
enable the perfromance counter

c9, User Enable Register

c9, Interrupt Enable Clear Register

access the cycle-counter from the user-mode

c9, Cycle Count Register

c9, Performance Monitor Control Register

c9, Count Enable Set Register

c9, Overflow Flag Status Register

How to use it


The purpose of the Performance MoNitor Control (PMNC) Register is to control the operation of the four Performance Monitor Count Registers, and the Cycle Counter Register:1

The PMNC Register is:

  • a read/write register common to Secure and Nonsecure states
  • accessible as determined by c9, User Enable Register.2

enable the perfromance counter

Accessing the performance counters isn't difficult, but you have to enable them from kernel-mode. By default the counters are disabled.

In a nutshell you have to execute the following two lines inside the kernel. Either as a loadable module or just adding the two lines somewhere in the board-init will do:

/* enable user-mode access to the performance counter*/asm ("MCR p15, 0, %0, C9, C14, 0\n\t" :: "r"(1)); /* disable counter overflow interrupts (just in case)*/asm ("MCR p15, 0, %0, C9, C14, 2\n\t" :: "r"(0x8000000f));

Once you did this the cycle counter will start incrementing for each cycle. Overflows of the register will go unnoticed and don't cause any problems (except they might mess up your measurements).

c9, User Enable Register

asm ("MCR p15, 0, %0, C9, C14, 0\n\t" :: "r"(1));

The purpose of the USER ENable (USEREN) Register is to enable User mode to have access to the Performance Monitor Registers.3

To access the USEREN Register, read or write CP15 with:

MRC p15, 0, <Rd>, c9, c14, 0 ; Read USEREN Register

MCR p15, 0, <Rd>, c9, c14, 0 ; Write USEREN Register

c9, Interrupt Enable Clear Register

asm ("MCR p15, 0, %0, C9, C14, 2\n\t" :: "r"(0x8000000f));

The purpose of the INTerrupt ENable Clear (INTENC) Register is to determine if any of the Performance Monitor Count Registers, PMCNT0-PMCNT3 and CCNT, generate an interrupt on overflow.4

To access the INTENC Register, read or write CP15 with:

MRC p15, 0, <Rd>, c9, c14, 2 ; Read INTENC Register

MCR p15, 0, <Rd>, c9, c14, 2 ; Write INTENC Register

access the cycle-counter from the user-mode

Now you want to access the cycle-counter from the user-mode:

We start with a function that reads the register:

static inline unsigned int get_cyclecount (void)
{unsigned int value;// Read CCNT Registerasm volatile ("MRC p15, 0, %0, c9, c13, 0\t\n": "=r"(value));  return value;

And you most likely want to reset and set the divider as well:

static inline void init_perfcounters (int32_t do_reset, int32_t enable_divider)
{// in general enable all counters (including cycle counter)int32_t value = 1;// peform reset:  if (do_reset){value |= 2;     // reset all counters to zero.value |= 4;     // reset cycle counter to zero.} if (enable_divider)value |= 8;     // enable "by 64" divider for CCNT.value |= 16;// program the performance-counter control-register:asm volatile ("MCR p15, 0, %0, c9, c12, 0\t\n" :: "r"(value));  // enable all counters:  asm volatile ("MCR p15, 0, %0, c9, c12, 1\t\n" :: "r"(0x8000000f));  // clear overflows:asm volatile ("MCR p15, 0, %0, c9, c12, 3\t\n" :: "r"(0x8000000f));

do_reset will set the cycle-counter to zero. Easy as that.

enable_diver will enable the 1/64 cycle divider. Without this flag set you'll be measuring each cycle. With it enabled the counter gets increased for every 64 cycles. This is useful if you want to measure long times that would otherwise cause the counter to overflow.

c9, Cycle Count Register

asm volatile ("MRC p15, 0, %0, c9, c13, 0\t\n": "=r"(value));

The purpose of the Cycle CouNT (CCNT) Register is to count the number of clock cycles since the register was reset. 5

To access the CCNT Register, read or write CP15 with:

MRC p15, 0, <Rd>, c9, c13, 0 ; Read CCNT Register MCR p15, 0, <Rd>, c9, c13, 0 ; Write CCNT Register

c9, Performance Monitor Control Register

asm volatile ("MCR p15, 0, %0, c9, c12, 0\t\n" :: "r"(value));

To access the PMNC Register, read or write CP15 with:1

MRC p15, 0, <Rd>, c9, c12, 0 ; Read PMNC Register

MCR p15, 0, <Rd>, c9, c12, 0 ; Write PMNC Register

c9, Count Enable Set Register

asm volatile ("MCR p15, 0, %0, c9, c12, 1\t\n" :: "r"(0x8000000f)); The purpose of the CouNT ENable Set (CNTENS) Register is to enable or disable any of the Performance Monitor Count Registers.

When reading this register, any enable that reads as 0 indicates the counter is disabled. Any enable that reads as 1 indicates the counter is enabled.

When writing this register, any enable written with a value of 0 is ignored, that is, not updated. Any enable written with a value of 1 indicates the counter is enabled.6

To access the CNTENS Register, read or write CP15 with:

MRC p15, 0, <Rd>, c9, c12, 1 ; Read CNTENS Register

MCR p15, 0, <Rd>, c9, c12, 1 ; Write CNTENS Register

c9, Overflow Flag Status Register

asm volatile ("MCR p15, 0, %0, c9, c12, 3\t\n" :: "r"(0x8000000f)); The purpose of the Overflow Flag Status (FLAG) Register is to enable or disable any of the performance monitor counters producing an overflow flag.7

To access the FLAG Register, read or write CP15 with:

MRC p15, 0, <Rd>, c9, c12, 3 ; Read FLAG Register

MCR p15, 0, <Rd>, c9, c12, 3 ; Write FLAG Register

How to use it

// init counters:init_perfcounters (1, 0); // measure the counting overhead:unsigned int overhead = get_cyclecount();overhead = get_cyclecount() - overhead;    unsigned int t = get_cyclecount();// do some stuff here..call_my_function();t = get_cyclecount() - t;printf ("function took exactly %d cycles (including function call)", t - overhead);

Should work on all Cortex-A8 CPUs.

some notes:

Using these counters you'll measure the exact time between the two calls to get_cyclecount() including everything spent in other processes or in the kernel. There is no way to restrict the measurement to your process or a single thread.

Also calling get_cyclecount() isn't free. It will compile to a single asm-instruction, but moves from the co-processor will stall the entire ARM pipeline. The overhead is quite high and can skew your measurement. Fortunately the overhead is also fixed, so you can measure it and subtract it from your timings.

In this example I did that for every measurement. Don't do this in practice. An interrupt will sooner or later occur between the two calls and skew your measurements even further. I suggest that you measure the overhead a couple of times on an idle system, ignore all outsiders and use a fixed constant instead.8



c9, Performance Monitor Control Register


Cortex-A8 Technical Reference Manua


c9, User Enable Register


c9, Interrupt Enable Clear Register


c9, Cycle Count Register


c9, Count Enable Set Register


c9, Overflow Flag Status Register



Author: Shi Shougang

Created: 2015-03-05 Thu 23:20

Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)


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