装后的swipe,只需调用对应的方法即可实现 向上/向下/向左/向右/斜向上 常规滑动屏幕操作。


封装后的swipe,基于ADB command,只需手机与PC建立ADB连接即可实现swipe功能。

Appium的API通过建立不同的session 实现同时操作多部手机

封装后的swipe,直接通过传入手机 serial Number 即可实现同时操作多部手机。


二. Source Code

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os

import sys

import re

def get_screen_size(*args):

"""Get size of window and return the size for swipe function

args 作为可变参数 表示是否传入设备的ID


if not args:

# 如果没有传入指定设备ID,执行以下ADB command,获取设备屏幕分辨率

size_file = os.popen("adb shell dumpsys window displays").read()


# 如果传入指定设备ID,执行以下ADB command,获取设备屏幕分辨率

uid = args[0]

size_file = os.popen("adb -s %s shell dumpsys window displays" % uid).read()

if not size_file:

# 获取设备分辨率失败

print("Cannot get the resolution of screen, please check the ADB.")



# 正则表达式匹配设备分辨率

size_match = re.search(r"(\d+)x(\d+)", size_file)

if not size_match:

# 设备分辨率匹配失败

print("Failed to match the screen size.")



# 设备分辨率信息从字符串分割转换为二元元组

size_screen = re.split(r"x", size_match.group())


# 字符串元素元组转换为整型元素列表

size = [int(size_screen[0]), int(size_screen[1])]

return size

def swipe_up(*args, t=100, n=1):

"""Swipe device screen up in t milliseconds and repeat the operation n times

t=100 作为命名关键字参数 表示默认的滑动时间为100ms 可自寻设计滑动时间

n=1 作为命名关键字参数 表示默认的滑动次数为1次 可自寻设计滑动次数


size = get_screen_size(*args)

x1 = size[0] * 0.5

y1 = size[1] * 0.75

x2 = size[0] * 0.5

y2 = size[1] * 0.25

for i in range(n):

if not args:

os.system("adb shell input swipe %f %f %f %f %d" % (x1, y1, x2, y2, t))


uid = args[0]

os.system("adb -s %s shell input swipe %f %f %f %f %d" % (uid, x1, y1, x2, y2, t))

def swipe_down(*args, t=100, n=1):

"""Swipe device screen down in t milliseconds and repeat the operation n times"""

size = get_screen_size(*args)

x1 = size[0] * 0.5

y1 = size[1] * 0.25

x2 = size[0] * 0.5

y2 = size[1] * 0.75

for i in range(n):

if not args:

os.system("adb shell input swipe %f %f %f %f %d" % (x1, y1, x2, y2, t))


uid = args[0]

os.system("adb -s %s shell input swipe %f %f %f %f %d" % (uid, x1, y1, x2, y2, t))

def swipe_left(*args, t=100, n=1):

"""Swipe device screen left in t milliseconds and repeat the operation n times"""

size = get_screen_size(*args)

x1 = size[0] * 0.95

y1 = size[1] * 0.5

x2 = size[0] * 0.05

y2 = size[1] * 0.5

for i in range(n):

if not args:

os.system("adb shell input swipe %f %f %f %f %d" % (x1, y1, x2, y2, t))


uid = args[0]

os.system("adb -s %s shell input swipe %f %f %f %f %d" % (uid, x1, y1, x2, y2, t))

def swipe_right(*args, t=100, n=1):

"""Swipe device screen right in t milliseconds and repeat the operation n times"""

size = get_screen_size(*args)

x1 = size[0] * 0.05

y1 = size[1] * 0.5

x2 = size[0] * 0.95

y2 = size[1] * 0.5

for i in range(n):

if not args:

os.system("adb shell input swipe %f %f %f %f %d" % (x1, y1, x2, y2, t))


uid = args[0]

os.system("adb -s %s shell input swipe %f %f %f %f %d" % (uid, x1, y1, x2, y2, t))

def swipe_oblique(*args, t=100, n=1):

"""Swipe device screen oblique in t milliseconds and repeat the operation n times"""

size = get_screen_size(*args)

x1 = size[0] * 0.05

y1 = size[1] * 0.75

x2 = size[0] * 0.95

y2 = size[1] * 0.25

for i in range(n):

if not args:

os.system("adb shell input swipe %f %f %f %f %d" % (x1, y1, x2, y2, t))


uid = args[0]

os.system("adb -s %s shell input swipe %f %f %f %f %d" % (uid, x1, y1, x2, y2, t))

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