


Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 11:16:10 -0500

From: Shuyu Sun

Simulation of Multiphysics Multiscale Systems

4th International Workshop

in conjunction with the International Conference on Computational Science

May 27-30, 2007, Beijing, China



Simulation of multiphysics and multiscale (MPMS) systems poses a grand challenge

to computational science. Most of the real-life systems, vital for industrial

applications and academic research, involve interactions amongst a wide range

of physical phenomena. In addition to that, the time and length scales of the

individual processes involved often differ by orders of magnitude. Numerical

simulation of these multiphysics and multiscale problems requires development

of sophisticated models and methods for their integration, as well as efficient

numerical algorithms and advanced computational techniques.

This workshop, being a follow-up to the highly successful events held at

ICCS-2006 in Reading, UK, ICCS-2005 in Atlanta, USA and ICCS-2004 in Krakow,

Poland, aims to bring together computational physicists, numerical specialists

and computational scientists to push forward this challenging multidisciplinary

research field.


Specific topics include (but are not limited to):

Modeling of multiphysics and/or multiscale systems. Of particular interest

are: Monte Carlo methods, particle-based methods, mesoscopic models such as

cellular-automata, lattice gas and lattice-Boltzmann methods, computational

fluid dynamics and computational solid mechanics;

Multiphysics and/or multiscale modeling of biological or biomedical systems.

This includes computational models of tissue- and organo-genesis, tumor growth,

blood vessels formation and interaction with the hosting tissue, biochemical

transport and signaling, biomedical simulations for surgical planning, etc.

Novel approaches to combine different models and scales in one problem solution;

Challenging applications in industry and academia, e.g. time-dependent 3D systems,

multiphase flows, fluid-structure interactions, chemical engineering, plasma

physics, material science, biophysics, automotive industry, etc.;

Advanced numerical methods for solving multiphysics multiscale problems;

New algorithms for parallel distributed computing, specific to the field.

Important Simulation of Multiphysics Multiscale Systems

4th International Workshop

in conjunction with the International Conference on Computational Science

May 27-30, 2007

Beijing, China


Simulation of multiphysics and multiscale (MPMS) systems poses a grand challenge

to computational science. Most of the real-life systems, vital for industrial

applications and academic research, involve interactions amongst a wide range of

physical phenomena. In addition to that, the time and length scales of the

individual processes involved often differ by orders of magnitude. Numerical

simulation of these multiphysics and multiscale problems requires development of

sophisticated models and methods for their integration, as well as efficient

numerical algorithms and advanced computational techniques.

This workshop, being a follow-up to the highly successful events held at ICCS-2006

in Reading, UK, ICCS-2005 in Atlanta, USA and ICCS-2004 in Krakow, Poland, aims

to bring together computational physicists, numerical specialists and computational

scientists to push forward this challenging multidisciplinary research field.


Specific topics include (but are not limited to):

Modeling of multiphysics and/or multiscale systems. Of particular interest are:

Monte Carlo methods, particle-based methods, mesoscopic models such as cellular-automata,

lattice gas and lattice-Boltzmann methods, computational fluid dynamics and

computational solid mechanics;

Multiphysics and/or multiscale modeling of biological or biomedical systems. This

includes computational models of tissue- and organo-genesis, tumor growth, blood

vessels formation and interaction with the hosting tissue, biochemical transport

and signaling, biomedical simulations for surgical planning, etc.

Novel approaches to combine different models and scales in one problem solution;

Challenging applications in industry and academia, e.g. time-dependent 3D systems,

multiphase flows, fluid-structure interactions, chemical engineering, plasma

physics, material science, biophysics, automotive industry, etc.;

Advanced numerical methods for solving multiphysics multiscale problems;

New algorithms for parallel distributed computing, specific to the field.

Important dates

Short abstract (1 page): December 5, 2006

Full papersubmission: January 5, 2007

Notification of acceptance: February 3, 2007

Camera-ready papers: February 19, 2007

Early registration: March 30, 2007

Workshop Organizers:


Valeria Krzhizhanovskaya

University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

E-mail: valeria at science.uva.nl

Dr. Alfons Hoekstra

University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

E-mail: alfons at science.uva.nl


Dr. Shuyu Sun

Clemson University, USA

E-mail: shuyu at clemson.edu

Dr. Juergen Geiser

Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany

E-mail: geiser at mathematik.hu-berlin.de


Prof. Bastien Chopard

University of Geneva, Switzerland

E-mail: Bastien.Chopard at cui.unige.ch

Prof. Yuriy Gorbachev

St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Russia

E-mail: gorbachev at csa.ru



Croucher Advanced Study Institute

Opportunities and Challenges for Physicists in Quantitative and Systemic Biology

December 4-9, 2006

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong


This Croucher ASI is organized by the Department of Physics and Institute

of Theoretical Physics of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and sponsored

by The Croucher Foundation.




There have been rapid developments in biology in the last 10 years or so. The

genomes of complex organisms, including the human genome, have been sequenced. This

explosion of genetic information renders quantitative methods of investigation.

Moreover, it is becoming clear that the understanding of a biological organism

lies not only in its parts, like the genes and their resulting proteins, but

more importantly in the understanding of the interaction of the parts, and

how the functional properties of the whole organism emerge from the collective

behavior of the parts that resulted from their interaction. These new developments

and emphasis are making biology a quantitative and conceptually profound

discipline and also bringing biology and physics close together.

This Croucher Advanced Study Institute (ASI) aims to expose the local physicists in

Hong Kong and in the region to these recent exciting developments and thus allow them

to seize the golden opportunities available in this new era of biology. Six leading

experts in the field are invited to present lectures on topics that offer opportunities

for the techniques and problem solving skills of physicists. Furthermore, this

Croucher ASI hopes to promote collaborative efforts among the physicists and the

biologists as such interdisciplinary efforts are highly beneficial to the

progress of this new emerging field of quantitative and systemic biology.




Robert Austin (Princeton University, USA)

Vincent Croquette (Encole Normale Superieure, France)

Terrence Hwa (University of California, San Diego, USA)

Albert Libchaber (Rockefeller University, USA)

Boris Shraiman (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)

Eric Siggia (Rockefeller University, USA)

Chao Tang (University of California, San Francisco, USA)




C.K. Chan (Institute of Physics, Academic Sinica, Taiwan)

Hao Li (University of California, San Francisco, USA)

Marcelo Magnasco (Rockefeller University, USA)

Qi Ouyang (Peking University, China)

Yuhai Tu (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA)




* Physics aspects of the origin of life

* Quantitative approaches to gene regulation

* Modeling of signaling pathways

* Specific examples of yeast cell cycle and fly embryo development

* Technologies in biological investigation




Please go to http://www.phy.cuhk.edu.hk/itp/v2/1024/asi06/asi_program.html

for the program. All lectures will be held at the Science Centre of the

Chinese University of Hong Kong. The working language is English.




Hotels for this ASI are Royal Park Hotel and Regal Riverside Hotel in Shatin.

Transportation between the hotels and the Science Centre of the Chinese

University of Hong Kong will be arranged during the ASI. Please follow the link in

http://www.phy.cuhk.edu.hk/itp/v2/1024/asi06/asi_info.html for direction to the





Please send your enquiries to Miss Ho at pyho@phy.cuhk.edu.hk


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