This article will show the steps for installing Python on Ubuntu Operating System.


I have created a virtual machine with Ubuntu Operating system 8.10 and this installing process also works with upgraded version of Ubuntu OS.

我已经使用Ubuntu操作系统8.10创建了一个虚拟机,并且此安装过程也适用于Ubuntu OS的升级版本。

For installing Python we need to download Python on our operating system and then install it.


Creating and installing Ubuntu on Oracle VirtualBox can be seen from my blog i.e. :

可以从我的博客中看到在Oracle VirtualBox上创建和安装Ubuntu,即: http : //

Below are the details steps for installation assuming that we have installed Ubuntu OS :

假设我们已经安装了Ubuntu OS,以下是安装的详细步骤:

Step 1) Open Ubuntu from Oracle VirtualBox (Note: we can also use VMware instead of Oracle VirtualBox):

步骤1)从Oracle VirtualBox打开Ubuntu(注意:我们也可以使用VMware代替Oracle VirtualBox):

Step 2) Navigate to 'Application' then click on  'Accessories' and finally open a new 'Terminal':

步骤2)导航到“应用程序”,然后单击“附件” ,最后打开一个新的“终端”

Step 3) Type 'sudo su' and keep it aside, so in the mean while we can download Python:

步骤3)输入'sudo su'并将其放在一边,因此在此期间我们可以下载Python:

Step 4) Open Mozilla Firefox and go to Python official web site i.e.

步骤4)打开Mozilla Firefox,然后转到Python官方网站,即 :

Step 5) Navigate to Download tab and download Python :

步骤5)导航至“ 下载”选项卡并下载Python:

Download the latest version:


Once clicked on the link we will be asked to either open it or save it as like below:


Click 'OK' :


Step 6) Go to your desktop and extract the file there(you can also choose your own folder or path where you want to extract but here I am extracting it on the desktop ):


Step 7)  Now go to the terminal opened earlier and go to the desktop path where Python file is been extracted:


Step 8) Then type './configure' and hit enter:


Step 9) Type 'make' and hit enter:

步骤9)输入“ make”,然后按Enter:

Step 10) Now finally type 'sudo make altinstall' and hit enter:

步骤10)现在,最后输入'sudo make altinstall'并按Enter键:

Step 11) Let us verify if the installation is done successfully or not, for doing this open another 'Terminal' and type 'python' and hit enter:

步骤11)让我们验证安装是否成功完成,为此打开另一个“ Terminal”并键入“ python”并按Enter:

Finally we can see that we have installed Python on Ubuntu operating system. Let us write a simple program to print 'Hello Sloba' :

最后,我们可以看到我们已经在Ubuntu操作系统上安装了Python。 让我们编写一个简单的程序来打印“ Hello Sloba”

To exit from Python we can type 'exit()' as like below:


Now starting programming in Python on Ubuntu operating system.




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