I can see clearly now (20)

Key vocabulary

1.       seem to be= appears or is(what seems to the problem/matter/trouble)

2.       struggle=try very hard(struggle against difficuilties)

3.       20/20 vision=perfect eyesight

4.       make out= to see(辨别出来)

5.       far sighted=see far-away things more clearly than things nearby

6.       as blind as bat=have really poor vision

7.       vision=ability to see things

8.       blurry=not clear

9.       pick out=choose

10.   prescription=a message written by a doctor that tells people what medicine to take

A: Hello, Arthur. What seems to be the problem?

B: Hey doc. Well, I think I might need glasses. I’m getting headaches, and I really struggle to see things that are far away. But I have always had 20/20 vision.

A: Sounds like you may be far-sighted. Ok, then, cover your left eye and read the chart in front of you.

B: Mmm…X,E,R,3, a question mark, and I can’t quite make out the other symbol but I think it’s the peace sign.

A: Wow, Arthur! You are as blind as bat.

B: Yeah, I know , my vision is really blurry at times.

A: Ok then, head on over to the other room and pick out some frames while I fill out your prescription.

B: Thanks doc!

A: Arthur, that’s the bathroom.

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