
by Richard Yang

理查德·杨(Richard Yang)

我是如何从0设计经验转变为在12个月内从事全职工作的 (How I went from 0 design experience to landing a full time job in 12 months)

四分之一人生危机 (A quarter life crisis)

Gather around kids, It was the summer of 2015 in the middle of nowhere. I was interning at an agricultural company as an ergonomics consultant (basically filling out fancy checklists and not applying anything I learned in school).

聚集孩子们,那是2015年夏天,茫茫人海中。 我当时在一家农业公司实习,当时是人机工程学顾问(基本上填写花哨的清单,不运用我在学校学到的任何东西)。

I remember sitting at my desk opening the Facebook app then closing it for the 8th time thinking, “Oh great, Chad just posted another photo of himself drinking free beer at work #startuplife #technology #imakemoremoneythanyou.”

我记得当时坐在我的办公桌上打开Facebook应用程序,然后第八次关闭它,想着:“哦,太棒了,乍得刚刚发布了另一张自己在工作时喝免费啤酒的照片#startuplife #technology #imakemoremoneythanyou。”

Seeing my attempts to roll my eyes back even further becoming more and more futile, I left work earlier and started thinking about what I could do to be more like Chad.


Well obviously the best way to get into tech would be to be an “idea person” and find a group of developers to just code the whole thing (self cringe flashback).


In a flash of sudden brilliance (or so I thought at the time), I decided to create an app called “Joinmi”, where you could meet up with friends and strangers.

一时之间,我决定突然创建一个名为“ Joinmi”的应用程序,在那里您可以与朋友和陌生人见面。

It’s kind of like Uber for Tinder x SMS, and was bound to be the next Facebook #icanhandletheideaside. I’m not sure what possessed me at the time, but I was damn sure this was a million dollar startup idea (spoilers: it wasn’t).

就像Uber for Tinder x SMS一样,注定是下一个Facebook #icanhandletheideaside 。 我不确定当时拥有什么,但我确定这是一个价值一百万美元的创业想法(破坏者:不是)。

一个糟糕的启动想法 (A terrible startup idea)

Turns out my “Uber for X” analogy, and pen sketches on the back of a takeout napkin didn’t communicate my idea that well.

证明了我的“ Uber for X”比喻,外卖餐巾纸背面的钢笔素描不能很好地传达我的想法。

I decided to look for some sort of design tool to accomplish my needs. I ended up using the free trial of Moqups to create a #lit design.

我决定寻找某种设计工具来满足我的需求。 我最终使用Moqups的免费试用版创建了#lit设计。

Feeling confident about my wireframes, I spammed every tech person I knew and attempted to pitch my idea. No idea how I’m still friends with most of them.

我对自己的线框充满信心,因此向认识的每个技术人员发送了垃圾邮件,并试图提出自己的想法。 不知道我怎么仍然是他们中的大多数朋友。

After getting blocked a few times and a whole lot of persistence, one of my friends decided to help me out(? Jay). He said, “It’s a good idea — but I’d need more than just wireframes. Create some mockups and I’ll see what I can do.

在几次被阻拦并坚持不懈之后,我的一位朋友决定帮助我(? Jay) 。 他说:“这是个好主意-但我不仅需要线框,还需要更多。 创建一些模型,我将看到可以做什么。

I didn’t know what user interface design was, so the concept of a “mockup” was foreign to me at a time. With a bit of research, I ended up using Sketch, as my tool of choice.

我不知道什么是用户界面设计,因此“模型”的概念一次对我来说是陌生的。 经过一些研究,我最终选择了Sketch作为我的选择工具。

Luckily, I decided to give design a shot instead of trying to find a designer to just do it for me. Once I opened the program for the first time I immediately immersed myself into the world of layers, shapes, colors, and bad typography.

幸运的是,我决定尝试一下设计,而不是试图找一个设计师为我做。 第一次打开该程序后,我立即将自己沉浸在层,形状,颜色和不良印刷术的世界中。

I spent my entire day at work watching tutorials, and reading design articles — averaging 4–6 hours a day. Despite keeping this up until the end of my internship, I didn’t really get that good (see below).

我一整天都在工作,观看教程和阅读设计文章,平均一天4-6个小时。 尽管一直坚持到实习期结束,但我并没有真正得到这么好的帮助(见下文)。

赌博 (The gamble)

Fast forward to when my internship had ended, and I’d moved back to university. I had put Joinmi on the back burner after I figured out how much work it was, and how bad I was at design.

