
  • DM检验的原理
  • 代码实现
  • 函数说明
  • 实例
  • 本文参考




  • 原假设:DM统计量均值为0,即两个模型的预测效率一致。
  • 备择假设:两个模型的预测效率不一致。

另外,DM检验在小样本数据时往往会拒绝零假设。对于小样本数据,推荐Harvey, Leybourne and Newbold (HLN)检验【1】;



# Author   : John Tsang
# Date     : December 7th, 2017
# Purpose  : Implement the Diebold-Mariano Test (DM test) to compare
#            forecast accuracy
# Input    : 1) actual_lst: the list of actual values
#            2) pred1_lst : the first list of predicted values
#            3) pred2_lst : the second list of predicted values
#            4) h         : the number of stpes ahead
#            5) crit      : a string specifying the criterion
#                             i)  MSE : the mean squared error
#                            ii)  MAD : the mean absolute deviation
#                           iii) MAPE : the mean absolute percentage error
#                            iv) poly : use power function to weigh the errors
#            6) poly      : the power for crit power
#                           (it is only meaningful when crit is "poly")
# Condition: 1) length of actual_lst, pred1_lst and pred2_lst is equal
#            2) h must be an integer and it must be greater than 0 and less than
#               the length of actual_lst.
#            3) crit must take the 4 values specified in Input
#            4) Each value of actual_lst, pred1_lst and pred2_lst must
#               be numerical values. Missing values will not be accepted.
#            5) power must be a numerical value.
# Return   : a named-tuple of 2 elements
#            1) p_value : the p-value of the DM test
#            2) DM      : the test statistics of the DM test
# References:
# Harvey, D., Leybourne, S., & Newbold, P. (1997). Testing the equality of
#   prediction mean squared errors. International Journal of forecasting,
#   13(2), 281-291.
# Diebold, F. X. and Mariano, R. S. (1995), Comparing predictive accuracy,
#   Journal of business & economic statistics 13(3), 253-264.
def dm_test(actual_lst, pred1_lst, pred2_lst, h = 1, crit="MSE", power = 2):# Routine for checking errorsdef error_check():rt = 0msg = ""# Check if h is an integerif (not isinstance(h, int)):rt = -1msg = "The type of the number of steps ahead (h) is not an integer."return (rt,msg)# Check the range of hif (h < 1):rt = -1msg = "The number of steps ahead (h) is not large enough."return (rt,msg)len_act = len(actual_lst)len_p1  = len(pred1_lst)len_p2  = len(pred2_lst)# Check if lengths of actual values and predicted values are equalif (len_act != len_p1 or len_p1 != len_p2 or len_act != len_p2):rt = -1msg = "Lengths of actual_lst, pred1_lst and pred2_lst do not match."return (rt,msg)# Check range of hif (h >= len_act):rt = -1msg = "The number of steps ahead is too large."return (rt,msg)# Check if criterion supportedif (crit != "MSE" and crit != "MAPE" and crit != "MAD" and crit != "poly"):rt = -1msg = "The criterion is not supported."return (rt,msg)  # Check if every value of the input lists are numerical valuesfrom re import compile as re_compilecomp = re_compile("^\d+?\.\d+?$")  def compiled_regex(s):""" Returns True is string is a number. """if comp.match(s) is None:return s.isdigit()return Truefor actual, pred1, pred2 in zip(actual_lst, pred1_lst, pred2_lst):is_actual_ok = compiled_regex(str(abs(actual)))is_pred1_ok = compiled_regex(str(abs(pred1)))is_pred2_ok = compiled_regex(str(abs(pred2)))if (not (is_actual_ok and is_pred1_ok and is_pred2_ok)):  msg = "An element in the actual_lst, pred1_lst or pred2_lst is not numeric."rt = -1return (rt,msg)return (rt,msg)# Error checkerror_code = error_check()# Raise error if cannot pass error checkif (error_code[0] == -1):raise SyntaxError(error_code[1])return# Import librariesfrom scipy.stats import timport collectionsimport pandas as pdimport numpy as np# Initialise listse1_lst = []e2_lst = []d_lst  = []# convert every value of the lists into real valuesactual_lst = pd.Series(actual_lst).apply(lambda x: float(x)).tolist()pred1_lst = pd.Series(pred1_lst).apply(lambda x: float(x)).tolist()pred2_lst = pd.Series(pred2_lst).apply(lambda x: float(x)).tolist()# Length of lists (as real numbers)T = float(len(actual_lst))# construct d according to critif (crit == "MSE"):for actual,p1,p2 in zip(actual_lst,pred1_lst,pred2_lst):e1_lst.append((actual - p1)**2)e2_lst.append((actual - p2)**2)for e1, e2 in zip(e1_lst, e2_lst):d_lst.append(e1 - e2)elif (crit == "MAD"):for actual,p1,p2 in zip(actual_lst,pred1_lst,pred2_lst):e1_lst.append(abs(actual - p1))e2_lst.append(abs(actual - p2))for e1, e2 in zip(e1_lst, e2_lst):d_lst.append(e1 - e2)elif (crit == "MAPE"):for actual,p1,p2 in zip(actual_lst,pred1_lst,pred2_lst):e1_lst.append(abs((actual - p1)/actual))e2_lst.append(abs((actual - p2)/actual))for e1, e2 in zip(e1_lst, e2_lst):d_lst.append(e1 - e2)elif (crit == "poly"):for actual,p1,p2 in zip(actual_lst,pred1_lst,pred2_lst):e1_lst.append(((actual - p1))**(power))e2_lst.append(((actual - p2))**(power))for e1, e2 in zip(e1_lst, e2_lst):d_lst.append(e1 - e2)    # Mean of d        mean_d = pd.Series(d_lst).mean()# Find autocovariance and construct DM test statisticsdef autocovariance(Xi, N, k, Xs):autoCov = 0T = float(N)for i in np.arange(0, N-k):autoCov += ((Xi[i+k])-Xs)*(Xi[i]-Xs)return (1/(T))*autoCovgamma = []for lag in range(0,h):gamma.append(autocovariance(d_lst,len(d_lst),lag,mean_d)) # 0, 1, 2V_d = (gamma[0] + 2*sum(gamma[1:]))/TDM_stat=V_d**(-0.5)*mean_dharvey_adj=((T+1-2*h+h*(h-1)/T)/T)**(0.5)DM_stat = harvey_adj*DM_stat# Find p-valuep_value = 2*t.cdf(-abs(DM_stat), df = T - 1)# Construct named tuple for returndm_return = collections.namedtuple('dm_return', 'DM p_value')rt = dm_return(DM = DM_stat, p_value = p_value)return rt


