
北京时间 2004年3月19日10:00-12:00


温伯格(Gerald Weinberg)。对软件业影响巨大的几个人之一。






















(09:31:53)paul与所有人说:no voice







(09:38:32)mmm与所有人说:Can you hear me?



(09:38:59)paul与mmm说:no voice

(09:39:07)mmm与所有人说:music,you can't hear?



(09:41:45)mmm与所有人说:how about now?

(09:41:59)paul与mmm说:no voice




(09:47:35)paul与所有人说:how to test my mic.


(09:48:52)paul与[*umlchina_seminar]说:can u hear me? )








(09:56:43)heroxn与所有人说:no voice





































(10:07:15)*flybean与所有人说:any voice?



(10:08:35)*bebraveh与所有人说:Did seminar begin?




(10:09:10)*ron2k与edge说:Nice to meet you











(10:10:36)*bebraveh与所有人说:I can't wait any longer

(10:12:04)*flybean与所有人说:Sorry, I cound not hear the saying,just notice that a new message comes










(10:13:34)[*umlchina_seminar]与所有人说:please speak english



(10:14:09)*flybean与所有人说:to umlchina : any font color defined?

(10:14:48)*flybean与所有人说:Ok , some voice



(10:15:05)*wangz_bpusei与所有人说:no voice ?

(10:15:07)[*umlchina_seminar]与*JerryWeinberg说:yes, we can hear!


(10:15:18)*flybean与所有人说:yes, got


(10:15:26)*shiningxyy与所有人说:yes, i can hear weinberg's voice

(10:16:20)*flybean与所有人说:a little louder, plz

(10:16:51)*shiningxyy与所有人说:yes there are a lot of questions about uml.

(10:17:11)*wangz_bpusei与所有人说:no voice







(10:21:15)*shiningxyy与所有人说:first topic: UML language


(10:21:30)*citizen2yy与所有人说:I am sorry that i am later..

(10:21:38)*shiningxyy与所有人说:that's ok

(10:21:40)*flybean与所有人说:How to persuade the costumers to give up their unpractical requirments?


(10:23:46)*shiningxyy与所有人说:yes,he is answering the second question

(10:23:54)*shiningxyy与所有人说:flybean's question


(10:27:59)*flybean与所有人说:Often costumers choice some products themself, and maybe the products could not mee

(10:28:13)*flybean与所有人说:meet the requirments of the project, how todo?

(10:29:46)VoiceOfWeinberg与*JerryWeinberg说:Excuse me professor,are there some signs -

(10:29:53)VoiceOfWeinberg与*JerryWeinberg说:to show that customers aren't telling the true requirements?

(10:30:01)*citizen2yy与[*umlchina_seminar]说:hi,please cancel 宜芬

(10:30:10)*citizen2yy与[*umlchina_seminar]说:she is a flger

(10:30:44)*citizen2yy与*shiningxyy说:i can not hear anything

(10:30:49)*flybean与所有人说:Here, costumers often want pay less and ask for more.

(10:31:25)*flybean与所有人说:and often what they pay is less than what need to run the project

(10:32:32)*shiningxyy与所有人说:welcome gigix


(10:32:47)VoiceOfWeinberg与*JerryWeinberg说:so the Uncertainty is a sign

(10:34:23)*citizen2yy与*shiningxyy说:in this damn netbar no msn software installed

(10:35:09)*shiningxyy与*citizen2yy说:it's ok. you can send out the questions.

(10:35:29)VoiceOfWeinberg与*JerryWeinberg说:Thank you very much

(10:35:51)*citizen2yy与*shiningxyy说:can you hear weinberg's sound?

(10:36:14)*shiningxyy与*citizen2yy说:yet, but not so clear. how about you

(10:36:25)*citizen2yy与*shiningxyy说:i can not hear anything


(10:38:14)[*umlchina_seminar]与*JerryWeinberg说:wwh@156net.com asks: How can I know I finish my requirement modeling?



(10:39:41)*citizen2yy与*shiningxyy说:thx, I know how to open, but the damn computer does not surport me.



(10:41:51)*mountainwang与所有人说:can we say the requirement collection and analyzing process could be independant to OO methodology?

(10:46:50)*shiningxyy与所有人说:some readers told me that your system thinking and design books are a little bit hard to read.


(10:48:26)delson与所有人说:I've just come in

(10:49:04)*shiningxyy与所有人说:could you pls give them some instruction on how to read and study the two books.

(10:49:19)*shiningxyy与所有人说:it's ok, delson

(10:52:23)*shiningxyy与所有人说:also, among many of your books published, which book do you like best, and why?