快到我的实习期结束时,我又回到了大学。 我弄清Joinmi的工作量以及设计的糟糕程度后,便将其放到了后面。

At this point in life I was a 3rd year university student studying some random major I picked when I was 18 thinking it’d be “passion”. After being given the three career options of “doctor, lawyer, and accountant”, I planned to pursue medicine and fulfil the dream of every Asian parent.

在生命的这一点上,我是一名3年级大学生,当时我学习了我18岁时认为是“激情”的随机专业。 在获得了“医生,律师和会计师”三种职业选择之后,我计划追求医学并实现每个亚洲父母的梦想。

As the semester progressed, although I never paid attention in lectures to begin with, I found myself opening Sketch instead of Steam and reading design articles instead of Reddit.


Soon it was time to look for the next internship. While browsing like the 10 job postings available for my major, I stumbled upon a few UX design jobs that didn’t have a significant requirements.

很快该找下一个实习了。 在浏览本专业可用的10个职位时,我偶然发现了一些对需求没有太大要求的UX设计职位。

However, I decided to just go for the “safe” jobs I had applied to in the past, thinking I wasn’t even remotely qualified for a real design job.


About 48 hours before all applications closed, I had my second quarter-life crisis of the week, and decided to just go for it after some convincing from my S/O and friends.

在所有应用程序关闭前约48小时,我经历了本周的第二个季度生活危机,在我的S / O和朋友说服了我之后,我决定去解决它。

Given that I had less than 48 hours to “go for it”, I decided to create a portfolio as quick as possible. Powered by a concoction of coffee, insomnia, and passion(?), I chose to skip all the lectures for the week and not sleep. Somehow I managed to scrap something together in the nick of time.

考虑到我只有不到48个小时的时间去做,我决定尽快创建一个投资组合。 在咖啡,失眠和激情的共同作用下,我选择跳过本周的所有讲座,而不是睡觉。 不知何故,我设法在短时间内将一些东西凑在一起。

第四幕:重大突破 (Act IV: The big break)

After waiting for a few weeks, the clouds parted and the stars aligned, granting me a couple design interviews.


With such a rare chance in hand, I decided to skip all lectures, drop all extracurriculars, and dedicate every waking moment on interview preparations. I think slept 2–4 hours a day for the most part.

有了这样一个难得的机会,我决定跳过所有讲座,放弃所有课外活动,并把每一次醒来的时间都花在面试准备上。 我认为大部分时间每天要睡2-4小时。

During interview prep, I focused on understanding the various disciplines in design, the definition of user experience, and common design principles and tools.


I also paid special attention to every single user interface I interacted with on a daily basis. I focused on understanding their design, and identifying gaps in the user experience.

我还特别注意了每天与之交互的每个用户界面。 我专注于了解他们的设计,并确定用户体验方面的差距。

I was practicing and reading while eating, on the toilet, and in bed until 2AM every night. I tried to absorb as much as humanly possible to increase my chances.

每天晚上2点之前,我在进餐,上厕所和床上时都在练习和阅读。 我试图尽可能地吸收人类以增加机会。

I’m not sure how effective it was, but I would take screenshots of mobile apps, and try to recreate the entire UI from scratch inside Sketch while thinking about their design decisions.


A little bit of obsession is part of the recipe for success.


Of course, I was immediately rejected from most companies once they found out I had like 3 weeks of design experience.


Despite most of my portfolio pieces looking terrible, I managed to land an internship at a reputable software company.


I also somehow managed to pass the technical skills interview, which involved recreating a UI in Photoshop. I’m pretty sure I was Googling how to do things several times during the test.

我还设法通过了技术技能面试,其中涉及在Photoshop中重新创建UI。 我很确定自己在测试过程中多次搜寻Google的操作方法。

感觉像冒名顶替者 (Feeling like an imposter)

After confirming that this wasn’t a dream, I was terrified thinking about how incompetent I’d be on my first day.


I spent the next few months grinding like hell. I started sleeping less, and skipping out on anything non-design related. I figured it was better to whole ass one thing, than to half ass multiple things.

在接下来的几个月里,我像地狱一样磨。 我开始少睡一会儿,然后跳过任何与设计无关的事情。 我认为,总的来说一件事情要比半个屁股的事情要好。

I think I circled around the block like 10 times before working up the courage to go into the office on my first day. Despite all the hard work I put in, I still didn’t feel qualified for the job.

我想我在第一天就要鼓起勇气进入办公室,然后绕着街区转了十圈。 尽管我付出了所有辛勤的工作,但我仍然没有资格胜任这份工作。

At first, I didn’t have too much complicated work to do — most of it was simple UI tweaks. However, the feeling of not making a huge impact at work struck a chord with me.