Input Parameter Description:

  1. actual_lst The list of actual values
  2. pred1_lst The first list of predicted values
  3. pred2_lst The second list of predicted values
  4. h The number of steps ahead of the prediction. The default value is 1.
  5. crit A string specifying the criterion. The default value is MSE.
    MSE : d = (e1)^2 - (e2)^2
    MAD : d = abs(e1) - abs(e2)
    MAPE: d = abs((e1 - actual)/(actual))
    Poly: d = (e1)^power - (e2)^power
  6. power The power for crit equal “poly”. It is only meaningful when crit is “poly”. The default value is 2. (i.e. E[d] = (e1)^2 - (e2)^2)

7. DM The DM test statistics
8. p-value The p-value of DM test statistics


from dm_test import dm_test
import randomrandom.seed(123)
actual_lst = range(0,100)
pred1_lst = range(0,100)
pred2_lst = range(0,100)actual_lst = random.sample(actual_lst,100)
pred1_lst = random.sample(pred1_lst,100)
pred2_lst = random.sample(pred2_lst,100)rt = dm_test(actual_lst,pred1_lst,pred2_lst,h = 1, crit="MAD")
print rt
rt = dm_test(actual_lst,pred1_lst,pred2_lst,h = 1, crit="MSE")
print rt
rt = dm_test(actual_lst,pred1_lst,pred2_lst,h = 1, crit="poly", power=4)
print rt
#dm_return(DM=1.3275742446369585, p_value=0.18737195617455585)
#dm_return(DM=1.2112523589452902, p_value=0.22868210381769466)
#dm_return(DM=0.9124498079287283, p_value=0.36374861695187799)





【4】 Harvey, D., Leybourne, S., & Newbold, P. (1997). Testing the equality of prediction mean squared errors. International Journal of forecasting,
13(2), 281-291.

【5】 Diebold, F. X. and Mariano, R. S. (1995), Comparing predictive accuracy, Journal of business & economic statistics 13(3), 253-264.


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