
Open Reading Frames

Either strand of a DNA double helix can serve as the coding strand for RNA transcription. Hence, a given DNA string implies six total reading frames, or ways in which the same region of DNA can be translated into amino acids: three reading frames result from reading the string itself, whereas three more result from reading its reverse complement.

An open reading frame (ORF) is one which starts from the start codon and ends by stop codon, without any other stop codons in between. Thus, a candidate protein string is derived by translating an open reading frame into amino acids until a stop codon is reached.

Given: A DNA string s of length at most 1 kbp in FASTA format.
Sample input:


Return: Every distinct candidate protein string that can be translated from ORFs of s. Strings can be returned in any order.
Sample output:




1. 输入核酸序列,并同时获得其反向互补序列。
有关反向互补序列问题可以参考这一篇文章:Rosalind Java| Complementing a Strand of DNA。
2. 遍历序列,检索起始密码子和终止密码子。获取其间序列作为备选的ORF。
3. 翻译备选ORF为蛋白质
有关翻译蛋白的问题可以参考这一篇文章:Rosalind Java| Translating RNA into Protein。




//反向互补序列public static String CompleDNA(String s) {//新建StringBuilder类数据以存储替换后的碱基StringBuilder arr = new StringBuilder();for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {switch (s.charAt(i)) {//括号中的输出类型为char类型,匹配后面的字符时需要将字符加单引号可匹配。case 'A':case 'a':arr.append('T');break;case 'C':case 'c':arr.append('G');break;case 'G':case 'g':arr.append('C');break;case 'T':case 't':arr.append('A');break;default:System.out.println("第" + (i + 1) + "位不是ACTG");break;}}String str = arr.toString();return str;}public static String reverse(String s) {String ss = "";for (int i = s.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {ss += s.charAt(i);}return ss;}



    //翻译RNA to Propublic static String RNA2protein(String line) {StringBuilder arr = new StringBuilder();//2.遍历核酸序列并且每三个字符串为一组提取核苷酸for (int i = 0; i < line.length(); i += 3) {String pro = line.substring(i, i + 3);//两个参数,第一个是待提取文本的起始提取位置,第二个是终止提取位置,区间内左闭右开。switch (pro) {case "AUA":case "AUC":case "AUU":arr.append("I");break;case "AUG":arr.append("M");break;case "ACA":case "ACC":case "ACG":case "ACU":arr.append("T");break;case "AAC":case "AAU":arr.append("N");break;case "AAA":case "AAG":arr.append("K");break;case "AGC":case "AGU":arr.append("S");break;case "AGA":case "AGG":arr.append("R");break;case "CUA":case "CUC":case "CUG":case "CUU":arr.append("L");break;case "CCA":case "CCC":case "CCG":case "CCU":arr.append("P");break;case "CAC":case "CAU":arr.append("H");break;case "CAA":case "CAG":arr.append("Q");break;case "CGA":case "CGC":case "CGG":case "CGU":arr.append("R");break;case "GUA":case "GUC":case "GUG":case "GUU":arr.append("V");break;case "GCA":case "GCC":case "GCG":case "GCU":arr.append("A");break;case "GAC":case "GAU":arr.append("D");break;case "GAA":case "GAG":arr.append("E");break;case "GGA":case "GGC":case "GGG":case "GGU":arr.append("G");break;case "UCA":case "UCC":case "UCG":case "UCU":arr.append("S");break;case "UUC":case "UUU":arr.append("F");break;case "UUA":case "UUG":arr.append("L");break;case "UAC":case "UAU":arr.append("Y");break;case "UGC":case "UGU":arr.append("C");break;case "UAA":case "UAG":case "UGA":break;case "UGG":arr.append("W");break;default:break;}}String str = arr.toString();return str;}