最初,我没有太多复杂的工作要做-其中大部分是简单的UI调整。 但是,没有对工作产生巨大影响的感觉使我感到震惊。

This motivated me to work harder, going above and beyond each project. Despite all this, I was having doubts about breaking into the design field.

这促使我更加努力地工作,超越了每个项目。 尽管如此,我还是对进入设计领域感到怀疑。

It sounded insane on paper, giving up years of studying to pursue something I knew nothing about. At this point, it wasn’t about getting free beer at work, or making it rain — I just wanted to design things.

在纸上听起来很疯狂,放弃了多年的学习去追求我一无所知的东西。 在这一点上,这不是要在工作中免费喝啤酒,也不是要下雨—我只是想设计东西。

Meanwhile on the parental side, my parents saw this as an hobby, and that I’d still go onto become a doctor as planned.


I ended up making a deal with them where I’d focus on design for an entire year, and if I didn’t have any meaningful results by the end of it, I’d quit.


磨 (The Grind)

I lived my entire life without understanding what it meant to be passionate about something. I had always assumed that passion was some inherently magical fuel that successful people were just born with.

我一生都没有明白对某件事充满热情意味着什么。 我一直认为,激情是成功人士与生俱来的内在魔力。

I thought I was “passionate” about what I was studying. I believed that as a average person, the extent of passion involved having a mild interest during lectures, and reading the occasional scientific journal.

我以为自己对所学内容“充满热情”。 我相信,作为一个普通人,激情的程度涉及到在演讲期间有轻微的兴趣,并偶尔阅读科学杂志。

After being immersed in design for several months, I found out that I had been wrong all this time. Passion must be discovered. Passion is when you give up sleep, skip meals, forgo a social life — just to fit a few more design hours into the day.

在沉迷于设计几个月后,我发现我一直都错了。 必须发现激情。 激情是当您放弃睡眠,不进餐,放弃社交生活时–只是为了适应一天中更多的设计时间。

There were countless nights, where I’d get a flash of inspiration, open up Sketch, and then within a blink of an eye hear my morning alarm.


If you’re curious, this is roughly what I did for over a year:


  • read 10 design articles a day每天阅读10篇设计文章
  • create at least 1 new user interface screen a day每天创建至少1个新的用户界面屏幕
  • go to 1 hackathon every weekend (give or take a few)每个周末参加一次黑客马拉松(给或参加几次)
  • design at least 10 hours each day每天至少设计10个小时
  • take on every possible design opportunity available (not matter what it is)承担所有可能的设计机会(不管它是什么)

Some of the things I did that I felt were most useful include:


  • downloading Sketch UI kits (starting with native iOS & Android) to re-create from scratch

    下载Sketch UI套件(从本机iOS和Android开始 )以从头开始重新创建

  • re-creating mockups inside Sketch from popular app screenshots从流行的应用程序屏幕截图中重新创建Sketch中的模型
  • critiquing commonly used apps like Yelp, Uber, Facebook, and coming up with alternative design solutions for specific problems and/or personas评估Yelp,Uber,Facebook等常用应用,并针对特定问题和/或角色提出替代设计解决方案
  • examining design case studies like user onboard


  • the 100 Day UI Challenge (ended up doing this several times)

    100天用户界面挑战赛 (结束了几次)

I also went through several online courses. Some of these are paid, but I had a lot of spare money once I stopped going out:

我还参加了一些在线课程。 其中一些是有偿的,但是一旦我停止外出活动,我就有很多闲钱:

  • Udacity’s product design course by Google


  • Design + Code by Meng To

    设计+代码由Meng To

  • Coursera’s Interaction Design Immersive


  • Interaction Design Foundation Design Courses


I found hackathons to be particularly valuable for new designers. You learn how to prioritize, work with a multi-disciplinary team, and try new ideas.

我发现骇客马拉松对新设计师特别有价值。 您将学习如何确定优先级,与多学科团队合作以及尝试新想法。

Protip: when passing along specs to developers, do not shout them across the room like I did — use Invision Inspect, Zeplin, or other similar tools out there.

Protip:将规范传递给开发人员时,请勿像我一样在整个房间中大喊大叫-使用Invision Inspect,Zeplin或其他类似工具。

I don’t think there was an exact moment I could pinpoint, but over the course of several months I got better and better. I was making much more impact at work, and producing solid work.

我认为没有确切的时刻可以确定,但是在几个月的过程中,我变得越来越好。 我在工作中产生了更大的影响,并产生了扎实的工作。

This led to me getting assigned a large and challenging project that was probably too advanced for me at the time. In the face of uncertainty, this was what I needed to push myself and become a better designer.

