Unit1 Descartes Was Wrong 笛卡尔错了:“他人在,故我在”
Unit2 Are we ready for the next volcanic catastrophe?我们准备好应对下一次火山灾难了吗?
Unit3 Theorists,experimentalists and the bias in popular physics理论家,实验家和大众物理学的偏见
unit4 Magic Numbers神奇数字:数学方程式可以美丽吗?

研究生学术英语读写教程翻译 中国科学院大学Unit1-Unit5

  • Unit 5 Can Computers Be Conscious?
  • 计算机能有意识吗?


Unit 5 Can Computers Be Conscious?


Computers have seemed “mind-like””to people since they were invented in 1950s.Inthe early days they were widely called “electronic brains” for their ability to processinformation. But the similarity between computers

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