(10:53:42)PAUL与[*umlchina_seminar]说:why? )

(10:54:15)VoiceOfWeinberg与*JerryWeinberg说:Could you tell us some stories of how you formed your thoughts(in your books)?

(10:54:21)*shiningxyy与所有人说:how do you identify and analysis the customers' requirement(readers' requirement)?

(10:54:48)VoiceOfWeinberg与*JerryWeinberg说:how you come to think this way, and not other ways?







(10:59:44)[*umlchina_seminar]与*JerryWeinberg说:professor, The line connection break, please pick up again

(10:59:47)*JerryWeinberg与所有人说:We got cut off. Can you call me again, please?

(11:00:02)[*umlchina_seminar]与*JerryWeinberg说:1 minute

(11:00:12)[*umlchina_seminar]与*JerryWeinberg说:busy line?

(11:04:31)*shiningxyy与*JerryWeinberg说:chenji8074@tom.com asks: How can I apply "exploring requirement" to my daily life.

(11:04:39)*shiningxyy与*JerryWeinberg说:Or help more people?

(11:05:01)PAUL与所有人说:Design another real world, resolve the problem of our human being.


(11:06:41)VoiceOfWeinberg与*JerryWeinberg说:Maybe sometimes the developers and the customers are foreigners to each other(kidding)

(11:07:29)*shiningxyy与*JerryWeinberg说:qianyy@centen.com.cn asks: My experience is: after the prototype,

(11:07:51)*shiningxyy与*JerryWeinberg说:the client just really know what he need, it is too late….

(11:07:54)PAUL与所有人说:a movie named the thirteenth floor. hehe


(11:09:34)*citizen2yy与所有人说:In the book "are your lights on?", Jerry told us One seldom know what they want until


(11:09:55)*citizen2yy与所有人说:you (the designer) give them the right thing.

(11:10:15)*citizen2yy与所有人说:then, my question is,

(11:10:39)*rachel_33546716与所有人说:technology is worthless-even dangerous-if we don't pay atten to the human aspects of both its use

(11:10:44)*citizen2yy与所有人说:how to figout those requirement that custom don't know

(11:14:11)*shiningxyy与*JerryWeinberg说:wwh@156net.com asks: How can I know I finish my requirement modeling?

(11:15:00)*citizen2yy与所有人说:wwh's problem was fitted in the book "exploring requirement".

(11:15:12)*citizen2yy与所有人说:chapter 25. end.


(11:15:57)*shiningxyy与*citizen2yy说:it's seems that you are becoming an expert on exploring requirement.:)

(11:17:08)*citizen2yy与所有人说:Jerry has give us some advice about end the requirement state.

(11:18:25)*shiningxyy与所有人说:how to become a good requirement engineer?

(11:19:05)*citizen2yy与所有人说:Requirement will never finished until the development(product) be canceled.


(11:21:25)*shiningxyy与*JerryWeinberg说:wwh@156net.com : which artifacts are necessary in requirement discipline(requirement process?)

(11:21:47)*shiningxyy与*JerryWeinberg说:Paul Qu: Can you give me your opinion about software craftsmanship(Pete McBreen)?



(11:23:36)*citizen2yy与[*umlchina_seminar]说:什么中文书大奖?我还不知道呢? )



(11:24:19)*shiningxyy与所有人说:yet. the chinese version of this book will soon be published in one or two month.

(11:24:45)*shiningxyy与所有人说:should be "yes"

(11:24:59)PAUL与*JerryWeinberg说:in china?

(11:25:29)*shiningxyy与所有人说:no, in usa

(11:25:41)PAUL与*JerryWeinberg说:the jboss

(11:27:12)*rachel_33546716与*citizen2yy说:take care,prof.

(11:27:41)*shiningxyy与所有人说:we give our deep thanks to prof.

(11:28:03)*shiningxyy与*JerryWeinberg说:yangzx2000@sohu.com asks: have you ever been to china and will you come to China?

(11:28:33)PAUL与*JerryWeinberg说:Thanks Jerry.

(11:28:35)*shiningxyy与*JerryWeinberg说:how do you comment on China markets in software development?

(11:29:58)*rachel_33546716与*citizen2yy说:sorry,it's fault to say u.

(11:29:59)*shiningxyy与所有人说:yes. Prof weinberg likes Chinese culture very much.

(11:30:32)PAUL与*JerryWeinberg说:and Chinese Medicine.

(11:30:41)*shiningxyy与*JerryWeinberg说:Welcome to China. and I will be very honored to cook Chinese food to you.


