
Do you want scars to give your skin a crater-like or orange-peel appearance? Is it causing you embarrassments and lowering your self-confident? Are you tired of having to deal with acne scars?

These acne scars are a result of collagen and epidermal damage and do not go away without treatment. Acne scars leave their ugly mark not only on the skin but also on the person's confidence. Fortunately, with the advancement in technology, now acne scars can be treated.

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There are a number of acne scar treatments available today, and these include procedures like collagen injections, dermabrasion and laser treatments. Dermabrasion is a treatment of removing scarring using a diamond brush-like instrument to scrape away the top layers of skin. It is similar to smoothing surfaces with sandpaper. The side effects are redness, sensitivity to the sun and scabbing. Microdermabrasion is a more recent variation of this approach. Instead of using a brush,the surface of the skin is polished with a mild abrasive and the top rough layer of skin is smoothened. The use of lasers is also done to resurface the skin and stimulate the underlying layers to produce collagen. Any one of several different lasers can be used. In extreme cases, skin grafting can also be done. In this, skin is surgically corrected with grafting or other procedures to remove some scars.

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We can try some of the conventional methods also.Another way to get rid of acne scars is using effective home remedies. Drink lots of water to keep your skin hydrated, apply lemon juice or honey or aloe vera gel on your face and keep it over-night and surely, you will be happy to see your face, in the mirror, next morning. Rubbing garlic juice onto your acne will also do good.

Probably the best way to get rid of acne scars is using an acne scar cream. One of the best acne scar cream comes from Revitol. Their cream works from the inside out, cleansing your pours giving your skin a cleaner and smoother look. Revitol are so confident that their Acnezine Acne Treatment will work for anyone, that they back their product with a massive 90 day money back guarantee.

Previous: Top 3 Alternative Acne Treatments

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