指示UI 的localRotation.z


NGUI_ui.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x, y, 0);


m_arrow.localPosition = new Vector3(x, y, 0);//RectTransform

rot_z =

(NGUI_ui.transform.eulerAngles.z > 180)?NGUI_ui.transform.eulerAngles.z-360:NGUI_ui.transform.eulerAngles.z

在参考资料1 的基础上,添加了 判断 地图指示UI 箭头指示的位置 来设置 自身 位于 屏幕 的哪个位置。

对 摄像机和 3D 玩家 实体 的坐标 进行 判断,进一步优化

.../// <summary>/// 玩家 对象/// </summary>public Transform m_target;public RectTransform m_arrow;               //UGUI UI指示箭头/// <summary>/// 屏幕中心点/// </summary>Vector3 m_Screen_Center;public Vector3 cross;float x = 0, y = 0, x_1 = 0, y_1 = 0,rot_z = 0;/// <summary>/// NGUI UI指示/// </summary>public Transform NGUI_ui;
...private void Start(){m_Screen_Center = new Vector3(Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 2, 0);}
...#region 地图UI 屏幕边缘指示//将目标的世界坐标转换成屏幕坐标Vector3 target_ScreenPoint = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(m_target.position);//计算target_ScreenPoint和屏幕中心点的绝对值角度float angle = Mathf.Atan(Mathf.Abs(target_ScreenPoint.y - Screen.height / 2)/ Mathf.Abs(target_ScreenPoint.x - Screen.width / 2)) * 180 / Mathf.PI;//通过判断target_ScreenPoint相对屏幕中心点所在象限处理angle的差值if (target_ScreenPoint.x <= Screen.width / 2)angle = target_ScreenPoint.y >= Screen.height / 2 ? 90 - angle : 90 + angle;elseangle = target_ScreenPoint.y >= Screen.height / 2 ? 270 + angle : 270 - angle;#region  计算摄像机和目标的叉乘//以屏幕中心所在的单位向量为起始向量from,并将from的y值设成和目标y值保持一致Vector3 from = Camera.main.transform.forward;from.y = m_target.forward.y;//将屏幕中心坐标转换成世界坐标Vector3 cameraPos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(m_Screen_Center);cameraPos.y = m_target.position.y;//求出目标点与摄像机之间的向量Vector3 to = m_target.position - cameraPos;//求出两向量之间的叉乘//Vector3 cross = Vector3.Cross(from, to);#endregion//根据叉乘求出带符号的角度//cross.y > 0:目标向量位于起始向量右侧//cross.y < 0:目标向量位于起始向量左侧if (cross.y > 0 && angle < 180)angle += 180;else if (cross.y < 0 && angle > 180)angle -= 180;Vector3 euler = m_arrow.eulerAngles;euler.z = angle;//设置箭头的角度m_arrow.eulerAngles = euler;NGUI_ui.eulerAngles = euler;rot_z = (NGUI_ui.transform.eulerAngles.z > 180)?NGUI_ui.transform.eulerAngles.z-360:NGUI_ui.transform.eulerAngles.z;
//设置 指示UI 的 坐标if (rot_z >= -60&& rot_z <0)//屏幕上方{print("  屏幕上方 2 ");/*rot_z = Mathf.Abs(rot_z);x_1 = (rot_z / 60);x_1 = (x_1 > 1) ? 1 : x_1;x = (x_1) * Screen.width / 2f;NGUI_ui.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x, Screen.height / 2, 0);m_arrow.localPosition = new Vector3(x, Screen.height / 2, 0);*/test(0, 60, true, 1,1, 1);}else if (rot_z >= 0&& rot_z <= 60)//屏幕上方{print("  屏幕上方 1 ");/*x_1 = (rot_z / 60);x_1 = (x_1 > 0.9f) ? 0.9f : x_1;x = (x_1) * (-Screen.width / 2f);NGUI_ui.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x, Screen.height / 2, 0);m_arrow.localPosition = new Vector3(x, Screen.height / 2, 0);*/test(0, 60, true, 1, -1, 1);}else if (rot_z >= -90&& rot_z < -60)//屏幕右方1{print("  屏幕右方 1 ");/*y_1 = ((Mathf.Abs(rot_z) - 60)/ 30);y_1 = (y_1 > 0.9f) ? 0.9f : y_1;y = (0.9f - y_1) * Screen.height / 2;NGUI_ui.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(Screen.width / 2, y, 0);m_arrow.localPosition = new Vector3(Screen.width / 2, y, 0);*/test(60, 30, false, 1, 1,1);}else if (rot_z >= -120&& rot_z < -90)//屏幕右方2{print("  屏幕右方  2");/*y_1 = ((Mathf.Abs(rot_z) - 90)/ 30);y_1 = (y_1 > 0.9f) ? 0.9f : y_1;y_1 = (y_1 < 0.1f) ? 0.1f : y_1;y = (  y_1) * (-Screen.height / 2);NGUI_ui.