基于zabbix 3.0 https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/3.0/manual/api/reference

Method reference

This section provides an overview of the functions provided by the Zabbix API and will help you find your way around the available classes and methods.


The Zabbix API allows you to access history and other data gathered during monitoring.


Retrieve historical values gathered by Zabbix monitoring processes for presentation or further processing.

History API


Retrieve events generated by triggers, network discovery and other Zabbix systems for more flexible situation management or third-party tool integration.

Event API

Service monitoring

Retrieve detailed service layer availability information about any IT service.

IT service SLA calculation


The Zabbix API allows you to manage the configuration of your monitoring system.

Hosts and host groups

Manage host groups, hosts and everything related to them, including host interfaces, host macros and maintenance periods.

Host API | Host group API | Host interface API | User macro API | Maintenance API

Items and applications

Define items to monitor. Create or remove applications and assign items to them.

Item API | Application API


Configure triggers to notify you about problems in your system. Manage trigger dependencies.

Trigger API


Edit graphs or separate graph items for better presentation of the gathered data.

Graph API | Graph item API


Manage templates and link them to hosts or other templates.

Template API

Export and import

Export and import Zabbix configuration data for configuration backups, migration or large-scale configuration updates.

Configuration API

Low-level discovery

Configure low-level discovery rules as well as item, trigger and graph prototypes to monitor dynamic entities.

LLD rule API | Item prototype API | Trigger protototype API | Graph prototype API | Host prototype API


Edit global and template-level screens or each screen item individually.

Screen API | Screen item API | Template screen API | Template screen item API

Actions and alerts

Define actions and operations to notify users about certain events or automatically execute remote commands. Gain access to information about generated alerts and their receivers.

Action API | Alert API

IT services

Manage IT services for service-level monitoring and retrieve detailed SLA information about any service.

IT service API


Configure maps to create detailed dynamic representations of your IT infrastructure.


Web monitoring

Configure web scenarios to monitor your web applications and services.

Web scenario API

Network discovery

Manage network-level discovery rules to automatically find and monitor new hosts. Gain full access to information about discovered services and hosts.

Discovery rule API | Discovery check API | Discovery host API | Discovery service API


With the Zabbix API you can change administration settings of your monitoring system.


Add users that will have access to Zabbix, assign them to user groups and grant permissions. Configure media types and the ways users will receive alerts.

User API | User group API | Media type API | Media API


Change certain global configuration options.

Icon map API | Image API | User macro API


Manage the proxies used in your distributed monitoring setup.

Proxy API


Configure and execute scripts to help you with your daily tasks.

Script API

API information

Retrieve the version of the Zabbix API so that your application could use version-specific features.

API info API



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