
Ever notice how iMessage will mark a message as “Read” when the other person sees it? These are called “read receipts”, and they can provide a lot of peace of mind for those that you message with. But when exactly does the other person know that you’ve read their message?

有没有注意到当其他人看到消息时,iMessage如何将消息标记为“已读”? 这些被称为“已读回执”,它们可以使您与之通信的人大为省心。 但是对方何时确切知道您已经阅读了他们的信息?

We’ve done some testing to find out. Of course, if you’re really paranoid about read receipts in the first place, you likely have them disabled completely, but they can be great to have for close friends and family members. Even then, it’s okay to be curious about when read receipts are sent to the other person, and when they’re not, so I did a little experimenting.

我们已经进行了一些测试以找出答案。 当然,如果您一开始对阅读回执真的很偏执,您可能会完全禁用阅读回执,但是对于亲密的朋友和家人来说,接收回执可能会很棒。 即使这样,也可以对何时将已读回执发送给其他人感到好奇,所以当我没有做任何事情时,我还是做了一些实验。

For the most part, the other person doesn’t know you read their message until you open up the Messages app and tap on their conversation thread. However, there is one big exception.

在大多数情况下,除非您打开“消息”应用程序并点击他们的对话线程,否则对方不会知道您是否阅读了他们的消息。 但是,有一个大例外。

I discovered that if you swipe on an iMessage notification (either on the lock screen or in Notification Center) and tap on “Clear”, it will mark the message as “Read”. This is because “Clear” is essentially the same thing as what a “Mark as Read” button does—it not only gets rid of the notification, but it tells your phone (and thus their phone) that you the message is read, even if you didn’t actually open up the Messages app and fully access the conversation thread.

我发现,如果您在iMessage通知上滑动(在锁定屏幕上或在通知中心中),然后点击“清除” ,它将把消息标记为“已读”。 这是因为“清除”与“标记为已读”按钮本质上是一样的事情-它不仅摆脱了通知,而且还告诉您的电话(进而通知他们的电话)您已阅读了该消息,甚至如果您实际上没有打开“消息”应用程序并完全访问对话线程。

If you have a Mac and use iMessage on that, I discovered that you can have the iMessage window up and viewable, but as long as it’s not the active window on your Mac, it won’t show a new message as read. So this allows you to see and read a text in full without having it send a read receipt—it’s sort of a neat little trick that lets you bypass sending read receipts until you’re ready to reply to the message.

如果您拥有Mac并在其上使用iMessage,我发现您可以将iMessage窗口打开并可见,但是只要它不是Mac上的活动窗口,它就不会显示已读的新消息。 因此,这使您可以完整地阅读和阅读文本,而无需发送已读回执—这是一种巧妙的小技巧,可让您绕过发送已读回执,直到准备好回复邮件为止。




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