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(Screen.width / 2, y, 0);m_arrow.localPosition = new Vector3(Screen.width / 2, y, 0);*/test(90, 30, false, -1, 1, 1);}else if (rot_z > 120&& rot_z <= 180)//屏幕下方 2{print("  屏幕下方  2");/*x_1 = ((Mathf.Abs(rot_z) - 120)/ 60);x_1 = (x_1 > 0.9f) ? 0.9f : x_1;x_1 = (x_1 < 0.1f) ? 0.1f : x_1;x = (1f-x_1) * (-Screen.width/2f);NGUI_ui.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x, -Screen.height / 2, 0);m_arrow.localPosition = new Vector3(x, -Screen.height / 2, 0);*/test(120, 60, true, -1, -1, -1);}else if (rot_z > -180&& rot_z <= -120)//屏幕下方 1{print("  屏幕下方  1");/*x_1 = ((Mathf.Abs(rot_z)-120)/ 60);//x_1 = (x_1 > 1) ? 1 : x_1;x_1 = (x_1 > 0.9f) ? 0.9f : x_1;x_1 = (x_1 < 0.1f) ? 0.1f : x_1;x = (1 - x_1) * Screen.width / 2f;NGUI_ui.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x, -Screen.height / 2, 0);m_arrow.localPosition = new Vector3(x, -Screen.height / 2, 0);*/test(120, 60, true, -1, 1,-1);}else if (rot_z > 60&& rot_z <= 90)//屏幕左方{//rot_z 与 60~120 的范围相减/*print("  屏幕左方  1");y_1 = (((rot_z) - 60)/ 30);y_1 = (y_1 > 0.9f) ? 0.9f : y_1;y = (0.9f - y_1) * Screen.height / 2;NGUI_ui.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-Screen.width / 2, y, 0);m_arrow.localPosition = new Vector3(-Screen.width / 2, y, 0);*/test(60, 30, false, 1, 1,-1);}else if (rot_z > 90&& rot_z <= 120)//屏幕左方{//rot_z 与 60~120 的范围相减print("  屏幕左方  2");/*y_1 = (((rot_z) - 90)/ 30);y_1 = (y_1 > 0.9f) ? 0.9f : y_1;y_1 = (y_1 < 0.1f) ? 0.1f : y_1;y = (y_1) * (-Screen.height / 2);NGUI_ui.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-Screen.width / 2, y, 0);m_arrow.localPosition = new Vector3(-Screen.width / 2, y, 0);*/test(90,30,false,-1, 1,-1);}
//设置 指示UI 的 坐标--------------------------------------------------------print("euler.z:"+ euler.z + "///rot_z:" + rot_z + "///x:" +x+"/y:"+y+ "/x_1:" + x_1 + "/y_1:" + y_1 + "///Screen.width" + Screen.width + "///Screen.height" + Screen.height);#endregion//地图UI 屏幕边缘指示
.../// <summary>/// y_1 = (((rot_z) - 90)/ 30);/// </summary>/// <param name="value1">y_1 = (((rot_z) - value1)/ 30);</param>/// <param name="value2">y_1 = (((rot_z) - 90)/ value2);</param>/// <param name="XOrY">true 为X,false 为Y</param>/// <param name="symbol">-1 或者 +1</param>/// <param name="symbol">((x_1) * Screen.width / 2f)* symbol1</param>private void test(int value1,int value2,bool XOrY,int symbol, int symbol1, int symbol2){rot_z = Mathf.Abs(rot_z);if (XOrY){x_1 = ((rot_z - value1) / value2);x_1 = (x_1 > 0.9f) ? 0.9f : x_1;x_1 = (x_1 < 0.1f) ? 0.1f : x_1;x = (symbol > 0) ?((x_1) * Screen.width / 2f)* symbol1 :(0.9f - x_1) * Screen.width / 2f * symbol1;NGUI_ui.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x, symbol2 *Screen.height / 2, 0);m_arrow.localPosition = new Vector3(x, symbol2 * Screen.height / 2, 0);}else{y_1 = ((rot_z - value1) / value2);y_1 = (y_1 > 0.9f) ? 0.9f : y_1;y_1 = (y_1 < 0.1f) ? 0.1f : y_1;y = (symbol > 0) ?((0.9f - y_1) * Screen.height / 2) * symbol1 :((y_1) * (-Screen.height / 2)) * symbol1;NGUI_ui.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(symbol2 * Screen.width / 2, y, 0);m_arrow.localPosition = new Vector3(symbol2*Screen.width / 2, y, 0);}}

test函数里面的 0.9f和 0.1f 表示的是距离屏幕 Screen.Height或Screen.Width,以至于 不使得指示UI 不会到屏幕的四个角。



Unity3D 世界坐标转屏幕坐标的坑





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