import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Set;public class Open_Reading_Frames {public static void main(String[] args) {//1.输入数据Scanner sc = new Scanner(;System.out.println("请输入核酸序列:");String line = sc.nextLine();String revline = CompleDNA(reverse(line));Set<String> subPro = new java.util.HashSet<String>();//2.正链检测ATG,将子序列保存到数组中for (int i = 0; i < line.length() - 3; i += 1) {//遍历时设置line.length() - 3以防止引索越界。String forwindex = line.substring(i, i + 3);if (forwindex.equals("ATG")) {String Substring = line.substring(i);for (int k = 0; k < Substring.length() - 3; k += 3) {//步长设置与检索ATG有差异,此处以3密码子为步长。String revindex = Substring.substring(k, k + 3);if (revindex.equals("TGA") || revindex.equals("TAA") || revindex.equals("TAG")) {String transDNA = line.substring(i, i + k + 3);
//                        System.out.println(transDNA);//3.子序列分别转录,翻译String RNA = transDNA.replace('T', 'U');subPro.add(RNA2protein(RNA));break;}}}}//3.反义链检测ORFfor (int i = 0; i < revline.length() - 3; i += 1) {String forwindex = revline.substring(i, i + 3);if (forwindex.equals("ATG")) {String Substring = revline.substring(i);for (int k = 0; k < Substring.length() - 3; k += 3) {//步长设置与检索ATG有差异,此处以3密码子为步长。String revindex = Substring.substring(k, k + 3);if (revindex.equals("TGA") || revindex.equals("TAA") || revindex.equals("TAG")) {String transDNA = revline.substring(i, i + k + 3);
//                        System.out.println(transDNA);//3.子序列分别转录,翻译String RNA = transDNA.replace('T', 'U');subPro.add(RNA2protein(RNA));break;}}}}for (String s : subPro) {System.out.println(s);}}//翻译RNA to Propublic static String RNA2protein(String line) {StringBuilder arr = new StringBuilder();//2.遍历核酸序列并且每三个字符串为一组提取核苷酸for (int i = 0; i < line.length(); i += 3) {String pro = line.substring(i, i + 3);//两个参数,第一个是待提取文本的起始提取位置,第二个是终止提取位置,区间内左闭右开。switch (pro) {case "AUA":case "AUC":case "AUU":arr.append("I");break;case "AUG":arr.append("M");break;case "ACA":case "ACC":case "ACG":case "ACU":arr.append("T");break;case "AAC":case "AAU":arr.append("N");break;case "AAA":case "AAG":arr.append("K");break;case "AGC":case "AGU":arr.append("S");break;case "AGA":case "AGG":arr.append("R");break;case "CUA":case "CUC":case "CUG":case "CUU":arr.append("L");break;case "CCA":case "CCC":case "CCG":case "CCU":arr.append("P");break;case "CAC":case "CAU":arr.append("H");break;case "CAA":case "CAG":arr.append("Q");break;case "CGA":case "CGC":case "CGG":case "CGU":arr.append("R");break;case "GUA":case "GUC":case "GUG":case "GUU":arr.append("V");break;case "GCA":case "GCC":case "GCG":case "GCU":arr.append("A");break;case "GAC":case "GAU":arr.append("D");break;case "GAA":case "GAG":arr.append("E");break;case "GGA":case "GGC":case "GGG":case "GGU":arr.append("G");break;case "UCA":case "UCC":case "UCG":case "UCU":arr.append("S");break;case "UUC":case "UUU":arr.append("F");break;case "UUA":case "UUG":arr.append("L");break;case "UAC":case "UAU":arr.append("Y");break;case "UGC":case "UGU":arr.append("C");break;case "UAA":case "UAG":case "UGA":break;case "UGG":arr.append("W");break;default:break;}}String str = arr.toString();return str;}//反向互补序列public static String CompleDNA(String s) {//新建StringBuilder类数据以存储替换后的碱基StringBuilder arr = new StringBuilder();for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {switch (s.charAt(i)) {//括号中的输出类型为char类型,匹配后面的字符时需要将字符加单引号可匹配。case 'A':case 'a':arr.append('T');break;case 'C':case 'c':arr.append('G');break;case 'G':case 'g':arr.append('C');break;case 'T':case 't':arr.append('A');break;default:System.out.println("第" + (i + 1) + "位不是ACTG");break;}}String str = arr.toString();return str;}public static String reverse(String s) {String ss = "";for (int i = s.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {ss += s.charAt(i);}return ss;}




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