

使用sparksql对一张大表和小表join时发现executor节点数据倾斜严重,最终执行超时失败了。查看日志发现对应的执行计划是Sort-Merge Join,查了下该方式适合两张大表join,会把两张表

  1. shuffle:按照join key进行重新分区,两张表数据会分布到整个集群;
  2. sort:对分区中的两表数据,分别进行排序;
  3. merge:对排好序的两张分区表数据执行join操作。分别遍历两个有序序列,碰到相同join key就merge输出,否则取更小一边。




def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): Seq[SparkPlan] = plan match {...}private def canBuildRight(joinType: JoinType): Boolean = joinType match {case _: InnerLike | LeftOuter | LeftSemi | LeftAnti | _: ExistenceJoin => truecase _ => false}private def canBuildLeft(joinType: JoinType): Boolean = joinType match {case _: InnerLike | RightOuter => truecase _ => false}/*** Matches a plan whose output should be small enough to be used in broadcast join.*/private def canBroadcast(plan: LogicalPlan): Boolean = {plan.stats.sizeInBytes >= 0 && plan.stats.sizeInBytes <= conf.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold}

autoBroadcastJoinThreshold默认10M,plan.stats.sizeInBytes表的大小从hive元数据中取得,默认是long最大值,而本次从视图中读表没有大小,因此不会广播。所以可以将数据导入hdfs建立外表,spark源码中通过hdfs文件获取文件大小,进而取得sizeInBytes 。



select /*+ BROADCAST(small) */ big.col_1,big.col_2,small.col_1
from big left outer join small on small.col_1= big.col_2/*** The hint for broadcast hash join or broadcast nested loop join, depending on the availability of* equi-join keys.*/
case object BROADCAST extends JoinStrategyHint {override def displayName: String = "broadcast"override def hintAliases: Set[String] = Set("BROADCAST","BROADCASTJOIN","MAPJOIN")


