
  • 1 字符串用 + 和 * 连接
  • 2 len(string)——计算字符串的长度
  • 3 string[left,right]——字符串的分片与索引
  • 4 string.find(sub_string)——查找子字符串出现的位置
  • 5 string.replace(string_a,string_b)——替换部分字符串
  • 6 str(int_a)——强制类型转换
  • 7 '{} and {}'.format(string_a,string_b)——字符串格式化符
  • 8 strings.split()——分割字符串中的单词
  • 9 strings.count(string)——统计字符string出现的次数
  • 10 strings.strip(string.punctuation).lower()——忽略字符,转换小写

1 字符串用 + 和 * 连接


what_he_does = ' plays '
his_instrument = 'guitar'
his_name = 'Robert Johnson'
artist_intro = his_name + what_he_does + his_instrument
print(artist_intro)# echo
Robert Johnson plays guitar


word = 'love'
words = word*3
print(words)# echo

2 len(string)——计算字符串的长度

word = 'love'
words = word*3
print(len(words))# echo

3 string[left,right]——字符串的分片与索引


print(name[5:])          # 右侧不写,代表到最后
'me is Mike'
print(name[:5])         # 注意是左闭右开,所以第5个是取不到的
'My na'


4 string.find(sub_string)——查找子字符串出现的位置

sub_num = '123'
phone_num = '138-1034-5123'
print(phone_num.find(sub_num))# echo
10                                  # 返回第一次出现123这个字符串的位置,10是1的位置

5 string.replace(string_a,string_b)——替换部分字符串

phone_num = '138-1034-5123'
phone_num_new = phone_num.replace(phone_num[9:13],'*'*4)
print(phone_num_new)# echo

6 str(int_a)——强制类型转换

sub_num = '123'
phone_num = '138-1034-5123'
# 用type()函数确定变量类型
print(str(phone_num.find(sub_num)),type(str(phone_num.find(sub_num))))# echo
10 <class 'int'>            # find()返回的是int类型
10 <class 'str'>            # str()强制转换成string字符串类型

7 ‘{} and {}’.format(string_a,string_b)——字符串格式化符

a = 'I'
b = 'you'
print('{} love {} forever.'.format(a,b))# echo
I love you forever.

8 strings.split()——分割字符串中的单词

lyric = 'The night begin to shine, the night begin to shine'
words = lyric.split()
print(words)# echo
['The', 'night', 'begin', 'to', 'shine,', 'the', 'night', 'begin', 'to', 'shine']       # 注意:'shine,'后面跟了一个逗号!


fn.append(line.split('\n')[0]) # [0]表示分割后list的第一个元素

9 strings.count(string)——统计字符string出现的次数

lyric = 'The night begin to shine, the night begin to shine'
words = lyric.split()
word = 'night'
print(words.count(word))# echo
2                           # 'night'出现了两次

10 strings.strip(string.punctuation).lower()——忽略字符,转换小写





import string
lyric = 'The night begin to shine, the night begin to shine'
# 首先把字符串按照空格分开,切割成包含一个个string的list
# 接着使用列表解析式,对每个元素进行1)忽略特殊字符2)转换成小写单词
words = [word.strip(string.punctuation).lower() for word in lyric.split()]
print(words)# echo
['the', 'night', 'begin', 'to', 'shine', 'the', 'night', 'begin', 'to', 'shine']


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