vim 自带教程命令

vim, short for Vi Improved is a command-line text editor that is used for creating and viewing text files. In this vim tutorial, you are going to learn useful tips in using the vim text editor. Without much ado, let’s jump right in.

viVi改进的缩写, vim是一个命令行文本编辑器,用于创建和查看文本文件。 在本vim教程中,您将学习有关使用vim文本编辑器的有用提示。 事不宜迟,让我们直接进入。

Vim模式 (Vim modes)

vim has 2 modes; insert mode and command mode.

vim有2种模式; 插入模式和命令模式。

  1. Insert mode allows you to enter text into the text file like you would in a normal file editor.插入模式使您可以像在普通文件编辑器中一样在文本文件中输入文本。
  2. Normal mode gives you the power to navigate and make modifications to the text.普通模式使您能够导航和修改文本。

To navigate between the 2 modes, use the ESC character or i .


Once you open a text file you get into normal mode. To change to insert mode and start typing or inserting text, press the letter i on your keyboard.

打开文本文件后,您将进入普通模式。 要更改为插入模式并开始输入或插入文本,请按键盘上的字母i

To go back again to command mode, hit the Esc key.


插入方式 (Insert mode)

Insert mode allows you to interact with the text. For example, you can enter text, delete text and navigate up and down, left or right.
Once you’ve opened a text file using vim editor, you immediately land in command mode.

插入模式使您可以与文本进行交互。 例如,您可以输入文本,删除文本以及上下左右导航。

To enter into Insert mode and start inserting text, follow the command below.


插入文字 (Inserting text)

Press i key to insert text at the current cursor position.


Press a key to insert text one character after the current position of the cursor.


Press A key to insert text at the end of the current line.


Press o key to insert text on a new line below the current line.


Press O key to insert text on a new line above the current line.


删除文字 (Deleting text)

Press s key to delete the current letter on the cursor and insert text.


Press S key to delete the current line and insert text.


vim命令模式下的命令 (Commands in vim command mode)

Let’s now look at the command mode. Arguably, this is the mode that you can perform most of the operations.

现在让我们看一下命令模式。 可以说,这是您可以执行大多数操作的模式。

在命令模式下导航(上/下,左/右) (Navigating in command mode (up/down, left/right))

To navigate up/down, left/right use the keys h, j, k, and l.


k – Moves the cursor up by one line.

k –将光标向上移动一行。

j – Moves the cursor down by one line.

j –将光标向下移动一行。

l – Moves the cursor to the right by one character

l –将光标向右移动一个字符

h – Moves the cursor to the left by one character

h –将光标向左移动一个字符

In command mode, you can also navigate to the beginning and end of a line/file. Let’s dive into the commands for achieving this.

在命令模式下,您也可以导航到行/文件的开头和结尾。 让我们深入了解实现此目的的命令。

在命令模式下导航到行/文件的开头和结尾 (Navigating to the beginning and end of a line/file in command mode)

^ – Moves the cursor to the beginning of a line

^ –将光标移动到行首

$ – Moves the cursor to the end of a line

$ –将光标移动到行尾

1G – Moves the cursor to the beginning of a file.

1G –将光标移动到文件的开头。

G – Moves the cursor to the end of a file

G –将光标移到文件末尾

nG – Moves the cursor to the start of line number “n” in the file

nG –将光标移动到文件中行号“ n”的开头

搜索和替换文字 (Searching and replacing text)

Command mode also gives the user the ability to search and replace text in a file


To search for text in a file, press the ESC key and use the / (forward slash) followed by the search term e.g

要在文件中搜索文本,请按ESC键并使用/ (forward slash)后跟搜索词,例如


To search backwards in the text file, again press the ESC key and use the ? followed by the search term e.g

要向后搜索文本文件,请再次按ESC键,然后使用? 后跟搜索词,例如


If you want to search a string and replace it with another string in the file, use the syntax



For example, if we want to search the string Linux and replace it with Unix from Line 1 to line 3 in code>linuxgeek.txt file , the command will be

例如,如果我们要搜索字符串Linux并在代码> linuxgeek.txt文件中从第1行到第3行将其替换为Unix ,则命令将为

:1,3 s/Linux/Unix/g

The /g ensures that all instances of the search string are replaced within the specified range. If you omit the /g option, only the first instance in each line will be replaced.

/g确保在指定范围内替换搜索字符串的所有实例。 如果省略/g选项,则仅替换每行中的第一个实例。

复制和粘贴文字 (Copying and pasting text)

Vim also gives you the ability to copy and paste text within the file.


Copying text
To copy a string and paste it at another location in a file follow the steps below


  1. Move the cursor to the beginning of the string or text将光标移到字符串或文本的开头
  2. Type v on your keyboard and press cursor forward to highlight text在键盘上键入v并向前按光标以突出显示文本
  3. Once you get to the end of text , hit y short for yank , to copy the text到达文本末尾时,按y代表yank即可复制文本
  4. Move the cursor to the location you want to paste the copied text将光标移到要粘贴复制的文本的位置
  5. Hit p short for paste, to paste the copied content点击p表示粘贴,以粘贴复制的内容

Additionally, you can use the commands below for copying lines.


y$ – Copies text from current position to the end of the line

y$ –将文本从当前位置复制到行尾

yy – Copies the entire line

yy –复制整行

4yy – Copies 4 lines below

4yy –复制以下4行

剪切/删除文字 (Cutting/Deleting text)

If you want to delete a single character in command mode, hit the key x


To delete a word, place the cursor in front of the word and hit dw


To delete text from the current word to the end of the line hit d$


To delete or cut the entire line hit dd


You can delete a number of lines by preceding the dd command with a number. For example, to delete 3 lines including the current line, run 3dd

您可以通过在dd命令前添加数字来删除多行。 例如,要删除包括当前行的3行,请运行3dd

保存并退出vim编辑器 (Saving and Quitting vim Editor)

Below are different ways that you can use to quit the vim editor.


:wq – To save changes and quit the vim editor

:wq –保存更改并退出vim编辑器

:q! – To quit without saving changes

:q! –退出而不保存更改

:x or :exit or :e– To save and exit where changes exist

:x:exit:e –保存并退出存在更改的位置

结语 (Wrapping up)

We hope that you found this tutorial insightful. Feel free to take a test run on your editor and leave us feedback.

希望您对本教程有所了解。 随时在您的编辑器上进行测试,并给我们提供反馈。


vim 自带教程命令

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