这导致我被分配了一个大型且具有挑战性的项目,这在当时可能对我来说太先进了。 面对不确定性,这就是我推动自己并成为更好的设计师所需要的。

It’s rare to be one hundred percent prepared for opportunities in life anyways. So I buckled down and kept refining the solution over and over again through multiple rounds of testing and review. Each Sketch file got so large that I had to create new ones to avoid lag. I wanted to make sure I made every possible mistake before the design made it to production.

无论如何,百分百地为生活中的机会做好准备是很少的。 因此,我坚持下来,并通过多轮测试和审查不断地完善解决方案。 每个Sketch文件都很大,以至于我不得不创建新文件以避免延迟。 我想确保在设计投入生产之前,我犯了所有可能的错误。

It wasn’t a simple task at all. I remember the first time design presentation I gave involved a lot of awkward sweating and stuttering.

这根本不是一个简单的任务。 我记得我进行的第一次设计演示涉及很多尴尬的出汗和口吃。

After the internship ended, I transitioned into part-time contract work while going to school. I had five classes that semester, but went to none of them.

实习结束后,我上学时转为兼职合同工作。 这个学期我有五节课,但都没有上。

One thing I did notice was that I could no longer focus in class. Sitting through 10 minutes of lecture was like pulling teeth.

我注意到的一件事是,我不能再专注于课堂了。 坐了10分钟的讲座就像在拔牙。

However, I did end up clocking about 20–40 of contract work each week. I was certain that I wanted to become a designer, and nothing else.

但是,我确实每周要安排约20-40个合同工作。 我确定自己想成为一名设计师,仅此而已。

After the contract was up, my biggest concern was whether or not I would be able to secure a full-time job upon graduation. Kind of jumped the gun a little, but I ended up applying to around 100 jobs over the next weekend.

合同签订后,我最担心的是毕业后是否能够找到一份全职工作。 有点枪,但我最终在下个周末申请了大约100个工作。

Interviewing at tech companies is arduous, most involves several rounds and a take hold design challenge. I ended up treating them as practice, as I was met with almost all rejections.

高科技公司的采访工作艰巨,其中大多数涉及几轮工作,也牵扯到设计挑战。 我最终将它们视为实践,因为几乎所有的拒绝都使我感到震惊。

One thing I did that helped motivate me was to print out all the rejections I received, and nail them to a wall as a reminder to work harder (inspired by Stephen King’s philosophy in “On Writing”).

我所做的有助于激励我的一件事是,打印出我收到的所有拒绝,并将它们钉在墙上,以提醒人们更努力地工作(受到斯蒂芬·金在《 写作中 》中的启发)。

“The nail in my wall would no longer support the weight of the rejection slips impaled upon it. I replaced the nail with a spike and kept on writing.”- Stephen King

“我墙上的钉子将不再支撑刺穿在其上的拒绝单的重量。 我用钉子钉了钉子,然后继续写字。”-斯蒂芬·金

Sometimes it ends up being a numbers game, and you have to create your own luck. After over 80 rejections, I managed to land a great job, had some VISA issues, and ended up having to look for jobs again, rinse and repeat until I ended up at my current company.

有时它最终会变成数字游戏,您必须创造自己的运气。 经过80多次拒绝之后,我设法找到了一份出色的工作,遇到了一些VISA问题,最终不得不再次寻找工作,反复冲洗,直到我回到目前的公司为止。

Two years later (after editing and republishing this article), I’m almost a year in my new job and can confidently say Joinmi is absolutely a terrible idea, but I’m glad it brought me to where I am today.


As a side hustle since then I’ve started orgamiUI (follow on Instagram @origamiuishop and @richard.ux). I goal of origamiUI is to help new designers develop the UI and visual design skills needed to land their first job.

从那时起,我一直忙于开始orgamiUI (在Instagram @origamiuishop和@ richard.ux上关注 )。 origamiUI的目标是帮助新设计师发展UI和视觉设计技能,以完成他们的第一份工作。

I plan to package educational UI kits with a structured breakdown of each source file to help new designers learn the platform and tool specific nuances of design.


This is still a bit of a work in progress — so feel free to email me (hi@origamiui.com) with feedback and suggestions on how I can improve these educational kits.

这项工作仍在进行中-请随时给我发送电子邮件( hi@origamiui.com ),以向我发送有关如何改进这些教育工具包的反馈和建议。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/0-100-from-no-experience-to-a-6-figure-sf-design-job-in-12-months-cd7546034077/



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