(11:31:08)PAUL与*JerryWeinberg说:Take care of your health prof.


(11:31:45)PAUL与*JerryWeinberg说:try the Chinese tea.

(11:31:59)*shiningxyy与*JerryWeinberg说:Chinese readers are also very interested in your career background. your personal growth in career.


(11:33:11)*shiningxyy与*JerryWeinberg说:yes,since you have the experience in programming, training, managing and consulting as well

(11:33:30)VoiceOfWeinberg与*JerryWeinberg说:do you have some effective ways to some shell-like customers(that means they don't like to ask)

(11:33:43)wulifeng与所有人说:ask: Mr. Weinberg, have you found some fitfalls in "exploring req." since it published? thank you!

(11:33:52)*shiningxyy与*JerryWeinberg说:Jiezh74@hotmail.com asks: how much is the workload proportion of requirement

(11:34:03)*shiningxyy与*JerryWeinberg说:in overall software development process?

(11:35:53)*shiningxyy与*JerryWeinberg说:after the carreer question: which role do you like best personally?

(11:38:16)*shiningxyy与*JerryWeinberg说:will you suggest programmers to write articles, to give speech? to express their ideas?

(11:38:58)*citizen2yy与*JerryWeinberg说:when I am exploring the requirement with custom, I find the right requirement is

(11:39:16)*citizen2yy与*JerryWeinberg说:is not what our product can fit.

(11:39:32)*citizen2yy与*JerryWeinberg说:then shall we develop a new product?

(11:40:12)*citizen2yy与*JerryWeinberg说:but a new development will cost much more

(11:42:09)*rachel_33546716与*JerryWeinberg说:prof,do you think it's fit to described for uml of the office software?

(11:43:05)*citizen2yy与*JerryWeinberg说:we developed a new model of custom-include development. that means one custom pay fot a feature

(11:43:12)*citizen2yy与*JerryWeinberg说:and got all feature..

(11:43:39)*citizen2yy与*JerryWeinberg说:one pay for 1 feature and get all..

(11:44:09)*rachel_33546716与*JerryWeinberg说:prof,do you think that UML is the right way to describe...

(11:45:20)PAUL与*JerryWeinberg说:Tool's just tool,so u want to give our spirit.


(11:47:54)VoiceOfWeinberg与*JerryWeinberg说:prof,how can we predict the change of requirements in our development process-

(11:48:27)VoiceOfWeinberg与*JerryWeinberg说:and without getting struck in our engineering?


(11:51:00)*citizen2yy与*shiningxyy说:give us some advice...:)

(11:52:16)*rachel_33546716对*shiningxyy摇了摇头:but prof donn't answer my Q:(




(11:53:50)*shiningxyy与*JerryWeinberg说:rachel_33546716 asks that you haven't answer his question.:)

(11:53:51)PAUL与*rachel_33546716说:any question?


(11:54:31)*rachel_33546716对*shiningxyy摇了摇头:prof,do you think that UML is the right way to describe...

(11:56:03)*shiningxyy与*JerryWeinberg说:yes, Americans encourage making one's own decisions. right.

(11:56:39)*flybean与所有人说:It seems that UML becoming a program language. How about your thought?

(11:58:39)*shiningxyy与所有人说:ok. does there anyone have anymore quesions? time is limited.


(11:59:28)VoiceOfWeinberg与*JerryWeinberg说:Yes, thank you very much!

(11:59:35)[*umlchina_seminar]与VoiceOfWeinberg说:thank you!

(11:59:35)*shiningxyy与*JerryWeinberg说:thank you. thank you very much! Professsor.

(11:59:36)PAUL与*JerryWeinberg说:very helpful for me. Thanks.


(11:59:48)[*umlchina_seminar]与VoiceOfWeinberg说:take care, prof.


(11:59:56)*shiningxyy与*JerryWeinberg说:see you


(12:00:12)*flybean与所有人说:thanks Weinberg


(12:00:19)PAUL与*JerryWeinberg说:Your Chinese is also very professional.



(12:00:40)*shiningxyy与所有人说:yes, especially "xiexie"














(12:02:19)PAUL与*shiningxyy说:we want to hear your voice.


(12:02:28)*shiningxyy与所有人说:呵呵,next time

(12:02:49)*shiningxyy与所有人说:there is something wrong with my mc this moring.

(12:03:01)*rachel_33546716与*shiningxyy说:ok,it's time to lunch.


(12:03:12)*rachel_33546716与*shiningxyy说:see u again.

(12:03:28)*shiningxyy与所有人说:yes. wish to meet everyone soon next time:)

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