def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): Seq[SparkPlan] = plan match {// If it is an equi-join, we first look at the join hints w.r.t. the following order://   1. broadcast hint: pick broadcast hash join if the join type is supported. If both sides//      have the broadcast hints, choose the smaller side (based on stats) to broadcast.//   2. sort merge hint: pick sort merge join if join keys are sortable.//   3. shuffle hash hint: We pick shuffle hash join if the join type is supported. If both//      sides have the shuffle hash hints, choose the smaller side (based on stats) as the//      build side.//   4. shuffle replicate NL hint: pick cartesian product if join type is inner like.//// If there is no hint or the hints are not applicable, we follow these rules one by one://   1. Pick broadcast hash join if one side is small enough to broadcast, and the join type//      is supported. If both sides are small, choose the smaller side (based on stats)//      to broadcast.//   2. Pick shuffle hash join if one side is small enough to build local hash map, and is//      much smaller than the other side, and `spark.sql.join.preferSortMergeJoin` is false.//   3. Pick sort merge join if the join keys are sortable.//   4. Pick cartesian product if join type is inner like.//   5. Pick broadcast nested loop join as the final solution. It may OOM but we don't have//      other choice.case j @ ExtractEquiJoinKeys(joinType, leftKeys, rightKeys, nonEquiCond, left, right, hint) =>def createBroadcastHashJoin(buildLeft: Boolean, buildRight: Boolean) = {val wantToBuildLeft = canBuildLeft(joinType) && buildLeftval wantToBuildRight = canBuildRight(joinType) && buildRightgetBuildSide(wantToBuildLeft, wantToBuildRight, left, right).map { buildSide =>Seq(joins.BroadcastHashJoinExec(leftKeys,rightKeys,joinType,buildSide,nonEquiCond,planLater(left),planLater(right)))}}def createShuffleHashJoin(buildLeft: Boolean, buildRight: Boolean) = {val wantToBuildLeft = canBuildLeft(joinType) && buildLeftval wantToBuildRight = canBuildRight(joinType) && buildRightgetBuildSide(wantToBuildLeft, wantToBuildRight, left, right).map { buildSide=>Seq(joins.ShuffledHashJoinExec(leftKeys,rightKeys,joinType,buildSide,nonEquiCond,planLater(left),planLater(right)))}}def createSortMergeJoin() = {if (RowOrdering.isOrderable(leftKeys)) {Some(Seq(joins.SortMergeJoinExec(leftKeys, rightKeys, joinType, nonEquiCond, planLater(left), planLater(right))))} else {None}}def createCartesianProduct() = {if (joinType.isInstanceOf[InnerLike]) {// `CartesianProductExec` can't implicitly evaluate equal join condition, here we should// pass the original condition which includes both equal and non-equal conditions.Some(Seq(joins.CartesianProductExec(planLater(left), planLater(right), j.condition)))} else {None}}def createJoinWithoutHint() = {createBroadcastHashJoin(canBroadcast(left) && !hint.leftHint.exists(_.strategy.contains(NO_BROADCAST_HASH)),canBroadcast(right) && !hint.rightHint.exists(_.strategy.contains(NO_BROADCAST_HASH))).orElse {if (!conf.preferSortMergeJoin) {createShuffleHashJoin(canBuildLocalHashMap(left) && muchSmaller(left, right),canBuildLocalHashMap(right) && muchSmaller(right, left))} else {None}}.orElse(createSortMergeJoin()).orElse(createCartesianProduct()).getOrElse {// This join could be very slow or OOMval buildSide = getSmallerSide(left, right)Seq(joins.BroadcastNestedLoopJoinExec(planLater(left), planLater(right), buildSide, joinType, nonEquiCond))}}createBroadcastHashJoin(hintToBroadcastLeft(hint), hintToBroadcastRight(hint)).orElse { if (hintToSortMergeJoin(hint)) createSortMergeJoin() else None }.orElse(createShuffleHashJoin(hintToShuffleHashLeft(hint), hintToShuffleHashRight(hint))).orElse { if (hintToShuffleReplicateNL(hint)) createCartesianProduct() else None }.getOrElse(createJoinWithoutHint())// If it is not an equi-join, we first look at the join hints w.r.t. the following order://   1. broadcast hint: pick broadcast nested loop join. If both sides have the broadcast//      hints, choose the smaller side (based on stats) to broadcast for inner and full joins,//      choose the left side for right join, and choose right side for left join.//   2. shuffle replicate NL hint: pick cartesian product if join type is inner like.//// If there is no hint or the hints are not applicable, we follow these rules one by one://   1. Pick broadcast nested loop join if one side is small enough to broadcast. If only left//      side is broadcast-able and it's left join, or only right side is broadcast-able and//      it's right join, we skip this rule. If both sides are small, broadcasts the smaller//      side for inner and full joins, broadcasts the left side for right join, and broadcasts//      right side for left join.//   2. Pick cartesian product if join type is inner like.//   3. Pick broadcast nested loop join as the final solution. It may OOM but we don't have//      other choice. It broadcasts the smaller side for inner and full joins, broadcasts the//      left side for right join, and broadcasts right side for left join.case logical.Join(left, right, joinType, condition, hint) =>val desiredBuildSide = if (joinType.isInstanceOf[InnerLike] || joinType == FullOuter) {getSmallerSide(left, right)} else {// For perf reasons, `BroadcastNestedLoopJoinExec` prefers to broadcast left side if// it's a right join, and broadcast right side if it's a left join.// TODO: revisit it. If left side is much smaller than the right side, it may be better// to broadcast the left side even if it's a left join.if (canBuildLeft(joinType)) BuildLeft else BuildRight}def createBroadcastNLJoin(buildLeft: Boolean, buildRight: Boolean) = {val maybeBuildSide = if (buildLeft && buildRight) {Some(desiredBuildSide)} else if (buildLeft) {Some(BuildLeft)} else if (buildRight) {Some(BuildRight)} else {None}maybeBuildSide.map { buildSide =>Seq(joins.BroadcastNestedLoopJoinExec(planLater(left), planLater(right), buildSide, joinType, condition))}}def createCartesianProduct() = {if (joinType.isInstanceOf[InnerLike]) {Some(Seq(joins.CartesianProductExec(planLater(left), planLater(right), condition)))} else {None}}def createJoinWithoutHint() = {createBroadcastNLJoin(canBroadcast(left), canBroadcast(right)).orElse(createCartesianProduct()).getOrElse {// This join could be very slow or OOMSeq(joins.BroadcastNestedLoopJoinExec(planLater(left), planLater(right), desiredBuildSide, joinType, condition))}}createBroadcastNLJoin(hintToBroadcastLeft(hint), hintToBroadcastRight(hint)).orElse { if (hintToShuffleReplicateNL(hint)) createCartesianProduct() else None }.getOrElse(createJoinWithoutHint())// --- Cases where this strategy does not apply ---------------------------------------------case _ => Nil}


[1] https://www.cnblogs.com/ssqq5200936/p/13084824.html
[2] https://blog.csdn.net/dabokele/article/details/65963401
[3] https://blog.csdn.net/MrLevo520/article/details/104024814/
[4] https://www.cnblogs.com/importbigdata/p/11247299.html


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