





#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>using namespace std;//input:profit array,number of rooms;
//output:step[],maxprofit;//step[n] step[i]=0 0r 1, means choose to steal or not respectivelyint Max_profit_range(vector<int> profit,vector<int> &step)  //attain the maximum profit and the stepof the input profit array{int n = profit.size();int k1 = profit[0]; int k2,k3;if (n == 1)    //n为1的特殊情况{step[0] = 0;return profit[0];}vector<int> s1(n);vector<int> s2(n);vector<int> s3(n);int maxprofit = 0;s1[0] = 1;if (profit[0] >= profit[1]){ s2[0] = 1; s2[1] = 0;k2 = profit[0];}else {s2[0] = 0;s2[1] = 1;k2 = profit[1];}for (int i = 2; i < n; i++)   {if (profit[i] + k1 >= k2)  //逐渐向后递推,由前两个状态的值得到第三个状态的值{s1[i] = 1;k3 = profit[i] + k1;s3 = s1;}else{k3 = k2;s3 = s2;}k1 = k2;k2 = k3;s1 = s2;s2 = s3;}step =s2;return k3;}void Max_profit(vector<int> profit){int n = profit.size();int max_profit=0,step;if (n <= 3){for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){if (max_profit < profit[i]){max_profit = profit[i];step = i;}}cout << "the maximum profit is: " << max_profit << endl;cout << "the step is:" << step+1 << ":" << profit[step] << endl;return;}auto it1 = profit.begin();auto it2 = profit.end();vector<int> profit1(it1 + 1, it2 - 2);vector<int> profit2(it1, it2 - 1);vector<int> step1(n,0),step2(n,0),step3(n,0);int k1, k2; k1=profit[n-1]+Max_profit_range(profit1, step1);k2=Max_profit_range(profit2, step2);  //调用两次函数,将结果进行对比if (k1>=k2){cout << "the maximum profit is " << k1 << endl;cout << "the step is:" << endl;step3.insert(step3.begin()+1,step1.begin(),step1.end());step3[0] = 1;}else{cout << "the maximum profit is " << k2 << endl;cout << "the step is:" << endl;step3=step2;step3.insert(step3.end(), 0);}for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){if (step3[i] == 1)cout << i+1 << ":" << profit[i] << endl;}}int main()
{vector<int> profit{ 89, 55, 37, 6, 64, 99, 11, 23, 76, 4, 65, 9};Max_profit(profit);system("PAUSE");return 0;


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