


#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>using namespace std;struct point{/*记录点的信息*/double x;double y;
};struct v{/*记录边的信息*/point star;/*边的起点*/point en;/*边的终点*/
};struct triangle{/*记录三角形信息*/point A;/*三角形的顶点A*/point B;/*三角形的顶点B*/point C;/*三角形的顶点C*/
triangle tre[104];
int tr;struct square{int x;/*正方形左下角的横坐标*/int y;/*正方形左下角的纵坐标*/int l;/*正方形的边长*/
square squ[104];
int sq;struct circle{int x;/*圆心的横坐标*/int y;/*圆心的纵坐标*/int r;/*圆的半径*/
circle cir[104];
int ci;double crossProduct(v * v1, v * v2);/*向量叉积*/
bool inTrianle(triangle t, point P);/*判断点是否在三角形内*/
bool inSquare(square t, int x, int y);/*判断点是否在正方形内*/
bool inCircle(circle t, int x, int y);/*判断点是否在圆内*/int main(){int T, n, i, j, k, num;char st[14];scanf("%d", &T);while(T--){tr = sq = ci = 0;scanf("%d", &n);while(n--){scanf("%s", st);if(st[0] == 'C'){scanf("%d %d %d", &cir[ci].x, &cir[ci].y, &cir[ci].r);ci++;}else if(st[0] == 'S'){scanf("%d %d %d", &squ[sq].x, &squ[sq].y, &squ[sq].l);sq++;}else {scanf("%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", &tre[tr].A.x, &tre[tr].A.y, &tre[tr].B.x, &tre[tr].B.y, &tre[tr].C.x, &tre[tr].C.y);tr++;}}num = 0;for(i = -200; i <= 200; i++){for(j = -200; j <= 200; j++){bool flag = false;for(k = 0; k < ci; k++){if(inCircle(cir[k], i, j)){flag = true;break;}}if(!flag){for(k = 0; k < sq; k++){if(inSquare(squ[k], i, j)){flag = true;break;}}}if(!flag){point t;for(k = 0; k < tr; k++){t.x = (double)i, t.y = (double)j;if(inTrianle(tre[k], t)){flag = true;break;}}}if(flag)num++;}}printf("%d\n", num);}return 0;
double crossProduct(v * v1, v * v2){v vt1, vt2;double result = 0; = 0; = 0;vt1.en.x = v1->en.x - v1->star.x;vt1.en.y = v1->en.y - v1->star.y; = 0; = 0;vt2.en.x = v2->en.x - v2->star.x;vt2.en.y = v2->en.y - v2->star.y;result = vt1.en.x * vt2.en.y - vt2.en.x * vt1.en.y;return result;
bool inTrianle(triangle t, point p){v AB, AC, BC, PA, PB, PC; = t.A;AB.en = t.B; = t.A;AC.en = t.C; = t.B;BC.en = t.C; = p;PA.en = t.A; = p;PB.en = t.B; = p;PC.en = t.C;double Sabc = fabs(crossProduct(&AB, &AC));double Spab = fabs(crossProduct(&PA, &PB));double Spac = fabs(crossProduct(&PA, &PC));double Spbc = fabs(crossProduct(&PB, &PC));if(Sabc == Spab + Spac + Spbc)return true;elsereturn false;
bool inSquare(square t, int x, int y){if(x >= t.x && x <= t.x+t.l && y >= t.y && y <= t.y+t.l)return true;elsereturn false;
bool inCircle(circle t, int x, int y){int ans = (x-t.x)*(x-t.x) + (y-t.y)*(y-t.y);if(ans <= t.r*t.r)return true;elsereturn false;

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